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Funny / Iron Oxide

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  • Sonic is well-known for being the witty, wise-cracking hero of the Sonic the Hedgehog games, and this story does well in maintaining that. Examples include these lines:

    • "Hey, look! It's the talking tin can that thinks it's me."

    • "Hey scrambled eggs! Since when has anything you ever made actually obeyed you?"

    • "Because the only way to win this game is to not play."

    • "How useful. I'm sure this puny cable will make a great boat."

    • "Oh no. This look. I know this look. You're going to try and science me now, aren't you?"

  • Dr. Eggman Nega rants his frustrations over not being able to spy on Sonic and Metal to a silent Egg Pawn. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

  • In an attempt to comfort Sonic, Metal makes a terrible joke about "light" water being called "gluon-free." Despite how awful the joke is, it does actually work in comforting Sonic.

  • When Sonic's and Metal's relationship enters a more romantic state, Metal asks if they are "upgraded friends."

  • In that same chapter, Sonic is about to kiss Metal when Professor Von Schlemmer barges in at the worst time. Sonic is very flustered when this happens.

  • This entire exchange:
    Von Schlemmer: "Oh, and that is your breakfast. Go ahead and eat it. I'll be back before you can say Streichholzschächtelchen!"

    Metal: "Streich...hocl—what? How can he expect me to say that without my dictionary data? Is this some kind of test? Perhaps he wishes for me to learn?"

    Sonic: "You're giving him too much credit. I don't think even he knows."

    Metal: "Perhaps. He is a very odd man."

  • When Sonic tells Professor Von Schlemmer he absolutely does not need to explain everything, what does Von Schlemmer do? He explains everything.
