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Funny / Foundation

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  • The end of the psychic confrontation between the Mule and the First Speaker in Second Foundation, which will decide the fate of the galaxy, ends with a line more commonly associated with the performance of cheap card tricks:
    Slowly, the Mule bowed his head, as anger and despair cornered his mind completely. "Yes. Too late - Too late - Now I see it."
    "Now you see it," agreed the First Speaker, "and now you don't."

  • In Foundation and Earth, Golan Trevize finds the Alphan music concert with the physical scraping and blowing instruments (instead of using computers like you're supposed to) is not as bad as he expected.. until the climax, when an old guy comes out and start pumping away on an accordion.

  • This line from Prelude to Foundation:
    "A flunky (as coolly impolite as only an arrogant flunky can be) came to take Raych to where Rashelle was awaiting him."
