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Yes, even the (arguably) darkest installment in the whole franchise isn't immune to the usual series hijinks.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • During a battle, if a character gets KO'ed in the middle of performing a command, that character will then get up, hurry back to their spot, and hurl themselves back onto the ground.
  • Everything about Kefka, particularly his first appearance. He and a pair of soldiers are hiking in the middle of Figaro Desert when he stops and forces them to dust off his boots.
    Kefka: Ahem! There's SAND on my boots!
    • "Son of a submariner! They'll pay for this..." (In the GBA version, it's "Son of a sandworm! You'll pay for this!")
    • When Sabin is chasing after Kefka in Doma, telling him to stop.
      Kefka: "Wait," he says... ...Do I look like a waiter?
    • From the GBA version: "There is a reason 'oppose' rhymes with 'dispose!'"
    • Probably the last genuinely funny moment in the World of Balance: During the peace negotiations, Kefka comes bouncing in through the north part of town. On his order, three Magitek suits march in. As the first one turns around, its claw-arm clotheslines Kefka, sending him into the air with a startled look on his face. The troopers line up in formation...and tentatively step closer, wondering if they really did any serious damage to Kefka. He pops up, shakes it off, and totally acts like he didn't get clotheslined by his own subordinate.
    • Kefka's reaction to getting stabbed. "I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE YOU!!" The Pixel Remaster changes it into a rant that spans into three text boxes, but they auto-advance very, very fast.
  • Sketch is hilariously awful. All damage-related Sketches are bugged. You know how Sketching Kefka does Ultima? That does a paltry 2,500 damage or so...from freaking Ultima.
    • Not only that, but Sketch is only useful in unintended ways, such as obtaining lots of Economizers and Illuminas in the World of Balance.
  • Confused enemies can even Sneeze themselves off a battle, as absurd as that may seem.

World of Balance

  • When Terra meets Sabin for the first time. (Even better: The GBA version has Terra mistaking him for one of Vargas's bears.)
    Terra: [Woolsey translation] Younger brother? At first glance I thought he was some body builder who had strayed from his gym!
    Sabin: Body builder? [laughing] I'll...take that as a compliment.
    Terra: [GBA translation] At first, I thought you were another one of Vargas's bears...
    Sabin: You thought I was a...bear? [laughing] I guess I'll, uh...take that as a compliment!
  • Edgar and Locke finding out that Terra knows "M-M-M-M-MAGIC!?" While escaping from Figaro Castle, if you make Terra cast a spell (IE Cure or Fire) during the ensuing battle, Edgar and Locke will freak out and pause the entire fight to talk about it. After finishing the discussion, Terra winks at them, causing the men to swoon and sink into the text box.
  • Ultros' first appearance. He literally attacks the heroes for no reason and, in the Gameboy Advance translation, he lampshades it:
    "Gwee hee hee... You're up the creek without a paddle! And I'm not gonna let you through! ...does that make me a bad octopus?"
    • When he attacks Terra. You can also have Terra cast Fire on himnote  for an amusing line.
      "I want to wrap my tentacles around her!" / "Seafood soup is NOT on the menu!"
    • Ultros sending Sabin flying after their first encounter, and Sabin's stunned "What the...?!"
      Banon: You're his brother! You should know better than any of us. Any second now he'll flop back up onto the raft, right as rain!
      *Sabin goes flying*
      Banon: ... ...
      Edgar: Think he missed the "onto the raft" part...
    • The moment where Relm pops up during one of Ultros' boss battles and randomly offers to draw his portrait (Ultros being unaware that it's her mode of attack). Relm pretends to cry and even says that she'll jump off the cliff in the cave when Ultros nastily refuses her request. Terra and Locke stop fighting and actually scold Ultros for doing so, causing him to give in and let Relm "Sketch" him! The contrast between Ultros' realistic sprite just lying there motionlessly and staring into the ceiling, and the tiny, Super-Deformed sprites of your characters running circles around him, is pretty humorous (especially if you imagine Ultros thinking, Uh...can we get back to the fighting, please?)
      Ultros: ................Oh, all right, Uncle Ulty REALLY wants you to do his portrait!!! [Relm Sketches him] How can this be? I..I'm nothing more than a stupid octopus! [flees]
    • The last time you encounter Ultros, he declares, "No, really, this is our last battle trust me!"
  • Locke stealing clothes from merchants and Imperial soldiers in his scenario. Even funnier is that they run away in embarrassment.
  • Sabin's scenario:
    • When in the pub where you can enlist Shadow, talk to Interceptor. He barks, causing Sabin to leap with fright and immediately hide behind Shadow.
    • Cyan's complete ineptitude with the Magitek Armor. It's supposed to be intuitive, with ergonomic controls, accelerating, braking, what have you. Except...
      Cyan: Sir Sabin! It appears to be stuck in reverse! [doing spastic right-hand donuts]
      Sabin: Yeah, yeah... Come on!
      Soldier: [comes out of a tent] Hey! What do you think you're doing!?
      Cyan: Aaahhh! I cannot stop this monstrosity!!! [mows down several Imperial troopers]
      • Bonus points for getting Sabin to speak like him, with a curse cut short.
        Sabin: [Woolsey translation] Thou art such a royal pain in the...Confound it all, now I'm starting to talk like you!
        Sabin: [GBA translation] Oh, for...! Thou art getting to be quite a pain in the— Great, now I'm even starting to talk like you!
    • Everything about the encounter with Siegfried. He usually attacks before any of your characters can act, but not only is the damage pathetically weak, if one of the characters he hits is equipped with a Black Belt (or he attacks Shadow and provokes Interceptor), the counterattack will end the "boss" fight before you even select your first move.
    • By way of Good Bad Bugs: Due to an apparent oversight, the Phantom Train lacks the usual Contractual Boss Immunity to a number of attacks. This has led Sabin to become something of a Memetic Badass: As the now-infamous Noah Antwiler once memorably put it, MOTHERFUCKER SUPLEXED A TRAIN! (See also Tifa Suplexing Emerald Weapon in Funny/FinalFantasyVII.)
    • You see a waterfall:
      > Jump!
      > You crazy!? The fall will probably kill you!
    • Sabin and Cyan recruit Gau, who then makes fun of Cyan's speech, and calls Sabin "Mr. Thou".
      Sabin: Mr. Thou's that one — over THERE!
    • When Sabin takes Gau to meet the man whom Sabin believes is Gau's father. Make sure Edgar and Locke are also in the party. It adds a bit of a hilarious easter egg to the clothes-shopping scene.
      Cyan: "What a jaunty hat!"
  • The GBA version of Cyan meeting a dancer in the bar who flirts with him. "I call this one Humpty, and this one Dumpty!" Cyan is completely flabbergasted at first, then rants at the woman about the importance of modesty.
    • "Cyan! These flowers are gorgeous!" It becomes even funnier if Shadow, Mog, Gogo, Umaro, or Gau is your lead character. Heck, Relm too for that matter, given her personality.
  • Performing the Kutan glitch adds quite a bit of unintentional hilarity to the game. For example, when the party reunites in Narshe, Locke arrives and introduces some random Moogle as a former Imperial general... then Cyan flips out and accuses said Moogle of being an Imperial spy. The Opera Sequence is another highlight, especially considering that Kutan is apparently such a Master of Disguise that she dresses up and passes as a human not only for the duration of the opera, but for the entire rest of the game!
  • Speaking of the Opera Sequence, as much as you like to hear "Maria" sing in her pure, authentic Beautiful Singing Voice in the Pixel Remaster, there are some times when her vocals can go into Stylistic Suck. If you screw up the singing, you can actually hear her flub her lyric before getting into a yelp of panicked shock and embarrassment. This can only happen three times, but if you screw up the fourth and last time, she will fail miserably, leading to a Non-Standard Game Over.
  • The boat ride to Thamasa is fairly tense, with Terra having a conversation with Leo about her experiences in Vector and Leo's guilt over not helping her, and another with Shadow about the threat of deadening her emotions. After Terra goes below deck, Shadow is still standing there, and Locke suddenly rushes into the scene, horribly seasick. The music changes to "What?" and Locke starts puking over the side of the boat. Shadow awkwardly walks off without a word.

    Locke: [Woolsey translation] Not a word of this to anyone else, o shrouded one...
    Locke: [GBA translation] World's greatest treasure hunter... reduced to this...

  • If Edgar is the party inside Figaro Castle, a maid will still comment on how Edgar is lecherous towards every woman, only to notice that her liege is standing right in front of her.
  • The Auction House has a "real, talking chocobo" that you can't actually buy, as some filthy rich person will scoop it up for his spoiled son. By bidding a million gil to buy it out, then tells his son not to tell his mother about the purchase. Now keep in mind this scene can be rolled repeatedly if you're trying to fish for a certain item. Where does the kid keep all those chocobo?

World of Ruin

  • Remember the moment Ultros says it's your last battle with him? He's right, in the most ironic way possible: He's a lowly receptionist for the Dragon's Neck Colloseum in the World of Ruin. It's Hilarious in Hindsight when you realize he comes back in XIII-2 as a Superboss with Typhon in tow, and again in World of Final Fantasy in both Terra's and Celes' scenarios.
  • The Auction House survived the end of the world, and it's still running its daily auctions. So did the rich father and his kid! And there's new novelties that show up that you still can't buy.
    • The name of the airship model at the auction house is "1/1200 Airship". Rather, it's a 1/1200 scale model airship (most Japanese models are referred to as such as shorthand), but this was naturally confusing to some Anglo gamers. Someone on a Prodigy message board wondered whether if you bought 1200 of them, you'd get an actual airship. The fact it suspiciously looks like the Blackjack, Setzer's totaled airship, makes it darkly humorous.
    • Another item that can show up is a robot imp; as in the one from the Imp spell. It emotes for a couple of moments, and even bounces in-sync with the spoiled son. Once the buyout happens, the imp jumps off and falls flat on its back accompanied by the Confusion sound, as if it hit its head from the fall.
  • Mog ordering Umaro to join. A moogle ordering a big yeti to stop fighting and join his party, and the yeti obeys.
    • During the credits sequence with Mog, the floor gives way under his and Edgar’s feet. Edgar manages to climb to safety while Mog is hanging on for dear life, begging Edgar to save him (and because of the Sprite, it looks like Mog is holding onto the ledge with his nose). Edgar works a nearby crane and uses it to grab a surprised Mog, who complains about his hair getting messed up.
  • Including only one character in your party will cause many scenes to become unintentionally hilarious. For example, during the fight with Kefka at the sealed gate, your character will say something like "we have to hold him off" even though they're alone. The same thing happens after defeating Leviathan. The ultimate case is the final confrontation with Kefka: It's possible to have only one character make a speech (minus Umaro and Gogo, who are silent), but Kefka still responds with the same line as always, as though a whole crowd of people just finished talking at length.
  • Two Islands in the World of Ruin are shaped like male genitalia.
  • Edgar assumes the identity of "Gerad" in order to gain the trust of a group of bandits who are looking to break into Figaro Castle. Celes instantly sees through this Paper-Thin Disguise, but when called out on it, Gerad insists it's a case of mistaken identity. In the original English script, he refers to her as "My lady," and Celes retorts that there is only one person who uses that phrase. The Advance version is even more funny: Celes comments that only Edgar would try to flirt with a woman whom he was trying to shake off his tail.
  • The Brachiosaur, an enemy sought after because it sometimes drops the Celestriad (a.k.a. the Economizer), is strong against most magical attacks, making the usual strategy of hitting it with Flare or Ultima ineffective. However the dinosaur fittingly is weak against Meteor.
  • In the Ted Woolsey translation, the cast deliver a Patrick Stewart Speech to Kefka, who raises his fists to the heavens and yells, "You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet!", complete with the tense music being thrown out the window in favor of a goofier track. This line proved to be popular enough to be retained in the GBA enhanced port's new translation:
  • If Relm is recruited in the World of Ruin, but not Strago, her segment during the end credits consists of her badmouthing Celes, Edgar, and Setzer for overtaking her on a conveyor belt, then threatening to draw their portraits! Immediately afterward, the trio roll back into her, and she zooms past them, knocking them over like bowling pins.
  • During Gao's ending segment, he proceeds to jump off the cliffside to take a shortcut. While the execution is sloppy, it proves to be effective. He then proceeds to throw Celes off the cliff when she catches up, thinking the "shortcut" would work for her.
