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Funny / Fantasia

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"Mickey Mouse, Go to Your Room!"
Funny moments in Fantasia. For the 1999 version, see Fantasia 2000.
  • Yen Sid giving Mickey a whap on the behind with the broom! What makes it even better is if you pay close attention, Yen Sid betrays a little smirk right before he whaps Mickey, indicating that he thought the whole thing was Actually Pretty Funny.
    • Yen Sid's look throughout that bit is more of stern annoyance than anger.
  • Even before trying his hand at any magic, the very first thing Mickey does after donning the hat is cross his arms and scowl like his master.
  • Mickey dancing around the room after leaving the broom to do its job.
  • In The Rite of Spring, a Pteranodon snatches a squid from another Pteranodon, and the latter flies after the former. You can practically hear "Yoink!".
  • The "soundtrack" line imitating instruments. Especially the bassoon—"drop the other shoe, will ya?" and the drums. (The triangle at the very end makes it art).
    • *raspberry*
  • The black Pegasus foal is trying to fly like his siblings. He falls twice, the second time into a bunch of fruit. His mother gives an amused smile, nuzzles him, shakes the berries off him, and gets him back in the air. She shows him what he was doing wrong: he wasn't supporting his rear. Just as he starts to fall again, the Pegasus glares at his rump, grabs his tail and pulls it up to keep his bum in the air.
  • Trying to count how many times the Pegasus foals change color and increase or decrease in number.
  • Any shot starring Bacchus and his donkey.
  • The centaur males galloping into view somehow always seemed hilarious.
    • Similarly, there are the two appearances of the approaching hippo line at the end of Dance of the Hours, with a vibe of "Big Fun, coming through!"
  • Roy Disney and Mickey Mouse chatting on the commentary to The Sorcerer's Apprentice, talking about costumes and Mickey falling down the stairs repeatedly, the Brooms Union, bringing in more brooms from Warner Bros., and not using a stunt double.
  • The Dance Of The Hours sequence with Expys from La Gioconda. Hyacinth Hippo is Laura, Madame Upanova is La Gioconda, and Ben Ali Gator is Enzo. The whole thing is just hilarious.
    • During their dance, Hyacinth Hippo leaps into the air to land in Ali Gator's waiting arms. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
    • After Madame Upanova is flung into the air and slowly descends, she puts her legs down a little too late and falls on her behind. Then she quickly stands up regaining her composure.
    • The Door-Closes Ending bookend to the Open-Door Opening. The opening of the number is rather slow paced as the music slowly builds. The closing shot however caps off the manic finale with the doors closing so quickly they fall off their hinges.
  • Chernabog's going from Slasher Smile to a cross look of irritation when he hears the first church bell ringing. It's like he's realized his fun's over and he was just getting to the really good part...
