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  • Flowey's introduction ends with him giving his full name of "Flowey the Flower" to Hare and realizing it sounds stupid when he says it out loud.
  • Sans attempts to broach the topic of what happened to the Underground's Santa Claus (Asgore) as discretely as he can.
    Sans: i think i know who it was. an' let's just say he's a man who'd live up to a misspellin' of santa too.
  • The three principles of the Royal Guard's code: All humans will be dealt with appropriately, all human souls will be sent to the queen, and outside food is not allowed.
  • Undyne is annoyed by the renovations Papyrus has made to the Royal Guard headquarters, as it now manages to strike the perfect balance of looking tacky and edgy at the same time; the cheapness is irritating to her, yet she's still impressed by how intimidating it looks.
  • Toriel's method of replacing the Royal Scientist is laughably incompetent, as she picked Napstablook due to their hanging around the science lab often without checking to see if they actually had scientific experience.
  • During the epilogue phone call, Papyrus comments that everything turned out pretty well "ASIDE FROM THE... UNFORTUNATE REPETITION OF PAST EVENTS, ALMOST VERBATUM."

Vive La Révolution

Drama! Romance! Bloodshed!

  • When Hare walks up to Burgerpants while he's on break, the monster reflexively greets them like they're a fast-food customer before apologizing, as the sheer number of times he's said the same thing has made it a habit.
    Burgerpants: Welcome to Glamburger. Home of the Glamburger. What can I get you? ...Oh, fuck. Sorry little buddy, force of habit. I've been saying that 30 times an hour, 8 hours a day, every weekday for 6 years.note 

Neutral In Name Alone

  • Sans is stuck only being able to comminicate with Hare by phone. The first time he speaks to them, Hare asks who's talking; Sans tells them "the phone's ringing its bloody self, stop askin' so many questions" before calling them a dingus.

Sins of the Father
