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Funny / Expeditions: Rome

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  • While in Gallia late in the game, the Legate and their party are pursuing a clandestine group of legionaries who have been harassing them since their time in Egypt. They track one member to a hideout in Alesia, guarded by a "Gallic" man who speaks with a Roman accent (aptly named "Gaul?"), and who only allows you in if you can correctly answer his riddle, on pain of death. If you have Syneros in your party, he correctly answers the riddle, allowing the party to enter...but he doesn't stop there. Instead, he challenges the "Gaul" to answer a riddle of his own. When the man fails to answer correctly, Syneros kills him.
    Calida: What?!?
    Caeso: Syneros! What did you do, old man?!
    Syneros: Those were the rules.
    • No surprise, then, that the Legatus can "[Laugh until your sides hurt.]"
  • The options for game settings are full of snark from the devs, making it worthwhile to go through the options just to read it. Choice highlights includes warning that settings that protect against screen tears will not protect against physically tearing your screen (so keep your cat away) and if you're squeamish about dismemberment.
  • A random encounter in Act I consists of a bridal abduction, with the bride's family in hot pursuit. If the Legatus intervene to stop it, it seems straightforward enough - the groom cannot pay the dowry and the father insists on it. If you decide to side with the father and detain the groom, the father suddenly defends the groom because he will defend his future brother-in-law.
  • Another reveals your character to have an Absurd Phobia of foxes, describing their noises as "the laughter of the insane" and calling them "vicious". Assuming you don't choose to fight them off, the Legate has this to say:
    Wake up, people! Abandon camp and let the monsters take whatever they want!
  • Early in Act II, Calida is suspicious of the Egyptian guard who greets you at Lucullus' villa. Calida, being The Spymaster, expects a trap. Syneros begins to go on a tirade about women being deceptive by nature... even in front of a female Legatus.
    • When pressed, he admits that he does not see the Legatus as a woman. Caeso advises that he stop digging his own grave.
    • If asked by a female Legate if he thinks she's naturally deceptive, Syneros will suddenly decide it's probably best to drop the topic and that there's no harm in being a little cautious.
  • Lures, from the Sagittarius skill of the same name, inflict a small amount of damage, but requires no action point. This can often lead to an almost Loony Toons situation of a target (such as, say, Corvinus) taking a bunch of damage from blades, arrows, and so forth, only to be finished off by being bonked in the head with a hunting lure. Even more humiliating for the victim? It can critical hit, meaning the attacker makes a witty remark about it.
    Calida: Ooof, was that as painful as it looked?
  • Act II has cats as a Running Gag, which leads to all sorts of hilarity.
    • The Act itself opens with the Legatus having woken up from a dream. It can either be a nightmarish one involving a man with an upside down face... or cats.
    • At the Court of Heaven, you can go into a Mushroom Samba on behalf of a Berber shaman trying to make an afterlife travel guide. Within, you meet a giant cat. Who claims to be your past life. It Makes As Much Sense In Context.
    • Exemplified by Raia, whom the Legatus can at one point explicitly point out that how she came to the Temple of Ubaste (wandering, lost, until she basically moved into the temple) is extremely catlike. The head priestess agrees.
    • Said head priestess also demands you prove yourself before giving Raia's plan to deal with the Serapis festival her go-ahead. The Legatus is well aware of what it entails.
    The Legatus: Alright, I know where this is going. What do I have to do in order to earn your trust?''
    Bestia: Go forth, my feline fighters! Open that door for me!
    • "It's a live cat. Handle with care, feed liberally, and pet as often as possible."
    • A Random Event during Act II involves you finding a cat. If you attempt to pet it carefully, it eventually takes a slash at the Legatus and injures them. Your men find it hilarious, netting you a small approval boost.
    • The cats can even follow you into Act 3. The Legate's men blame Raia for having placed a curse on them, with one of them regretting that he didn't bring his dog.
    • In one of the Pacification missions in Act 3, when Orestes is giving you a briefing, the following exchange can happen:
    Orestes: Imagine legions of wild animals attacking our enemy.
    The Legatus: Thousands of cats!
    Orestes: What?
  • The background chatter of the game is always worth listening to, both for the ambience and for the downright hilarity that can be found.
    • Early in Act II, a new recruit is surprised to see Calida walking around, wondering when women could join up. Becomes doubly funny if the Legatus is a woman, given she was a minor celebrity for the previous campaign.
    • At the end of Act II, your men start to discuss what to do in the city. One of them wants to ''burn down the library of Alexandria''. When asked why, he has this to say:
      "Let's be real, history will not remember me for anything good. You don't want to be remembered as the man who burnt down the library of Alexandria?"
