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Funny / Every Frame A Pause Movies

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The EFAP crew and their guests enjoy some films and provide some hilarious riffs throughout.


    #1: Wish Upon 
  • MauLer, Rags, and Wolf absolutely lose it at the end of the film when Clare gets sent flying into a car's windshield, instantly killing her, after being hit by the SUV that almost hits her in the opening act of the film.
    #4, #5, #6: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 
  • All of the jokes regarding Gandalf and his love of pipeweed.
    #10: A Wrinkle in Time 
  • MauLer brings up Brie Larson's comments about 40-year-old white dudes reviewing the movie and how it wasn't made for them. He then comments that he, along with Rags and MetalCommander, probably won't like this movie, since they're white. However, their guests of color (JLongbone being black and Fringy being, well, green) would find it enjoyable. The whole episode has MauLer and Rags reminding them that they have to enjoy the movie as it was made for people of color like them. It doesn't work.
    MauLer (referring to getting Fringy into liking the movie): It's like poking him with a stick!
  • When Meg gets told by her parents that "love is always there, even if you don't feel it," JLongbone points out the Unfortunate Implications of that phrase for children with abusive parents. It gets taken a step further:
    MetalCommander: (Smack noise) DO YOU FEEL THE LOVE?! (Smack noise) DO YOU FEEL LOVED?! (Smack noise) DO YOU NOW?! (Smack noise) C'MON, STOP CRYING! (An overlay of Adolf Hitler appears with the text "STOP CRYING! Hitler, 1941".)
  • Early on, the crew notice Charles Wallace's similar appearance to a certain Jewish conservative commentator:
    JLongbone: Looks like little Ben Shapiro.
    Rags [imitating Ben Shapiro]: Facts don't care about your feelings. Did I tell you my wife's a doctor?
  • The crew die of laughter after seeing Reese Witherspoon's character transform into a flying cabbage ... thing during the characters' arrival in that fantasy planet. Really, their reactions to that whole sequence.
    MauLer: This 5 gum has been spiked.
    Rags: Oh, my God, MISS FRIZZLE GAVE ME LSD!
  • After Oprah's character gives some exposition about the It (which the crew call Space AIDS) and how it's responsible for all the bad things in the world, they point out some more Unfortunate Implications:
    Rags: Oh, my God, this means that Hitler actually did nothing wrong.
    Mauler: Yeah, it was Space AIDS.
  • As the movie's credits begin rolling, Fringy lets out his pent-up frustration with the whole thing:
    Fringy: What the—?! WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS MOVIE?!
    #12: Ghostbusters 2016 (Extended) with JLongbone, Critical Drinker and Weekend Warrior 
  • This episode's opening features a scene of two of the girl Ghostbusters dancing. However, before it gets cut off, a warning pops up on the screen, setting the tone for the whole video:
  • In one scene, Abby, possessed by Rowan's ghost, does a massive leap, which drives the crew into hysterics.
  • Even the editor (DasBoSchitt, who's a semi-regular guest on EFAP), gets in on the action at certain points as the episode skips through the various moments of people dancing. But when the big dance sequence comes up towards the end of the film, he decides that he's had enough and has a 3D rendering of his avatar shoot himself in the head.
    #13: Mulan 2008 and 2020 back to back with JLongbone and Moriarty 
  • The back to back reaction to Mulan and Mulan (2020) has many moments due to the genuine comedy of the former and the unintentional comedy of the latter.
  • The crew have finished watching the animated Mulan film which, apart from some jokes and a slight amount of criticism, they generally enjoyed. So when the time comes to watch the live-action remake, well...
    Moriarty: Do we have to watch the bad one?
    MetalCommander: Oh, man, I'm so tired. Oh, I think I have a heart attack.
  • The remake's scene in which Mulan is in the tent with half-naked men before the general comes in.
    General: I told you to line up for showers!
    Mulan: Showers?
    General: Showers!
    Rags: Line up for cock inspection!
  • As the enemies flee from 2020 Mulan who has now embraced her true identity:
    MetalCommander: Oh, no! A woman! Quickly! Flee!
    Rags: Oh, no! A woman! A girl! We'll get her cooties!
    • All of the jokes regarding Jet Li's performance as the Emperor in the remake:
      Emperor: Now I must act!
      MauLer: "Now I must act"?! (Everyone else starts cracking up.)
    #20: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 
  • As Rags has not seen the film, the rest of the cast have to do their hardest to not accidentally spoil things, leading to them having to awkwardly try to change subjects during certain scenes (such as when Lex blows up the capitol).
  • They suggest that Martha Kent should have been a Deadpan Snarker and bring up how Clark didn't save Jonathan Kent in the previous film.
    MauLer: *Pretending to be Martha* "Not sure I can talk right now honey, I'm cooking your meal for your Father-Oh wait he's dead."
  • They all have a field day when they see the Bat-mobile run into Superman and get slammed away with no reaction from Superman, because they remember in Man of Steel when a fisherman pushed Clark out of the way of a falling net. Said fisherman quickly becomes heralded by them as more powerful than the Bat-mobile.
    #21: Justice League 2017 
  • When discussing Henry Cavill and how he was unable to shave his mustache for Mission: Impossible – Fallout, Southpaw jokingly calls it "Objective Improbable Fallout". This leads to all the other members to question why they couldn't say it, with them poking fun at him for why they had a random bit like that.
