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Funny / Eric

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  • The wizards perform The Rite of AshkEnte and summon Death, who appears outside the octogram and politely asks who they're waiting for.
    "Er," said the Bursar “The fact is, in fact, that, er, you should be on the inside.”
    I'M SO SORRY. Death stalked in a dignified way into the centre of the room and watched the Bursar expectantly.
  • Rincewind waking up in the octogram and remembering to scream his head off.
  • This early exchange between Rincewind and Eric:
    Eric: Are there any useful minerals?
    Rincewind: What?
    Eric: Minerals. Ores, you know.
    Rincewind: I don't think a lad your age should be thinking of—
  • The parrot's justification for its Verbal Tic.
    Rincewind: Why do you keep saying "wossname"?
    Parrot: Limited wossname. Doo dah. Thingy. You know. It's got words in it.
    Rincewind: Dictionary?
  • While a bit of Black Comedy, the fact that an Aztec-like civilization spent a great deal of time and effort dreaming up what they would do to their creator if they ever met him, and whose prayers basically translate to extended complaints about just how dreadful their lives are, can't help but make one giggle. Of course, part of why they're in such dire straits might have something to do with the fact that, while they've succeeded in inventing the wheel, they're not bright enough to have worked out how to use it properly.
  • The black comedy surrounding the circumstances of the Fountain Of Youth. Of course you had to boil the water first.
  • The entirety of Astfgl's promotion, with Vassenego as increasingly manic announcer.
    Astfgl: Will there be... potted plants?
    Vassenego: Hosts! Plantations! Jungles!
  • The entire send-up of The Iliad, from Lavaeolus using the wooden horse as a diversion while the actual attack occurs elsewhere, and culminating with the discovery of the World's Most Beautiful Woman well past her prime, having moved on as a mother of several children.
    "Mr. Beekle is a silly. Mr. Beekle is a poo."
    • The chain of command that follows:
    “Sergeant?” “Sir?” “Guard this child.” “Yessir. Corporal?” “Sarge?” “Take care of the kid.” “Yes, sarge. Private Archeios?”
    “Yes, corp,” said the soldier, his voice gloomy with prescience.
    “See to the sprog.”
  • When Rincewind thinks Quezovercoatl is talking to him (actually, it's Ponce da Quirm trapped in a pit behind the statue) and asking to be taken with him. Rincewind's response is that he can't do it: it's not his fault, it's just that people where he comes from are racist against people with talons and fangs and necklaces of skulls.
  • Rincewind kicking Eric when he's about to say something stupid.
