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Funny / Database Ranger's Power Reviews

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    Year 0 

Episode 11: "Stuck on Christmas"

Episode 15: "Fight Fire with Fire"

  • The look on Database's face as the conversation between Jayden and Lauren goes from being sweet to weird. DB is very relieved when Jayden clarifies "he and Lauren can't be together" in the context of the team only having one red Ranger.
    Database [sigh of relief]: I thought - never mind what I thought, let's just move on!

    Year 1 

Episode 22: "Going Viral"

Civilian (to Noah, who is morphed): Are you some kind of superhero?
Dr. K: Are you some kind of stupid person?

Episode 34: "Trouble by the Slice"

Episode 36: "Way Back When"

  • Database believing that he and Dr. K are reviewing Forever Red, in honor of Power Rangers' 20th anniversary, and unfortunately being proven wrong.
    Database: Well, today's episode needs no introduction. So let's dive right in with...
    Dr. K: (Talking at the same time as Database) Episode 29...
    Database: Episode 34... Really?
    Dr. K: Yes.
    Database: You sure?
    Dr. K: Yes.
    Database: Um, okay...
    Database and Dr. K: Episode 29 of Power Rangers...
    Dr. K: Operation Overdrive.
    Database: Wild... (Realizes what she just said) Force... What?
    Dr. L: "Way Back When".
    (Database facepalms, knowing what he's in for.
  • All of the snarking about Operation Overdrive's Rangers, villains and theme song. Highlights include:

    Year 2 

Episode 57: "Earth Fights Back"

  • Dr. K's reaction to hearing her team's morph call shouted by the Megaforce teens as they morph into the RPM suits.
    Dr. K [stops typing and turns around]: WHAT?!
    • She specifically states that Dillon will likely not be happy about the changes to his suit (Namely, the addition of a skirt to show that Emma is wearing it).
  • We have Database and Mayo's shocked silence as they see the Rangers decimate a large portion of the enemy fleet.
    So... is this season done?

Episode 59: "A Lion's Alliance"

  • Database getting livid at how the show doesn't pronounce "Animaria" right, let alone get the name right (The Wild Force Rangers headquarters were located in The Animarium), and how the show doesn't have an excuse for this, since both seasons have the same executive producer.

Episode 63: Silver Lining Part 2"

Episode 64: Fishing for a Friend"

  • Whenever he reviews an episode from a season of Power Rangers never seen on the show before, Database always takes the time to introduce the audience to the cast, while describing their personalities. When the Morpotzners review an episode of Wild Force?
    Mitch Morpotzner: That's Cole. He likes red kitties.
    Mary Morpotzner: That's Taylor. She likes yellow birdies.
    Mitch Morpotzner: That's Max. He likes blue fishies.
    Mary Morpotzner: That's Alyssa. She likes white kitties.
    Mitch Morpotzner: That's Danny. He likes black cows.
    Mary Morpotzner: Oh! Merrick likes shiny puppies and windy hair!
    Mitch Morpotzner: And Princess Shayla is all princessey!
    Mary Morpotzner: And Master Org finds the horn on his head funny.
    Mitch Morpotzner: But Toxica doesn't.

    Year 3 

  • K Gamma coldly dismissing Dr. C. "You are no longer interesting."

  • From episode 96:
    '''Database Ranger/Phantom Ranger: "Man, that Sixth Ranger Syndrome hits hard."

  • Some of the dialogue between Database and Zordon in Episode 97 can be pretty funny.
    • On that note, Zordon's reaction to the Wild Force Rider.

  • Database's entire opening spiel in Episode 98 as he's distracting Dark Specter and Darkonda. Culminating in this exchange:
    Guy and the Secretary: Is he really doing this?
    —-> K and Mayo: He's really doing this!
    —-> Dark Specter and Darkonda: Please don't do this.
    —-> Database Ranger/Phantom Ranger: Countdown to Destruction, Part 1!!
  • Again in episode 98, after Database lists the things the Landlord has done and angrily asks if he's missed anything, Dark Specter promptly goes into a short spiel describing exactly that, contemplative expression and all. (Made funnier by the grunts from both the Mooks and Database as they fight.)
    • From a meta perspective, apparently the fabrication of the Phantom Megazord caused a 3D printer to explode.

     Ask DB!!! 
