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  • If Danny plays Kerbal Space Program, hilarity will inevitably ensue. Some of his achievements include:
    • Building a number of engine-less planes powered only by flapping the wings
    • Ejecting a Kerbal from a rocket about to crash into the moon, sending him flying back into space from the force of the explosion, then landing back on Kerbal on his head (he lived)
    • Managing to destroy the entire Kerbol system by crashing into Jool while on EVA. He should have stayed away when his rocket exploded in deep space for no reason...
    • Jousting the Kraken
      • And jousting basically anything and everything, up to and including planets. Turns out Kerbin sucks at it.
    • Building and attaching a Mass Relay to the International YouTube Space Station, which then launches a Kerbal into deep space
    • Destroying the entire planet while trying to give it a Saturn-like ring out of debris
    • Building & testing a crash safety system which accidentally ends up blowing up the planet (and the Mün (and almost Jool but that planet is very resilient))
    • Destroying a plane but somehow leaving the turbine running in mid-air, which crashes into the ground and… blows up the planet
    • Building a jetpack that completely fails to take off, falls off of the landing platform, and blows up the planet.
    • Angering the Space Kraken BIG TIME just by making a few Gigantor Solar Panels break off of his spaceship.
      That came off easily. Too easily... *Kraken mode engaged, followed by the Awesome Face song* WHAT IN THE CRAP! *Pauses game, notices glitchy Kerbal* What the hell is this!? *Pauses again* *Again* THE POWER *You know the drill* OF KRAKEN *Once again...* COMPELS YOU!
    • Managing to BREAK PHYSICS ON KERBIN. As in, the objects-floating-around-not-colliding-with-other-stuff breaking physics. The kicker? He did so just by making a Fragmentation Rocket.
      • This was followed by yet another attempt to blow up Kerbin... IT DIDN'T WORK!
      • That's actually because version 0.20 fixed the Lithobreaker glitch, but still!
      • Using an asteroid glitch to stop his craft in orbit and make it so Kerbin's gravity no longer affected it, then warping time to 100000x and watching Kerbin whirl around many times a second while he stood motionless.
    • Absurd Contraptions: Making a drop pod that can only slow down using winglets, and making a cannon that uses lander cans to get back to Kerbin. The kicker? They work perfectly. And we're talking about a guy who loves to make odd contraptions to torture Kerbals.
    • His 50k subs special consists of him making a SACRIFICING RITUAL by strapping 50 Kerbals to a weird machine and sending them to Jool via Hyper edit, each Kerbal representing 1k subs. Funnily enough, Jool doesn't end up destroying the universe. He then retries on the Mun and activating Dynamic Warp. The result? A spaghettistorm of Kerbals going everywhere as the rocket explodes, distorting to horrifying degrees. This guy doesn't use the Kraken; HE IS THE KRAKEN.
    • Arriving on the Mun with the most basic parts to do some science and thus unlock more parts with his research... only to realize he forgot to research solar panels and thus can't send the data back home due to a lack of energy.
    • Jury-rigging water vehicles using nothing but intakes. Yes, not even engines, just intakes.
    • Making a Christmas Tree to be nice to the Kerbals after all the torture they had to put up with... only for the tree to start rapidly shaking and explode, killing most of the Kerbals.
    • Making a device that uses Kerbals as landing gear, which only succeeded at reliably crashing the game.
    • Give the Kraken a host, glitching him so hard he started traveling at spaceship speeds, creating several whips out of nothing but decouplers and wings (which at one time acquired a life of its own), accidentally sending a bunch of launch clamps into space, temporarily turning Kerbin into what looked like a faded jelly replica, sacrificing a pilot to the kraken by loading him into a destroyed universe, and generally screwing the game up so hard even the menu glitched. All in one video.
    • One of his videos shows him making a command pod spin around really fricking fast, causing a strange flickering effect, making Kerbin look like a faded jelly replica of itself (again) that you can see all the stars through. Danny's idea to stop the spinning? Bump a Kerbal into it. The pod flies off into Kraken-knows-where, and the poor Kerbal is left spinning wildly in orbit. Cue demonic-sounding noises and a wacked-out outro.
    • In another of Danny's latest videos, attempting to rip a Kerbal in half (via a Kerbal with two Klaws attached to it) blows up Kerbin. Danny discovers he can do this to planets without being on the surface, and tries it on his perennial enemy, Jool. And fails.
    • To celebrate reaching 100,000 subscribers, he used his planet buster device to destroy every planet in the solar system, sans Jool of course.
    • The Transcendence Device, which spins Kerbals around so fast that they end up flying off into space, spaghettified beyond recognition, before eventually dying. Oh, and sometimes it causes everything else in the solar system to appear to start spinning around the spaghettified Kerbal, too.
      I've discovered the Kerbalocentric worldview! Suck it, Copernicus!
    • With atmospheric friction now actually having any sort of effect, Danny attempts to revive the spinning RCS sling to launch Kerbals at high speed straight into the air so that they burn up. Instead...
      Dammit, I left the universe.
    • His 2015 Christmas special. It tells the tale of a snowman (with asteroids for its body) which had somehow gotten lost in orbit... as the very same snowman descends through the atmosphere, eventually destroying the VAB and making the narrator go mad.
  • His Patreon announcement video, where he asks a Kerbal, "Public Survey Respondent #219", whether he would be willing to help out a dying Danny, if he met him in the desert. Cue the Kerbal having flashbacks to all the things Danny has done to them, and responding "Hell No". Danny expresses disappointment.
    P.S.R. #219: Am I done here?
    Danny: Let me check.
    Casually glances up, where a flying hunk of debris is hurtling from out of space towards the Kerbal
    Danny: Yup.
    Explosions ensue
