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Funny / Coady And The Creepies

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    Issue 1 
  • Corey's supremely pissed off expression as she rips down and crumples up the show flyer that refers to the Creepies as "the band who lived".
  • Jose's newfound yet undying love for chimichangas:
    Jose: Today I have found a new religion, and Allsup's is my temple!
    Criss: I didn't know you had an old religion to replace.
    Jose: My dear sweet Criss. I was a strict devotee of the divine Wawa hoagie: king of all gas station foods. But today mine eyes have been opened to the glory...of the almighty chimichanga!
    Corey: So, you worship a gas station burrito.
    Jose: I'll have you know that it's a deep fried burrito!
    Criss: So, you worship an extra greasy gas station burrito.
    Jose: That's better!
  • Criss's extreme rage when she discovers that the Boneheads have been added to the bill at the Creepies' show, followed by her proclamation that she hates them more than anyone.
    Corey: It's not a contest!
    • Coady's apt description of them: "Yeah, they're like, total boneheads."
  • Joes's oh-so-charming introduction to Luna:
    Jose: I'm Jose! Did you know that chimichangas are amazing?
    Luna: Um, yes? I mean, they...are?
    Jose: I'd never heard of them before today, but apparently you can deep fry a burrito now! Gringos will deep fry anything!
    Corey: Go set up the merch table. You're scaring the locals.
    • Corey then promptly starts flirting with Luna, who does not mind at all.
  • The Boneheads' insults are...lacking.
    Coady: I'm not discussing feminist politics with dumdums who can barely comprehend Go, Dog, Go, let alone Girls to the Front.
    Bonehead #1: Hey, we love Go, Dog, Go!
    Bonehead #2: Yeah, so why don't you go, dork, go!
    Bonehead #1: Hahaha, go, dork, go!
    • And then the Boneheads all high five one another and laugh at their "creativity".
  • Devin Danger's career in a nutshell:
    Cameraman: Do you think you'll actually get the Creepies to talk to you this time?
    Devin: You let me worry about that.
    • Immediately after that, he attempts to get into the venue, only to run into a slight problem:
    Devin: What do you mean it's sold out?!
    Doorman: I don't think there' any missing nuance there. The show is sold out. At capacity. No more bodies allowed inside.
    Devin: But surely you know who I am. If you let me in, I can make sure you make it into the episode. Don't you want to be on TV?
    Doorman: Not especially.
    Devin: *sees Jose* Hey, I know you! I'm trying to film the Creepies! Tell this guy to let us in!
    Jose: No.
    Doorman: *to Devin* You're such a poser.
    • The doorman doesn't even bother to look up from his phone during the whole exchange.
    • The doorman's remark about "no more bodies allowed inside" is even funnier considering that at least two people inside — Coady and Shil — are dead and therefore don't actually have bodies. So Devin and one of his crew could technically go inside!
  • Corey's response to someone climbing onstage is to hit him so hard with her bass that he goes flying through the air all the way to the other side of the room.
    Corey: I hate stagedivers.
    • And then the Creepies resume playing like nothing happened.
  • Coady goes looking for some peace and quiet after the show, only to discover Corey and Luna making out in the back of the van.
    Corey: Sorry! Van's occupied!
    • Then an oblivious Jose gets in the van and drives off in search of more chimichangas, only to discover that he has two unexpected passengers. He promptly kicks them out.
    Jose: Leave! I'm going to fill this van with chimichangas and you're taking up precious space.
  • Corey and Luna are making out in the desert, and then they see a mysterious woman:
    Corey: Uh, we're not alone?
    Luna: Hello? Sorry if we bothered you...
    Corey: Please don't be a crazy murderer. *beat* Oh, wow, look at the time, we should probably head back now...
    Luna: Yeah, definitely, I was thinking the same thing.
    The woman, AKA La Llorona: *starts glowing green and chasing after them* ¡MIS HIJOS!
    Corey and Luna: AAAHHHHH!
    • Corey's reaction to being called "mi hijo" by La Llorona.
    Corey: I'm not a child!
    • Corey and Luna's expressions when they realize that ghosts are real and that one just attacked them.
  • Shil says that he decided to track Coady down right after the van accident. Coady's response:
    Coady: No offense, but if it took you a year to find me, you might not be a very good ghost hunter. Ever heard of Twitter? Like, every day it says where I'm gonna be.
    • Shil attempts to explain reincarnation to Coady:
    Shil: How familiar are you with the concept of reincarnation?
    Coady: You mean, the idea that I used to be a bug in my past life, or something?
    Shil: So, not familiar at all.
    • Shil then comments that "if you were a bug in your last life, you must've pulled some pretty epic good deeds to be a white girl in this one."
  • At the end of issue one, everyone is just going about their business when all of a sudden Corey and Luna burst into the scene screaming that ghosts are real...right after Shil, a ghost, has just finished explaing the ghost world to Coady, who's also a ghost.
    Issue 2 
  • Issue 2 picks up with Criss raving about how awesome it was to see a ghost and wondering who would want to sleep when they could go out and find ghosts instead. Corey does not share her enthusiasm:
    Corey: Me. I would choose sleep. I love sleep.
  • The girls request that Jose pull over at the next gas station. Jose agrees since, as he claims, he's running low on chimichangas. Criss and Corey dispute that claim on the basis that the backseat is full of them.
    Corey: I'm definitely sitting on at least five.
    • At the gas station, Jose is horrified to discover that the gas station attendant doesn't even know what a chimichanga is.
  • As the Creepies are leaving the gas station, Corey says that the place gives her the creeps, which excites Criss:
    Criss: Really?! Maybe I should go check it out!
    Corey: *to Jose* DRIVE. NOW.
    • Which Jose is only too happy to do, calling the gas station a "chimichanga-barren wasteland."
  • On Devin Danger's latest Creepies update, he says that one of the Creepies might be romantically involved with someone. Criss assumes that it's Corey, but to her and Corey's complete shock, it's Coady. As if on cue, Devin says on the newscast, "I bet you thought it was going to be about Corey again, huh?"
    • When Corey tells Coady about the newscast, a horrified Coady says, " that all...?" Corey yells, "Is there more!?"
  • The Castoffs' Sibling Seniority Squabble:
    Criss: Coady Clementine Castoff! As your older sister I demand to know about your romantic exploits!
    Coady: What? I'm older than both of you by, like, 15 minutes!
    Criss: Really?
    Corey: I thought I was the oldest! Hey, Jose, which of us is older?
    Jose: Me.
  • After the van crashes again, Corey declares that nature can't stop them and that it only gave them a flat tire, which is just an inconvenience:
    Jose: Two flat tires.
    Corey: Two? That's not so bad, right? We can fix that...
    Jose: We only have one spare.
  • Why the Creepies can't call for roadside assistant:
    Coady: No signal.
    Corey: Me neither.
    Criss: Battery died from reading too many message boards about real life ghost encounters.
  • Jose and Corey's terrible jokes about their location.
  • How the Creepies decide who's going for help and who's staying:
    Jose: I should probably stay here and guard our most precious natural resource, the chimichangas, right?
    Corey: Actually, you should come with me, because ladies shouldn't be walking alone in the middle of nowhere. Haven't you ever seen a horror movie?
    Criss: Tch, stereotype much? Besides, what about us ladies? *points to herself and Coady*
    Corey: You can lock yourselves in the van if anything sketchy happens.
  • Corey says that she and Coady used to finish each other's—
    Jose: SENTENCES!
    Corey: I was gonna say sandwiches.
  • On Devin Danger's bus, he's so busy trying to figure out a way to get some one-on-one time with the Creepies that he brushes off his assistant, who has just told him that there are two girls with a broken-down van by the side of the road. Those two girls? Coady and Criss.
    • Coady's reaction when the van doesn't stop.
  • Jose's reaction when Coady tells him that they had to leave all the chimichangas behind because they could only pack the essentials into Shil's car.
    Jose: Bit they're essential to me!
  • As before, no one will talk to Devin Danger on the grounds that he's a poser.
    Issue 3 
  • Corey's reaction when Jose ruins the Creepies' Dynamic Entry.
    Corey: JOSE! We're making a visual statement! Stop ruining the moment!
  • The Boneheads refer to the Creepies as Jose and the Pussycats. Jose thinks it's hilarious.
  • Devin Danger's reaction when he discovers that the Creepies were the girls whom he didn't rescue from the side of the road.
    • And then as the Creepies are leaving, their faces are suddenly blurred out on camera because Criss just pointed out that they never signed any release forms.
  • Shil's reaction when Corey startles him.
    Shil: My heart! Wait, that doesn't make sense...
  • Corey shoving Jose down the stairs when he makes an ill-timed joke.
  • Coady's thoughts on the venue:
    Coady: The young, irresponsible punk in me thinks all these couches are kinda cool. But the concerned citizen in me thinks they're a fire hazard and an accessibility issue.
  • The anticlimactic solution to the basement issue. Lampshaded by Criss.
  • Corey discovers that the couches are actually really fun to jump on. Then one of the people who live at the house cheerfully says that the couches "all have so many bed bugs."
    Corey: *immediately gets off the couch* I'm done.
  • The Boneheads have a bone to pick with the Creepies, who aren't having any of it.
    One of the Boneheads: Hey! We call shenanigans!
    Criss: Maybe you should try calling someone who cares.
  • "Over my dead body!"
  • Devin Danger's reaction when Coady trips him and he falls into the ravine:
    • Then Coady checks to make sure that he's not dead:
    Coady: Hey! Are you still alive?
    Devin Danger: Yeeeessss. *Beat* But I wish I wasn't.
    Coady: OK, bye!
  • Corey's reaction when a gateway to what looks like hell appears, with a sign bearing the Creepies' name:
    Corey: ...Would that be considered an encore? Because encores are for posers.
    Issue 4 
  • Corey's enthusiasm about all the skulls in the catacomb:
    Corey: It's like a heavy metal album come to life! We should decorate our house like this!
    Criss: You know these were once alive and, like, in a person's head, right?
    Corey: Doesn't that make it more cool?
  • Coady's facial expression after Shil's complete failure to reassure her about their cover potentially getting blown.
  • Criss refers to the catacomb as the "hallway to heck".
  • Corey's silent pep talk to herself as she tries to work up the courage to open the mysterious door.
    You can do this. You've been opening doors since you were, like, three years old.
  • Corey's rage when someone calls Coady a poser.
    Corey: Coady's not a poser, she's totally punk, even if she is super emo most of the time.
  • How Jose saves the day: he starts a disco party.
    Declan Decay: IT'S SO UNPUNK!
  • When Coady explains that she didn't tell her sisters that she's a ghost because she thought they wouldn't like her anymore, Criss responds, "It makes me like you more!"
  • At the end, the Creepies are leaving the House of 1,000 Couches...and then Coady remembers that Devin is still in the ravine.
    Coady: I'll be right back! Gotta do a thing!
    Corey: What?! Didn't we just agree no more secrets?!
