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Funny / Cat Burglar

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Also note that the phase names are not canon or official. It's used to indicate which scenario plays for you.
Now that's convenient signage.

Being a homage to the legendary Tex Avery, Cat Burglar will not provide a laugh-free experience all the way. In fact, due to either success or failure bringing about its own unique experience, you'd be tempted to get a certain scenario wrong just to see what the cartoon will throw at you next.



  • During the introduction, Rowdy steals the device that you're playing on (for example, a phone if you're playing on mobile, and a mouse if you're playing on PC). Rowdy then proceeds to drop the pillar on poor Peanut.
  • The MGM logo parody, where it's an elephant instead of a lion. And the slogan is "Logo Parodis Spoofus".
    • "Copiedright LMNOP in U.S.A. by Netflix Animation. Not meant to be consumed orally".
    • "All rights reserved. All lefts free to steal. Approved by the National Bored of Reviewing".
  • "I left three minutes ago!" *WHACK!*
  • "Like I said, I see everything. Can't get anything past me!"
  • Rowdy evades Peanut by playing as a lion statue outside.
  • The sheer amount of gates used to close the museum. Then Peanut puts a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign.

Phase 1 - Over the Wall

The Pole Vault

  • A beehive emerges from the bag Rowdy uses to get an item out. What idiot thought that was a good idea?
  • Rowdy continues to pull the pole vault out of the bag, even when it's entirely out. Cue the vault hitting his head when he realizes it's not there.
  • DURING GUESSING: While getting ready to pole vault, he takes a lollipop from a baby.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy simply flies around the air, hitting a stop sign, then a garland, then a hospitalized man, and wolf whistles at a bra when he hits a power line, then a trampoline, then he uses those same bras as a parachute!

The Tightrope

  • DURING GUESSING: Rowdy's little dilemma of trying to keep his balance is pretty funny in terms of wacky animation.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy gets his footing, only to run into a pesky bird. He whacks it over the head, and the bird gains a massive arm to give Rowdy hell. But with quick thinking, the cat then shoves the balancing stick in the bird's mouth and makes a leap. When the bird looks at the camera, his mouth is deformed in the shape of the stick.
    • Rowdy mocks the bird one last time, only for him to bend the stick back, whacking the cat in the face as one last taunt before he flies away.

The Grappling Hook

  • Rowdy takes out an opera singer from the bag, and tosses her aside with an audible "Woah!".
  • DURING GUESSING: The little jig Rowdy does with square dance music in the background.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy catches a bird and flies from North America to South America. When he returns, he's in festive wear and resumes the heist when he's on top of the wall.

Phase 2 - Cutting the Wires

  • The book that Peanut is reading has some dog or cat pun in it, and since every title is unique to every play-through, it's hilarious.
    • The first time he’s reading, he asks the viewer not to spoil the ending. This is extra funny when the book happens to be Old Yeller!

Batter Up!

  • DURING GUESSING: Rowdy's preparation animations, it's funny how he winds up the joke to the punchline.
  • SUCCESS: In an excellently preformed Bait-and-Switch, Rowdy hits a ball far from the museum, and Peanut catches it. When he does, he's handed a trophy that reads 'NOT A BELLY SCRATCHER' before getting flattened by a car.
  • FAILURE: Peanut spots a penny and Rowdy misses. He flies into a chunk of the museum, and gets crushed by the monitors when he falls to the booth.

Shadow Puppet Shimmy

  • DURING GUESSING: Rowdy's shadow puppet skills are both this and awesome for how realistic they look to stick figures and seeing their little show is funny as well for how convincing it looks.
  • SUCCESS: Peanut goes after the 'crooks' while Rowdy goes in the booth. But he has some trouble because his hands are knotted together. His desperation to untie them and the wacky music in the background enhance the laughs.
    • How does he fix his missing hands after they pop off his arms? Use a spare pencil!
  • FAILURE: Peanut goes after the 'crooks' while Rowdy goes in the booth. But before he can cut the wires, Rowdy hears the police whistle blowing. The cat goes out to see what the commotion is about... only to freak out when he sees that Peanut has somehow arrested the shadow puppets he made. This is followed by Peanut pointing up towards the sky with Rowdy looking up, and Peanut using the shadow of the fake statue Peanut made to whack him on the head, causing Rowdy to lose one of his lives.

Seasick Shanty

  • Rowdy getting seasick looking at his own water pattern.
  • SUCCESS: When Peanut looks behind, he gets seasick, as intended. But when he returns to the booth, his face of anger is too hilarious.
  • FAILURE: Peanut gets the wrong idea and goes fishing. The hook goes around a pillar, a boxing statue, and a lamppost, and it gets hooked onto Rowdy. The poor cat smashes into the light, gets knocked the daylights out of, and shreds another pillar. When Peanut spots Rowdy, the cat gets eaten by a shark.


  • SUCCESS: When Peanut falls asleep, Rowdy locks him in a crate, loads him in a truck, on a plane, on a cruise ship, which hits an iceberg and sinks. Peanut returns with a starfish and seaweed, and his face of bewilderment is priceless.
  • FAILURE: Before Peanut falls asleep, he puts on a radio playing upbeat music. When Rowdy tries again, Peanut turns it louder. Enraged, the cat tries an even faster melody, only for him to deflate like a balloon when the violin bow impales him.
    • "I wish I knew how to read!".

Phase 3 - First Encounter with Peanut (Prehistoric Panic)

The Skeleton Switch-a-roo

  • Rowdy throwing Peanut's nose as a distraction.
  • Rowdy takes off his skin and replaces a dinosaur skeleton with his own, and his slithering skin then morphs into a nearby skeleton, and he looks ridiculous.
  • DURING GUESSING: Rowdy poking fun at Peanut while waiting to scare him.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy scares Peanut, and eats him! He then takes his skin off and onto his own, and runs off with Peanut trapped in the dinosaur skeleton.
    • "I have the right to a phone call!"
  • FAILURE: Rowdy scares Peanut, but his skin flies off into another skeleton. Then Peanut catches Rowdy and the two swap and morph into nearby skeletons, until Peanut and Rowdy swap skeletons. Peanut then kicks Rowdy into a prehistoric hanging rack with two other skins.

Prehistoric Melee

  • When Peanut questions Rowdy what he is doing in the museum, he literally pulls down the Episode Title Card to explain to the guard dog. It's a fourth-wall break at its finest.
  • DURING GUESSING: Rowdy gets his ass handed to him during the guessing period. Best hope you get the answers right!
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy gives Peanut a really good whack, and the guard dog is thrown into an animal's tail, asking who turned out the lights.

Aerial Action

    • There's even small flies hanging from strings to enhance the humor.
  • How does Peanut fight back against Rowdy's aerial skeleton? A cannon gun from the History of War.
  • DURING GUESSING: Peanut taking a small break, and the cannon does to, developing a mouth to pant!
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy snatches 'A VERY OLD EGG', gives it a kiss, and drops it on Peanut. There's no yolk, just a noxious green mushroom cloud and a fart sound effect. Peanut surrenders with a clothesline clip on his nose, only to fade to dust.

Arrow Woes

  • Peanut telling Rowdy to come back during regular hours, only to close the door shut.
  • DURING GUESSING: The Disaster Dominoes that occur when Rowdy takes the club to the locked door.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy throwing the bone to make the moving skull jump and avoid death. He goes through, and gets the jaws to open with a knocking pattern of "Shave and a Haircut".

Phase 4 - Second Encounter with Peanut (Egyptian Friction)

Perilous Painting

  • Rowdy tries to escape, but smacks right into an Egyptian painting. Peanut can't get to Rowdy! He'll have to use Paint Thinner?!
  • SUCCESS: Peanut hits a pillar, and Rowdy escapes. He thinks he is doomed when some Egyptian men find him, but they worship him as a king. Rowdy then gets the idea to drive Peanut away when he is targeted with a spear.

Mummy Madness

  • Peanut tying Rowdy's tail bandage to a mummy, allowing to hop behind the cat. Seeing it hop with the *boing* sound effects are pretty funny.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy takes off his fur and launches some antiques back at Peanut, flatting him, the mummy, and the antique like a pancake. Rowdy then gets his fur back with a zebra costume.

Pottery Folly

  • Rowdy toying with Peanut by pushing the Egyptian urn back and forth. It feels like it's right out of a Tom and Jerry episode.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy manages to push the large urn onto Peanut, Peanut barely hanging on. Rowdy then gets the idea to toss various items to pile onto Peanut, making the poor dog already heavier than he is. One large pile of items later, Rowdy is sitting atop a latter, working on an origami swan as Peanut looks on nervously. Rowdy is about to place it on top of the pile... before noticing something off and tries to correct it. Peanut gives a sigh of relief... until Rowdy just jumps on the pile to correct the origami swan, which is enough for the items to crush Peanut as Rowdy surfs off the pile using a small dragon statue.
  • FAILURE: The urn somehow whacks Rowdy into its decal, and it breaks, killing him. His ghost emerges and commands Peanut to clean the mess. But peanut simply smiles, knowing that the cat burglar is no more.

Cleocatra and Peanut

  • Rowdy's plan is to lure Peanut into a false sense of security by, dressing up as Cleopatra. Oh, we mean Cleocatra.
  • The whole sequence of Rowdy and Peanut being together while the cat keeps up the disguise.
    • He tries to give Peanut a good whack with his cane, but Peanut's shifting attention to Rowdy forces him to postpone the plan. It's a hilarious Hope Spot.
    • Rowdy's disgust growing more and more evident as the charade continues.
  • SUCCESS: When Peanut 'kisses the bride', Rowdy shoves the priest aside and gives Peanut a REALLY GOOD whack with the cane. Just how Peanut looks after such slapstick is pretty funny, and him thinking that was a kiss, even more so!
    • A single nail in the floorboard exposes Rowdy's disguise, and the two go backwards in the various locations they were in during the 'date'. And back to the museum.
  • FAILURE: Despite being a more Tearjerker Downer Ending than a humorous one, you might think of this bad ending as funny in a Crosses the Line Twice sort of fashion.
    • Rowdy's slow motion "No" when the music changes into a digital organ rendition of Wedding March.
    • Rowdy's soul blubbering when he jumps from the window is quite the Mood Whiplash.

Phase 5 - Third Encounter with Peanut (Ye Final Duel)

  • When Rowdy thinks he gave Peanut the slip, he notices a sign pointing towards the display room... before noticing a sign that says 'Rotten Criminal', pointing to himself. He then notices a sign above that says 'Guard Dog', which he follows the arrow... to see a smirking Peanut. In all four possible scenarios, the reaction he has to seeing Peanut is priceless.

Viking Hi-jinx

  • DURING GUESSING: The sawing is interrupted by Peanut proclaiming that, "If he keeps this up, I may start to like it."
  • SUCCESS: Peanut falls off a mast, and into a horn. Rowdy blows into it, sending Peanut into a shield, and taking the key. Then he rolls Peanut up like a curtain.
  • FAILURE: Rowdy is now using the chainsaw to swipe off the mast, log by log. However, just as he finally gets to Peanut, he suddenly notices that Peanut now has a big smirk on his face, wearing a similar viking helmet to Rowdy's, before lifting a large hammer and slamming it on his head... which bounces back and forth several times between Peanut and Rowdy's head, making this one of the few times where both of them have their souls flying out of their bodies. After one laugh, Rowdy gets the last laugh by slamming his fist on Peanut, sending him back to his body, and Rowdy's soul flying upwards.

Rack and Guillotine

  • SUCCESS: Peanut lets go and gets trapped in a body-stretching rack, with the key activating the trigger. Peanut uses his long body to stop Rowdy from getting the key, only raspberry later, and his tongue is all warped due to the cat unraveling it.

Sword and Fence

Phase 6 - The Final Obstacle

Land-mine Calamity

  • Rowdy flattens Peanut into a pancake just before he tries to evade the mines.
  • DURING GUESSING: Rowdy putting flags over the sand, like a game of Minesweeper.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy gets to the other side, and before Peanut can react, Rowdy puts a goalie mask on and uses the mines as hockey pucks. Peanut gets all of them in his mouth, and blows up. And his hat is a siren.
  • FAILURE: Rowdy gets to the other side, but you failed! How can he..? Oh, that sweat-drop, much to Rowdy's horror. When it goes, we're treated to the scene of Rowdy jumping around and exploding on each mine plays out to the tune of the 1812 Overture, complete with Rowdy's ghost coming out with cymbals and crashing them in tune.

Alligator Action

  • Rowdy using Peanut's hat as a bag to trap the poor dog.
  • The overhead lamp as a idea lightbulb.
  • SUCCESS: Rowdy gets across no problem, and Peanut tries to jump. With his athletic wear on, he tries to apprehend Rowdy, only to fall into the alligator vat.

Painting Retrieval

  • All the painting parodies are funny in their own right, but Rowdy's reactions really sells it depending on the animal parodying it:
    • If it has a cat, he looks in awe.
    • If it has a dog, he looks slightly disgusted.
    • If it has a cat and dog, he looks bewildered by the painting, but shrugs at the camera and leaves with an odd look.
  • How does Rowdy escape? He glides to a rival museum, and walks out with massive money bags on his shoulders.


