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Funny / Bendy and the Ink Machine

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Despite being a horror game, it is one that is based heavily on an old-timey cartoon. And as such, it often doesn't shy away from a few comedic moments here and there.

For the Funny Moments page of Bendy and the Dark Revival, go here.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

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    Chapter 1: Moving Pictures 
  • Bendy's cutout following you, while creepy, is also amusing.
  • Vivisected Boris is scary. The fact that he has Wingding Eyes? Hilarious.
  • Before the April 18th update, Ink Bendy would move around like someone who just woke up from a night of heavy drinking, like he was almost saying "What in the—?! Where the hell am I?!"
    • Though the Ink Bendy Jump Scare is still as scary as ever in the Chapter 4 update, the fact that Henry falls over afterwards is worth a few chuckles.
  • Using the Seeing Tool in this chapter has a few secrets, like a message saying "Can I get a little privacy?" in the bathroom, and "Devilishly Handsome!" over TheMeatly's Easter Egg.

    Chapter 2: The Old Song 
  • Going back and forth between the orchestra room and the projector's balcony will spawn in Bendy cutouts. It's entirely possible to get enough to fill the orchestra when you're on the balcony, and when you go down into the room itself, they're all crowded onto the other balcony, peering out to watch you. In fact, the former will actually give you an achievement.
  • Henry eats bacon soup to regain health. And by eat, we mean he opens and consumes an entire can's worth of soup in under a millisecond. It gets cartoonish when you find a shelf covered in over two dozen cans, and you can chug all of them in less than a minute. He must be taking the Bioshock way of regaining health! Hey, he is stuck in a flooded facility with audio logs of how everything's getting worse and abominations against nature, so it only seems appropriate.
    • The soup cans say "EAT WITH FORK".
  • There's a piece of (fan-submitted) art of the various faces of Bendy on one of the desks, with all of Bendy's expressions, ranging from happy to angry to sad. They're all the same grinning expression all the Bendy drawings have.
    • Even better is the note beside it, which reads "DO NOT LET JOEY SEE THIS". It seems Joey doesn't have a lot of patience for jokes.
    • It becomes even funnier when you watch the Bendy cartoons and see that Bendy can change the expression of his mouth. So despite what the concept art claims, Bendy can emote.
  • What's the final objective for Chapter Two?
  • You can find a radio on one of the desks and turn it on. What song does it play? An instrumental version of DAGames' fan song "Build Our Machine".
  • It's possible to axe the Bendy cutouts, but any that were leaning against walls with symbol circles will reassemble off-camera. At first, it's extremely off-putting, but it becomes less so once you find out how entertaining it is to repeatedly demolish a cutout that just won't stay down.
  • If you're ever brave (or dumb) enough to look behind you when Ink Bendy is chasing you, you'll probably find that he seems to be wearing heels.
  • As of the Chapter 4 update Sammy's sanctuary now features his own private toilet.
    • Sammy now has The Illusion of Living in his office's waste basket. He gave Joey an In-Universe example of Take That!
    • Sammy himself got dramatically improved animations... and muscles.
  • There's now an interactive pool table off by the "Sent From Above" poster. Presumably, Henry uses his axe as a cue stick.

    Chapter 3: Rise and Fall 
  • The reveal trailer for Chapter 3 gives us a clip of a Bendy cartoon, "Tombstone Picnic." Bendy tries to have a picnic in a graveyard, only to be terrorized by a living skeleton and have his lunch stolen by Boris.
    • In order to leave the safehouse, Henry has to bribe Boris with soup. Apparently, the Toon Wolf's appetite followed him into the real world.
      • Boris uses the same Bioshock-esque methods of soup consumption as Henry. If you look back after making the choice to leave the safehouse, but before actually doing so, you’ll find the bowl of soup Henry gave Boris is empty, despite being full about at least 1.6 seconds ago.
  • There is a can of bacon soup stuck in a toilet. It's just there. And you can also flush the first toilet you see.
    • The can of bacon soup in the toilet can even be fed to Boris.
  • Henry doesn't have a reflection in the mirror just like your typical vampire.
  • You can give Boris a bone and he'll carry it around like a puppy. You also get an achievement as a little bonus.
  • Boris jumpscares Henry with a Bendy cutout.
  • The first Piper's jumpscare - He just had to comically fall to the floor, before starting to attack Henry.
  • There is an achievement involving squeaking 25 different Bendy dolls.
  • If you pay attention in room, where Alice makes her jumpscare - her cutout and almost shelf full of plushies ends up disappearing after her first physical appearance, for some reason.
  • The Swollen Searchers, engorged versions of Chapter 2's ink monsters. They pose no threat to the player because they're seemingly too fat to move.
  • Among the cryptic messages written on the walls is one reading "I don't want to work here anymore," which can be either Nightmare Fuel or worthy of a chuckle.
  • There are times when Ink Bendy, while chasing you, will get stuck someplace. Yes. You read right. He, the Ink Demon, gets stuck.
    • Among these places is a large plush doll of Boris. Even in the real world, that lovable wolf is still giving Bendy grief.
  • Listening to Shawn Flynn's recording and realizing it's JackSepticEye who's talking.
    • What Shawn actually says is pretty funny too; he's wondering why the hell Joey is so mad at him for painting some Bendy dolls with crooked smiles and what he's supposed to be doing with Alice Angel merchandise that's apparently selling quite poorly. Ouch.
    • The seeing tool even reveals the words "Top of the Morning!" painted over the recording.
  • Having a plunger as one of the weapons given to you by Twisted Alice.
  • Little Miracle Stations are resembling outhouses with halos drawn on them, and they are used as hiding spots from monsters.
  • One of the posters introduced in Chapter 3 (also a winner of the fanart contest) is for "Hell in a Hand-Basket." From what we can tell in the picture, Boris and Bendy are being flung out of a flaming roller-coaster. While Boris looks appropriately shocked, Bendy is riding a hand-basket out, complete with raising his arms and trademark grin.
  • The fact that any and all defeated Butcher Gang members just ragdoll onto the ground (with a potentially funny pose) before disappearing can bring a good chuckle to some.
    • This is made better when you find out that there are scrapped death animations for each member left in the files of the game.
  • The Chapter 4 update adds a recording, showing a conversation between Wally Franks and Thomas Connor, the latter of whom is trying to tell him how the valves work, but Wally Franks keeps shirking him off and ignoring him.
    • It also added the hallway from the trailer. The Little Miracle Station in that room had its door ripped off, with the message "LOOK FAMILIAR?" written in there. Also doubles as mild Nightmare Fuel.
  • The Chapter 4 update adds an adorable new layer to Boris's character: He's afraid of the dark.
  • If you manage to get the Tommy gun, you can shoot Boris. He's mostly unaffected by this other than being scared.

    Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders 
  • One of the contest winning posters has Bendy hosting a magic show... with Alice preparing to saw a very nervous Boris in half. The darkly humorous parallels to their current situation are almost too obvious to have been unintentional.
  • Henry can use empty Bacon Soup cans as throwing weapons. In the Research and Design department they're actually used as distractions, by tossing them to lure the butcher gang away, so you can safely find hidden levers. You can still hit toons with them, but they don't seem to deal damage.
  • The Plunger returns in Chapter 4. Which means we can get to fight Brute Boris with it. The only requirement is (after unlocking the horror ride) to return to the upper floor of the Maintenance department just to find a secret ink printer's wheel in trunk. It even has an achievement involving completing the chapter with it. The name of said achievement is "An Unlikely Victory".
  • After you win the "Test Your Strength" Game in the unfinished amusement park, Alice will snidely ask you if you're 'having fun,' and sarcastically says that Boris probably won't mind waiting to be rescued while you're busy playing games.
  • The recording from Joey Drew which starts out as a Disney-esque speech... only for him to start complaining about having to do this. Then he realizes the recording is still going.
  • Although the Bertrum boss fight can be considered pure and unfiltered Nightmare Fuel, there's just one detail that we all know is worthy of a chuckle. Guess what it is? You can actually RIDE THE OCTOPUS RIDE in said boss fight! You get an achievement for it too.
  • Henry can take a photo of himself being behind a fat sailor cutout as a souvenir. Sadly, you only get an achievement of it, so no face reveal for you.
  • Mostly a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, but while you're crawling through the vents after the Ink Bendy Jump Scare, you'll come across a Lost One... banging his head against the wall. Just you, in the vents and him, smacking the wall with his face. Also, mild Tear Jerker, he'd rather be unconscious than be in the Studio.
  • Apparently, someone painted an otherwise invisible moustache on one of the Bendy pictures.
  • The fact that it's entirely possible to kill Brute Boris using a toilet plunger!

    Chapter 5: The Last Reel 
  • Allison telling Henry him watching her is creepy. Huh, who's the ink-based Angelic Abomination here, lady?
  • When the trail leads to "Bendy's" lair, Allison starts to rattle the things she needs to open the door — only for Tom to punch the way open.
    Allison: Huh. Well, that works too... I guess.
  • Upon reaching the giant Ink Machine, Alice gives an impassioned speech about destiny and begs Henry to "set them free" before sending him on his way. Henry makes it halfway across the ink moat before realizing something...
    Henry: They could've at least given me a weapon.
  • Despite how monstrous and horrifying Beast Bendy is, the fact he has such tiny legs is purely hilarious.
