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Funny / Attack of the Mutant

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  • When Skipper first meets Libby on the bus, she asks him where he's going to. Skipper thinks to himself that he doesn't want to say where he's really going to, the orthodontist, because that would make him come off as a geek. So instead, he replies that he's going to the comic book store. Yes, because a fascination with reading comic books doesn't make you come off as geeky at all.
  • As Skipper finally faces off against the Masked Mutant, he tries to bluff his way out by proclaiming he's really the hero known as the Colossal Elastic Boy. At which point the Mutant exclaims, in complete sincerity, "Elastic Boy! I thought you looked familiar!" At no point was there ever a character called Elastic Boy mentioned before that moment, and that just makes it even funnier.
  • The Masked Mutant himself is fun in both versions for how over the top evil he is. To the point where he considers being a liar one of his better qualities.
