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Funny / Aselia the Eternal - The Spirit of Eternity Sword

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  • Yuuto asks how old Tokimi is only for her to blast him into oblivion, then rewind time and make it so he doesn't ask her that question. He isn't aware of what happened, but the reader is.
  • Tokimi reveals to Yuuto that in every timeline when she confesses her feelings to him, he somehow messes up the mood, leading her to call him the "Nincompoop King". She then "takes him by force", which probably led to an H-scene in the original game.
  • Aselia's first attempt at cooking. She gets better, however.
  • A couple Not What It Looks Like moments:
    Yuuto: We must look strange. My underwear is halfway exposed, and Esperia is kneeling in front of me with a red face.
  • Kouin's face whenever Kyouko hits him with her Paper Fan of Doom.
  • The bonus scene after you complete all the routes.
