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Funny / Aliens vs. Predator (2010)

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  • Sure, what you're doing is horrible, but the fact that whenever Six needs a facehugger, it's there. It's almost like the game is not even trying to hide her future as a queen.
  • Some of the comments from the Marines are quite amusing. One of them in the Alien campaign is complaining about how bad Wey Yu tech is, while a Marine complains about their colleague getting them completely lost.
  • Thanks to a noticeable error during the Alien campaign, two Marines are talking about the trapped Six like they are at the building, while in reality they are just walking out of the building.
  • In the Predator campaign, some Marines have literally just escaped the Abomination, and promptly notice the massacre of soldiers Dark inflicted, which for the gamer is quite amusing.
  • When Rookie and Tequilla are making their way to Katya, Katya will urge them to hurry, which Tequilla will bitterly complain about, despite the fact that when she was in charge, she always yelled at Rookie to hurry up.
