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Funny / Air Force One

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  • "When you talk to the President, you might remind him that I am holding his wife, his daughter, his chief of staff, his national security advisor, his classified papers - and his baseball glove!"
    • There's also: "Nobody does this to the United States. The President will get his baseball glove back and play catch with this guy's balls!"
  • A sceptical switchboard operator at the White House gets annoyed at what she believes is a crank call. When the caller gets snippy at her, demanding she trace the call, she humors him with a very annoyed tone... until she realizes that it's actually the President himself on the other end of the line. One can practically feel the Oh, Crap! in her tone at that point. One can only assume she was eventually given the sack sometime after the crisis was over.
  • While discussing Saddam Hussein moving some of his military forces towards the No Fly Zone, one of the President's staffers suggest that maybe the forces are commanded by one of Hussein's son-in-laws.
  • While in the baggage area, Marshall finds a cell phone, and starts reading the manual.
  • Meta: Gary Oldman recounting seeing Harrison Ford eating a burrito, drinking coffee, and smoking a cigar—under a sign on the doorway that forbade food, drinks, and smoking.
