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Funny / A Wedding (1978)

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  • Nettie asks Geraldine how many of the friends she invited refused to come (as a snub to Luigi) and she replies "A few." Nettie asks if it was more than a hundred and Geraldine says "A few more than a hundred."
  • The Potty Emergency where most of the returning guests go racing for the toilets, especially when Mrs. Rutledge and her kids mistake closet doors for bathroom doors.
  • Bunky tries to prank the wedding couple with a frog but has no chance to do so, and so the frog ends up in his jacket for several scenes, making noises that embarrass him.
  • Most of the antics of the overeager security guards (trying to keep rambunctious kids from knocking over the wedding gifts, mistaking the groom's uncle from Italy for an intruder, escorting the elderly bishop upstairs only to have to walk slowly to avoid outpacing him, etc.) are amusing.
  • Ruby's single-minded obsession with marijuana and her attempting to score some at the wedding is a memorable Running Gag, particularly since she's kind of a Ditz who just won't shut up about it.
    • She has a Comically Missing the Point moment when Shelby says she avoids cigarettes after some of her relatives died from smoking.
      Ruby: They died from smoking pot?
    • During the singalong to "Heavenly Sunshine" as everyone waits out the storm, she finally gets some marijuana from another guest right as the song reaches the lyrics "Hallelujah, Jesus is mine", which she happily sings along with.
  • As most of Muffin's family gather to confront Dino over the allegation that he impregnated their other daughter, Dr. Meecham hands his drink to a confused Dino and says that he needs it more than the doctor does. Dino does indeed gulp it down after the ensuring conversation.
