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Funny / A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child

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  • When Greta's mom scolds her at the graduation for trying to lick Mark's lollipop (as in one of those large, multi-colored spiral lollipops), Mark's father leans out into the aisle to snatch a look at the "cover girl" she's telling off.
    • Racine's eagerness for Greta to be photographed elicits this response in a voice ala Thurston Howell:
      Greta: Shit, they caught me. I have to go gnash my teeth for the paparazzi.
      • In regards to said photo, the football scout who talks to Dan ends up wandering onto the scene by accident and tries to strike a dignified pose.
  • Mark, a hemophobic (fear of blood), realizes he's bleeding. "Whaa...? Oh shit." *faints*
  • "Faster than a bastard maniac, more powerful than a loco-madman, it's Super-Freddy!"
  • "Bon appetit!...Bitch"
  • This spectacularly hammy line:
    Freshly resurrected Freddy: It's a boooy!
  • In Dan's dream, he hears his mother on the radio complaining about how he was seduced by "that bimbo slut whore Alice." His only reaction is "Mom?" as if he totally expected her to say something like that.
  • "Hi Alice, you wanna make babies?"
  • At the dinner party, a pervy guest says Greta's got the "perfect body" for modeling and assures her he's a "good friend" of a big name in the fashion industry. Racine is completely oblivious that this guy's leering at her teenage daughter and beams with approval. The Death Glare Greta gives the guy is one of both exhaustion and one that signifies she would love to destroy him with her bare hands if she thinks she could get away with it.
