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Fridge / Vandread

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  • Fridge Brilliance: At first glance, the fact that EVERY female on the ship (who is neither absurdly old nor young) is VERY well endowed seems to be plain ol' fanservice. However, given the fact that the Pirate's home planet was created so that reproductive organs could be harvested for use on Earth, it makes perfect sense that Mejale women would be better equipped than normal. This is made more apparent by Misty's (a non-Mejalian) being of relatively normal build as compared to Dita, who is the same age yet FAR more developed.
    • Hibiki is similar, being rather scrawny compared to every other man he's known. Then it turns out he, unlike the others, he was not grown in a factory. Hibiki hasn't gone through gene therapy at all and thus lacks some manly advantages.
    • The reveal of Hibiki's card-game hand after Gascogne's apparent death and later the birth of the Super Vandread. The Super Vandread is comprised of Hibiki and the three girls' ships... and Pyoro. Hibiki's five-card hand is four Aces and a Joker, which seems to represent the components of the Super Vandread in a sense, with Hibiki and the girls as the Aces, and Pyoro as the Joker.
  • Fridge Horror: We don't actually see the harvesting process occur on-screen, but it's implied that victims often aren't killed before being getting torn to pieces.
    • Harvester fleet using boarding pods against the defense fleet in episode 11, you get to see a security team mook get to close for comfort against one of their drones. The target of this planet's item is their skin. And the resulting death screams be heard by all those present.
    • One planet of people who worship the "harvest" has their entire population, even the children, gather into an "ascendance" chamber of a tower, the interior of which resembles a gigantic grinder. The implications of what would have happened to them if the harvester ship had carried out the chambers intended practical function are horrifying. It's even worse when you consider that the population in question is harvested for their spinal cords.
