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Fridge / The Secret World of Alex Mack

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Fridge Horror

  • Being this is a lighthearted Nickelodeon sitcom the show wisely ignores the consequences of the events of the finale. With the chemical plant blowing up the entire town's economy and existence is threatened. Think of a mining community once the mine closes. The economy may be a moot point however when you consider the explosion would probably cause an environmental disaster and the EPA would probably declare the vicinity around it uninhabitable. Oh, and here is another thought: One word: carcinogen.

  • Vince, in Season 4 episode 9, is hired by Danielle Atron to make Alex Mack "disappear". He sneaks into the Mack house where the whole family and Raymond are. Anticipating that Alex is going to confess to being the GC-161 kid He plans to record it. Spoiler Alert: She doesn't. Here's where the horror comes in: What if she did? Was Vince potentially going to attempt to KIDNAP (or even MURDER) a 15 year old girl in her own house in broad daylight with her parents, sister, and best friend present? Scary thought.
