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Fridge / The 3 Little Pigs: The Movie

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  • The pigs each have a skill/interest that make them an ideal trio to own/run a Dinner Theatre:
    • Wally, who likes food, can be in charge of the kitchen, and taste test new recipes and dishes to see how good they are before they are added to the menu.
    • Beemo, who likes music and playing it for others, can compose new songs to sing, and plan out the performances.
    • Feeno, who is fine doing monotonous things and hard work, as long as it gets good results, along with being used to taking the leadership role between the three of them, can do the bookkeeping and logistics needed to run the place, as well as keep everyone on track.
  • At first, Big Boss being the only one willing to give Aromé a job in spite of her smell seems kind of weird, as wolves, much like dogs, have a fantastic sense of smell, and should find her just as unbearable as everyone else, perhaps even more so - except as we can clearly see, he is a heavy smoker, and studies have shown time & time again that smoking can severely damage a persons sense of smell, hence why he finds her smell to be tolerable at best, and simply "foul" at worst.
    • We also see later that Big Boss has dentures. While it’s a funny gag considering he’s supposed to be the intimidating Big Bad, excessive smoking can cause severe damage to teeth, and eventually result in tooth loss.
  • The various bear background/side characters in the movie both avert, and play straight Bears Are Bad News. While most of the other predatory dinner guests are carnivores, bears are actually omnivores, having a very diverse diet of things besides meat, like various fruits, plants, and honey. Additionally, unless bears are actively hunting or feel they or their cubs are threatened, they are fairly calm, although they prefer to keep to themselves, and it is always advised to not go near or otherwise provoke them.
