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Fridge / Star Trek Voyager S 1 E 1 "Caretaker"

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Janeway's decision to destroy the Array becomes more understandable when one remembers that there's no guarantee they'd have figured out a safe way to use this extremely dangerous alien technology, that killed half of each crew just on the first trip when it was (presumably) working properly.
  • Captain Janeway mentions having served with Tom's father. Given that she's shown to be "on a first name basis" with several Starfleet admirals, it's not too much of a stretch that she's doing an under-the-table favor for Admiral Owen Paris by giving his son a chance to redeem himself.
  • The holo-farm on the Array. A line later on from Tuvok clarifies that the Maquis were also treated to a holographic "waiting room." Many if not most of the Maquis were farmers. The Caretaker probably designed that farm initially for them.

Fridge Horror

  • The Caretaker only left a five-year supply of food for the Ocampa. Even though they age about ten times as fast as humans, that still means they only have the equivalent of a 50 year supply, barely enough for a single generation! Better hope that newfangled horticulture holds up!
  • Sam Wildman presumably had her abdomen impaled by the Caretaker's needle while she was pregnant with Naomi. Even though "Naomi" would have been microscopic at this point, Q only knows what the Caretaker was doing to the womb that the fetus would be developing in for the next year-and-a-half.
  • Following on from some Fridge Brilliance above... if Tom's father really did get Captain Janeway to offer Tom a deal to get him out of jail, then it follows that Admiral Paris spent the next six years thinking he got his own son killed.
