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Fridge / Pinocchio (2022, Disney)

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Including girls in this version of Pleasure Island, unlike the original version in which only boys were invited, may seem like a feeble attempt to be politically correct by today's standards. However, the original book that the animated adaptation is based on is implied to allow girls as well. This information tends to get left out due to misled translations of the book from Italian. Thus, the original 1940 adaptation must have based the story from a translated copy that says only boys go with the Coachman.
  • At first, changing the mugs of beer to root beer sounds like Frothy Mugs of Water censorship. However, root beer is actually made similarly to actual beer, this includes fermentation. It can also be modified for more alcohol content. In a way, this isn't just going around the censors, but using a little known fact to their advantage.
  • Monstro closely resembles a Basilosaurus, one of the ancestors of the whales.
