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Fridge / Odd Squad

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Fridge Horror

  • Bad Luck Bears: Some of the bad luck The Bears were cursed with when they had 13 of something could have been some serious health hazards.
  • The effects of both "Take Away Four" and "Gotta Add Four" are actually somewhat terrifying. They can add/subtract 4 items from a set of anything. The former could have done something like vanish the wheels from a car or other vehicle while it was in motion, and the latter was shown to add 4 suns in the sky, which could have cooked the Earth.
  • Agent Obfusco: Olive and Otto were re-taking the Odd Squad test to keep their jobs. One of the tasks was gadget identification. Olive identified the pudding-inator right away and suddenly Obfusco — the mentor of the test- zaps Otto with the ray, turning him into pudding. Yes, it was part of the test, and yes, Olive guessed what the un-pudding-inator was. But what if she guessed wrong? At best, Otto would've transformed into something else and been able to change back, but at worst, Olive could have chosen the disintegrate-inator and killed her partner!
  • Training Day: Odd Todd's "take that" strike against the Squad - unleashing the pienado indoors - is pretty disturbing when you realize that had Olive not sealed the container, it might have destroyed headquarters. Since most, if not all, of the staff were downed by the flying pies, they might have been unable to escape when it collapsed.
  • Extreme Cakeover: The Cake Virus can be horrifying once you stop to think about it. The virus is completely unpredictable and goes after a group of people with a specific trait in common. If someone's unfortunate enough to catch the virus, the victim will have to watch in horror as their body parts turn into icing, and they continue to transform until they go full cake. The victim will then be unable to do anything, and can only pray that nobody will try to eat them.
