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Fridge / Now You See Me 2

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Jack tells a magic trick volunteer's companion, "There's a 50% chance you'll get her back." This isn't just an exaggeration of the usual joke, "I'll get her back to you alive, probably", it's foreshadowing the reveal of that trick: the use of twins.
  • This conversation:
    Tressler: If they [the Horsemen] don't make themselves known, you will find yourself in a very similar position to Mr Rhodes. Are we clear about that?
    Bradley: As clear as the water he's under.
    • As soon as the scene ends, it cuts back to the safe, murky water and all.
  • The ending itself is a magic trick. The films it up to thing Dylan's father survived and is the head of the Eye due to Dylan escaping the trick that supposedly killed his father when in fact the head of the Eye is Thaddeus and Dylan's father did die, but Thaddeus was his partner.
  • Henley leaving the Horsemen between the films due to "losing faith" in The Eye after being made to wait is actually in line with several bits of dialogue and character background given in the first film:
    • When she's introduced, Henley has a venue and an elaborate set-up compared to the other three members, who were made their living as street performers and hustlers, meaning she had a marginally higher success rate than them. Thus, she had given up more than the rest of them only to made to sit and wait despite doing everything they had been asked of them including becoming wanted fugitives.
    • Henley and Daniel's working relationship failed because he refused to treat her as an equal and was emotionally distant from her, with Henley getting impatient and leaving to chart her own course. She's also the only member of the group to express doubt that the Eye exists, if only in passing during her It Has Been an Honor moment. Given the extent of surveillance and testing the character of their potential members, its possible the Eye choose to make them wait to see if Henley had what it took to be patient; which she proved she wasn't.
