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Fridge / No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned. Fridge Brilliance

  • The Peony beam katana is said to be very powerful, which is backed up by how there's even a bit of recoil when Travis ignites it.
  • The reason why Travis doesn't have his revelation until right after the second rank boss fight is because all of the other assassins he faces are either weird (Margaret), demented (Matt Helms) or non-talkative (Ryuji) enough to not think of them as anything more than obstacles on his way to get revenge (and even then Travis shows some amount of sympathy towards Ryuji and Margaret). It isn't until someone semi-normal actually talks to Travis about how insane everything in the assassin world has become to make him realize how wrong the ranking fights are. Plus he is just about to get his revenge and has had some time to process his grief, so he's thinking more clearly by this point.
    • Besides which, all of his opponents up to that point, sympathetic or not, all seem to still enjoy the fight; Margaret is a Graceful Loser, sure, but she also calmly challenges him to the fight and then spends the whole fight talking smack to Travis through her song's lyics; Ryuji is a Worthy Opponent who seems to enjoy the fight just as much as Travis. Even Captain Vladimir, who Travis arguably shows the most sympathy for after defeating until Alice, mistakes Travis for an alien and forces Travis to kill him in self-defence. Simply put, while Travis is starting to have his doubts before, meeting Alice, the only person in the competition who seems to truly hate being a part of it, makes it all hit home.
    • By that point, Travis has taken more steps to be respectful of his opponents in their dying moments: Travis' outrage at Ryuji's death implies that even if he isn't going to spare him out of principle, Ryuji is at least owed a more honorable death. Captain Vladimir finally gets to see the Earth again with his own two eyes before passing away relatively peacefully. Both Margaret and Alice make final requests to Travis (memorizing the lyrics to her song and asking him to remember her name, respectively), which he upholds as the last words he ever says to them.
  • Also, why Travis wears all of his katanas on his belt, instead of leaving them under his bed like in the first game. As well as being more convenient to the player, it's to prevent a situation like in the end of the first game, where he's caught unaware and unarmed while on the toilet.
  • Bizarre Jelly gets expanded from three to five members. Bizzare Jelly 5. BJ 5. BJs. Blowjobs.
  • Charlie MacDonald is full of this, most of it hinging on the fact that he's a professional assassin.
    • Why is he only 25th, despite having access to Santa Death Parade? Simple; while a 500-foot-tall mecha is certainly an effective way to off someone, it also causes a lot of collateral damage, is far from discreet, and undoubtedly comes with a hefty price tag if someone actually tried to hire him and his group. All those combined make it pretty likely he doesn't get much business.
    • Travis isn't actually Crazy-Prepared; Charlie has to have used Santa Death Parade to off someone at least once before to even count as an assassin, and that kind of event is far too obvious to miss. Travis probably heard about the mecha only going after one target and figured an assassin was using it, and he would therefore need to have countermeasures in place.
  • It's kind of a medical myth that the "right" side of the brain is dedicated to creativity and irrationality, while the "left" side is dedicated to logic and analysis. Now let's look at the game's Dual Boss (New Destroyman, aka the two halves of the original Destroyman, each with the missing half replaced by cybernetics): the one with no prosthetics on his right side fights you head-on with powerful melee attacks, while the one without prosthetics on his left prefers to fly away from you and shoot you at a distance.
    • Hilariously, their personalities are switched around: the "right side" guy is Faux Affably Evil, the "left side" is a full Jerkass and doesn't try to hide it.
      • Itself brilliant; the right half is more emotional and therefore empathetic, while the left sees no point in the facade, since it never works and old Destroyman pulls his "Destroy Spark" trick pretty much just for giggles. Alternatively, he is completely off his rocker before being sliced in half, so it makes total sense that neither half behaves the way they're "supposed" to. Two halves of a total nutcase's brain just end up being two psychopaths.
  • Instead of a cool, suave, Magnificent Bastard for a Big Bad, we get an ugly little shit with no fighting ability outside his little toys. This is to avert Do Not Do This Cool Thing, because the theme of the game is how petty and stupid revenge actually is and the moral would be lost if they had made him charismatic or cool in comparison to Travis or indeed, fulfilling to kill at all.
    • And then the second and third forms come around. The second phase gets more difficult with a higher chance for instant death being inflicted on Travis, and the boss looks even more stupid in spite of his more effective attacks. The third phase then becomes much easier, but the boss now resembles a parade float designed by a colorblind neurotic, further emphasizing how frustrating and pointless the fight actually is. The whole battle is designed from the ground up to be a long, disappointing, and humiliating chore for you to deal with, because that's what revenge is.

Fridge Horror

  • One of the revenge missions shows construction work occurring on the beach... the same beach where Holly Summers' remains were buried in the last game. Her grave site is getting paved over and built upon.
