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Fridge / Michael Clayton

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Fridge Brilliance

  • On the surface looking at the final scene there's a possibility that Karen might walk. What has happened? She's uncommitted to the bribe until the end when she finally incriminates herself. Then she only does so under duress when Michael begins shouting. With a screaming man in front of her, by herself. Wouldn't she agree to anything? But then you realise what she's been threatened with. The duress on her is a document of the weed killer's harmful effect on humans, which will also enter evidence for the jury, which would tip the scale back to the prosecution. Why would Clayton's threat to publish that document create duress on the defendant if it was inauthentic as she claimed? Either it's an inauthentic document and would not create duress for her confession or it's an authentic document and proved the prosecution's case by itself. It's a perfect trap. Karen's choice is between two Solicitation of Murder for Hire charges on one hand and 400+ manslaughter charges on the other hand. She is as Michael said. Fucked.
