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Fridge / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S12 E16 "Spectacle"

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  • The NYPD are lured into a false kidnapping case in order to facilitate finding the apparent perp's missing little brother. What is wrong with the brother that he can't just plead with the cops to go over his brother's case again, instead of say persuading the police to try and reopen the case?
    • They go over this in the episode. He did try to get the police to reopen the case, they just wouldn't bother.
    • What's more, he claimed to have gone to multiple precincts all throughout his adolescence. The fact that SVU found the younger brother after putting in some actual effort just goes to show that if other police tried harder, they might have been able to find Greg's brother a long time ago. Which is another problem of some cops. They just give up too quick.
