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  • Is it any wonder the enemies that Kamen Rider Build fights are called the Smash (as in, creation vs. destruction)?
    • And the ultimate enemy Build fights? A planet destroyer with the power to create black holes, one of the most destructive powers known to mankind!
    • And how does Build, the creator, beat him? By creating an entirely new universe, the ultimate act of creation!note 
  • Build's hand pose is actually Fleming's right-hand rule.
  • The DrillCrusher fits thematically with Build's RabbitTank form, since the drill part looks like a Carrot and the Cannon form works like a tank's cannon.
  • It's not really a surprise that the Artifact of Doom is spreading a Hate Plague when it's taken from the planet named after the Roman War God.
  • Why is RabbitTank called a "Moonsault of Steel"? Why the Moon Rabbit of course!
  • At the first glare, Fullbottle combos that make up Best Matches might look random and as revealed in #41, the Inorganic Bottles side actually are mostly random as well as the pairings, but there are actually some connections between them:
    • RabbitTank: Both have something to do with movement: A rabbit is usually associated with jumping and hopping, while tanks were created to support infantry movement.
      • A rabbit hand shadow is usually made by raising the index and middle fingers, resembling a peace hand sign, while tanks are vehicles built for war. The best match represents one of the main themes of the show: Peace, War, and how they interact with each other. Now it makes sense why this is the main form of our protagonist.
    • GorillaMond (Gorilla + Diamond):
      • Both of them are associated with strength. A gorilla is mostly associated with power and brute strength, and is even prominent in many animal-themed Riders and Sentai series as component of a power-based form, while diamond is obviously one of the strongest and hardest jewels.
      • Based on full bottles' origin, gorillas are strong, but diamonds are stronger.
      • It's perhaps even a sly reference to King Kong. King Kong, when rendered in kanji/chinese characters, also means vajra/diamond.
      • The Vortex Finish involves punching a wall of diamond. This is a case of Shown Their Work, for as much as diamonds are renowned for their sturdiness, that only extends to them getting cut. Diamonds are far more vulnerable to blunt force than most people would think.
    • HawkGatling (Hawk + Gatling Gun):
      • Both are associated with violence and flight. Hawks are aggressive apex predators and of course can fly, while Gatling guns can fire hundreds of bullets per minute and are used on attack aircraft.
      • Alternatively, it might be a reference to the Desert Eagle.
      • Build can aim all his Gatling bullets with hawk's eye.
      • Snipers and hawks both have good eyesight.
      • Based on full bottles' origin, long-ranged weapons can take out something that's too far to reach. The many bullets shots from Gattling also helps to eventually hit something that moves fast.
    • NinninComic (Ninja + Comic Book):
      • Both are associated with copies; ninjas in popular culture are often associated with the use of shadow clones, and comics have mass copies of them to sell.
      • Alternatively, it could just be a reference to any manga involving ninjas.
      • Build can perform ninjutsu with manifested comic effects.
      • Much like PuToTyra is to Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger, this form is likely a reference to Ninja Sentai Kakuranger as Kakuranger was heavily inspired by the Adam West Batman show, including its use of American comic style written sound effects.
    • PandaRocket (Panda + Rocket Ship):
      • Both are associated with altitude travel. Pandas climb trees to get food, while rocket ships are built for travel high in space.
      • They're also both Chinese associated.
      • People also compared this form to Fourze. Fourze is a rocket-themed rider with a panda's color scheme.
      • Pandas are known to eat bamboo and a certain Lunarian princess is associated with Bamboos, and even has a bamboo rocket AND wears a bamboo space helmet in Ōkami, where she is part of a side quest to return to the moon.
    • FireHedgehog (Hedgehog + Firetruck): Both are associated with protection; a hedgehog has quills to protect it from predators and a firetruck protects people from fires.
    • LionCleaner (Lion + Vacuum Cleaner):
      • Both have to do with cleanliness. Soujiki being a vacuum cleaner should be easy to understand, and lions are known to groom their young.
      • Also, both are noisy.
      • Ironically, some cats are scared shitless of vacuum cleaners (though not as much as dogs)
      • A lion can bite things into smaller pieces for the vacuum to suck in easier.
    • KeyDragon (Dragon + Lock): Both are associated with treasure protection. A lock is often used to keep a treasure chest shut while dragons are said to guard hordes of treasure.
      • Both are also often associated with Japanese RPG games set in a High Fantasy setting, which helps explains why with the word "key" included, the form is called the "Seal of Fantasy Star". This is also likely why "lock" is changed to "key".
      • There is also a certain Rider with a European dragon motif whose memories are locked away.
    • KaizokuRessya (Pirate + Train): Both are associated with transporting goods and use of revolutionary transportation to travel.
    • OctopusLight (Octopus + Light Bulb): Both have to do with light through non-solar means. The lightbulb does so through electricity, while the octopus does so through bioluminescence.
      • Alternatively, it's a foreshadowing of Sawa getting turned into an octopus-like Smash, with lightbulb representing camera's flash used by reporters.
      • As seen by the form's finisher move in #13 and #14, both can also be associated with temporary blinding. Octopus can blind its enemies using ink, while too much flashes of lights from lightbulbs can also blind you.
    • PhoenixRobo (Phoenix + Robot): Both are considered immortal in different ways; a phoenix is reborn after death each time, while robots can always have their memories and programming saved and uploaded to a new body, even if their own does rust, meaning there can always be a new one.
    • SmaphoWolf (Wolf + Smartphone):
      • Both can be either alone or together, with smartphones causing both isolation and being able to socialize with others, while wolves are either loners or travel in packs.
      • Both are also able to communicate over long distances, wolves by howling and smartphones by being...well, smartphones.
      • Alternatively, it could also be a Kamen Rider 555 reference, especially considering how the combination and the Build Driver itself was designed by a man named TAKUMI Katsuragi.
    • UniRaser (Unicorn + Eraser) : Unicorns are often said to have magic powers, like magicians. One of the most famous magic tricks performed by magicians is disappearing things, just like the Keshigomu Full Bottle when used in the Sclash Driver.
      • A popular belief is that a unicorn's horn can remove contamination from water, just as an eraser removes marks from paper.
      • Some people believe that unicorns were real until they went extinct, or in other words, were erased from existence.
    • RoseCopter (Rose + Helicopter): Both use the air for transport. Roses, for their pollen, and petals, helicopters for ferrying people.
    • TurtleWatch: Both have to do with time. A watch can tell time, and turtles live for a very long time.
      • Based on the full bottles' origin, time will tell how long before the turtle expires.
    • BeetleCamera (Rhinoceros Beetle + Camera): What are tiny cameras called again? Bugs.
      • Additionally, both use compound lenses for their optics.
      • Perhaps even a reference towards Sawa's identity as a fake reporter spy, who did bug the Nascita base.
    • KumaTelevi (Bear + Television): Perhaps a reference to Persona 4.
      • Since this is the Hyper Battle DVD form, it looks like it's a reference to Televi-Kun, the magazine which is often involved in the Hyper Battle DVDs. Reverse the word order for this form, and you get "Televi-Kuma".
      • Before and during hibernation, bear and other animals tend to get fatter and not move a lot. Watching TV is also linked to sedentarism, making people fatter and not move a lot.
    • DogMic (Dog + Microphone): Both involve increasing a sound's volume. Dogs are known for having much better sense of hearing than humans, while a microphone makes sounds louder.
      • It also brings to mind a dog barking.
    • MerryChristmas (Santa Claus + Cake): Both have to do with Christmas. Santa Claus delivers presents to children at Christmas, and cake, specifically Japanese Strawberry Shortcake, is the Japanese equivalent of Christmas Cake.
    • SpiderCooler (Spider + Refrigerator): Spiders wrap up their prey to consume later while refrigerators and coolers are used to keep food cool so you can eat them later.
    • ToraUFO (Tiger + UFO): Both attack unseen, tigers when they ambush their prey and UFOs when they abduct people. Or they both could go for cattle.
    • KujiraJet (Whale + Jet): Ever hear of a jumbo jet? Not only is it big like a whale, it also sort of looks like one.
    • ShikaMid (Deer + Pyramid): Both are associated with guarding something. A deer is sometimes portrayed as a forest guardian, while a pyramid (in theory; in practice, not so much) guards the Pharaoh resting inside from thieves.
      • It could also be a reference to the Ino-Shika-Cho combo in the card game Koi-Koi and stacking cards into a pyramid is a common party trick or you can play pyramid solitaire.
    • KirinCyclone (Giraffe + Fan): Giraffe's are known for their long necks while many fans have long stands.
    • PenguinSkater (Penguin + Skateboard):
      • Both can slide along a surface. A penguin can slide on ice/snow using its belly, while a skateboard basically slides along the ground.
      • Also, remove the wheels from a skateboard, and you have the kind of skateboard people used on snow.
      • Some people ride skateboards on their bellies periodically, in a manner reminiscent of a penguin.
      • There's already a Sentai team that own a skating penguin mecha.
    • MagGhost (Ghost + Magnet): Both involve manipulating things without actually being seen (magnets move metal objects, ghosts move just about anything).
      • Based on the full bottles' origin, if you can't hit what cannot be normally seen, try using in indirect measure.
    • SameBike (Shark + Bike): Both of them are aerodynamically built to increase their speed.
    • BatEngine: Both have to do with vibrations. Bats use vibrations in the form of echolocation, and engines vibrate when they are running.
    • HachiMarine (Wasp + Submarine): Both are known for assaults. Wasps assault aggressors by stinging them and submarines assault enemies from underneath.
    • SaiDryer (Rhinoceros + Hairdryer): Rhinos' horns are made from the same material as human hair (keratin), which is what hairdryers are used to, well, dry.
    • GoldScorpion (Scorpion + Gold): Both are often found in Egypt and other deserts. Scorpions live in deserts as a habitat, and gold is hidden in ancient tombs, usually thought of as being located in the desert.
    • CrocodiCon (Crocodile + Remote Control): Both have to do with how certain actions can be triggered by certain impulses. Crocodiles can easily get upset if someone approaches a mother croc who is guarding her eggs, and remote controls can trigger actions with a simple impulse, usually the press of a button.
    • F1Saurus (Dinosaur + F1): Cars use fossil fuels, and dinosaurs leave behind fossils.
      • Further supported by full bottles' origin—by killing the dinosaur to use it to fuel cars, the latter is in a way responsible for the destruction of the former.
    • CupEnergy (Cup Noodles + Energy Drink): Both are victuals (food and drink) that give the consumer energy over a period of time. Cup Ramen contains noodles, which are a source of carbohydrates, thus they give the consumer energy over a long period of time, and energy drinks, specifically Japanese energy drinks, have a lot of caffeine in them that keep the consumer awake.
    • Super Hero Time (Super Sentai + Kamen Rider): Both air in the one-hour long programme block on the Japanese television network, TV Asahi, which air the new weekly episodes of the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider series.
    • ButtobaGanba (Kamen Rider Buttobasoul + Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbarizing): Both are Kamen Rider-based arcade games.
  • There is also a reason why some of the Fullbottles above are considered organic or inorganic despite their weird motifs.
    • Why would a ghost be considered organic? Unlike the other creatures from mythology and folklore featured as Fullbottles, ghosts are said to have no physical form. However, in pseudoscience of 19th and early 20th century, ectoplasm is a substance claimed by mediums to have come from ghosts.
    • Super Sentai is organic, because most Super Sentai are normal humans that can transform into rangers.
    • Kamen Rider is inorganic, because Kamen Riders are known to be Cyborgs or other types of modified humans.
    • Energy Drink is inorganic, because those drinks are full of many artificial substances.
  • The Build Driver design might seem weird at first...until you realize that a more accurate name for the Fullbottles might be the Full Cartridges - when he transforms, he's surrounded by structures similar to Gunpla runners; How are runners made? By injecting plastic into a mold, with the cartridges supplying the mold with the material. In other words, his driver is based on a 3D printer.
  • Build's symbol is this. The circular part resembles the Yin-Yang symbol, as in two opposing halves (organic and inorganic) coming together to make a unified whole.
    • Keep part with the Ying-Yang symbol reference, the two of the colours of Build's main form came from the Korean Taegeuk. When Build is in Sparkling Form, it adds white to the suit. Red, blue, white and black is from the North and South Korean flags.
  • Build's suit, with the color of the mask on the right being on the left hand and vice versa with the left. Our brain is cross-wired. Meaning that the right side of the brain controls the left hand and again vice versa, which explains why the suit is like that!
    • Alternatively, when you connect the body parts with the same colors as points (head half, then body half and leg), they form left (biotic Halfbody) and right (abiotic Halfbody) arrows, as in the order of the Fullbottles in the Driver.
  • Just a little one for science/math geeks but R/T's finisher is a literal linear equation. For every increment in the value in the original equation, the answer will grow lower and lower by decimals without ever actually reaching zero, which is why the line tapers off and runs off horizontally. The theory being that the line will go on forever without touching the value of zero. After two past Kamen Riders have had a final form associated with infinity, it's fun to see a Kamen Rider who's weaponised the concept of infinity.
  • Ryuga displays the surprise ability to do all sorts of stuff with his feet in episode 2 - as a professional boxer he's required to be just as dexterous on his feet as he is with his hands, despite the obvious nature of the sport.
  • Sento and Ryuga match the Organic/Inorganic formula that makes a Best Match. Sento, as the inventor of the Build Driver and all of Build's weapons, is the Inorganic; while Ryuga, as a former professional boxer who aside from the Dragon Fullbottle has no artificial advantage against his opponents prior to becoming Cross-Z, is the Organic.
    • It even fits with the true meaning of the Fullbottle Best Matches: Ryuga has part of Evolt's DNA, a creature that Sento eventually destroys.
  • Artemisia Dracunculus is a plant, commonly used as a spice tarragon, that was believed to protect from snakes and cure snake bites. Dracunculus can be translated as small dragon. That's exactly what Cross Dragon is. A small dragon that saved Ryuga from poison of cobra-themed Blood Stalk.
  • Why make the "pet" looking after Ryuga a dragon? Sento had already noted that the Dragon bottle fits with "ryu" (dragon) in Ryuga's name, so he decided to grace his jumpy partner with another dragon.
  • Kishida is depicted as The Chew Toy off the bat, meaning he's required to survive a certain amount of abuse. As of episode 6 he's the first person to come out intact after being turned into a Smash twice in a row, a rare bit of positive fallout while at the same time lending our heroes some hope.
  • At one point, Sento used NinninTank form. Because he was at a dark place at that time, it is better to capitalize Ninja's stealth with an appropriately colored half Explanation  than to go for the Best Match Explanation .
  • Ryuga seems to prefer going after Blood Stalk when he has the choice to fight him or Night Rogue. Sort of ironic when you consider that Blood Stalk is The Dragon.
  • Blood Stalk/Evolt is themed around snakes. Banjo's Rider forms are all themed around Eastern serpentine dragons. Interesting foreshadowing because the two of them are father and son.
  • Episode 8 heavily implies that Soichi's the one responsible for every disguise Ryuga has been wearing. Considering Soichi himself has been in hiding from both the government after the Pandora's Box incident and Faust after rescuing Misora, it's not a huge stretch to assume that he had to use them too.
  • Some of the Best Match Full Bottles are not only associated by some similar properties, but also related scientific topics:
    • RabbitTank: Vertical (Rabbit and its jumping) and Horizontal Movement (Tank)
    • GorillaMond: Strength of Material, for both destruction (Gorilla) and protection (Diamond)
    • HawkGatling: 2-D (Gatling) and 3-D (Taka) Movement.
    • LionCleaner: Air Pressure (Lion's scream let air go out, while Vaccuum Cleaner sucks air in. Both of them rely on controlling/changing air pressure.)
    • SmaphoWolf: Modern (Smartphone) and Traditional (Wolves with their howling) forms of Communication.
    • KujiraJet: Archimedes' Buoyancy Principle. One being exerted on by liquid (Kujira) and the other by gas (Jet).
  • Why do the newer upcoming Riders and Rider upgrade use Sclashjellies instead of Fullbottles? When some liquids are condensed/concentrated they congeal into jelly. The Sclashjellies are Fullbottles that have been purified even further.
    • And if jelly represents solid, Fullbottles holding liquid, then RabbitTank Sparkling Fulbottle represents gas as a soda can.
    • Soda's also still a liquid. Coincidentally, what represents gas may also be the substance used to create both, Nebula Gas.
  • Given episode 9, Faust has a way of reproducing the same type of Smash and hence, mass producing Build's Fullbottles for the military.
  • It may seem strange that the Legend Rider Best Matches for Decade features two inanimate objects (Camera + Card). However, Camera can indeed be used for an Organic slot by seeing it as the Cameraman Fullbottle.
    • Alternately, it could be seen as the 'Card' bottle might represent Decade's Rider Cards, which contain the essence of living Riders, and beside that a good number of Kamen Riders are organic in nature (as in, their belts mutate the Rider, instead of magic/technology to transform them).
  • KeyDragon's Vortex Finish doesn't seem to have any scientific equations, graphs, or formulas appear. Just a chain and some fire. Make sense though, since dragons are mythical.
    • The same can also be said to PhoenixRobo's Vortex Finish, as the finisher utilizes more of a Combo Platter Powers of Wreathed in Flames and Flight ability of a phoenix, seemingly without Robot Fullbottle ability being used. Just like dragons, phoenixes are mythical.
    • The SmaphoWolf's Vortex Finish doesn't seem to have any scientific equations, graphs, or formulas appear. Only spinning application icons to trapping the target(s) and then summon a black wolf silhouette to attack them. All while the wolves are real-life animal. It can be a reference to the zoetrope, an early animation device that produces the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings. See how the wolf is running around with afterimages along the icons.
  • Sawa becoming an octopus-like Smash, octopus is known for it's amazing camouflage in hiding itself, a spy needs to hide his identity well enough. Also her hair curls seem to invoke an octopus and it's tentacles.
  • Blood Stalk being The Starscream to Faust and betraying the heroes by being Soichi makes a lot of sense, given his snake theme. After all, if someone is a liar or particularly deceptive, you might call them a snake, or "a snake in the grass".
  • RabbitTank Sparkling's soda bubble effects might seem silly at first, until you realize that they aren't supposed to be soda bubbles, but molecules.
  • Sento insults Ryuga by calling him an ape. Not only he is fairly creative with it, it is even a scientifically accurate insult. Humans (Homo sapiens) count among apes in zoology.
    • Also, the only ape species represented by a Fullbottle is the Gorilla. When used, it increases Build's punching power. GorillaMond is Banjo's main form of combat.
  • Kamen Rider Grease having the Helicopter Fullbottle makes sense given that helicopters are a form of machinery which is what Grease's theme is.
  • So why did the Dragon Sclashjelly not work for Sento? Because the Fullbottle that was used to create it was in use more with Cross-Z, and given how Build struggled with KeyDragon in the past, there was no way Sento could handle a more powerful version of Dragon's powers.
  • Heisei Generation Final is the gathering of the Neo Heisei Riders. A very intriguing tidbit is that Fourze and OOO were connected to Double who started the Neo Heisei Era. Gaim and Ghost were connected to Drive who is between the two, middle. Lastly, we have Ex-Aid and Build who be the last two before the new rider appeared in a later date, the End. Therefore, Start, Middle, Finish.
  • The Hokuto Three Crows' names can be a reference to Kamen Rider Kiva aside from being led by a character whose actor also played Otoya Kurenai.
    • Castle Hard Smash to Castle Doran (fitting with Build's organic-inorganic theme, is a dragon and a castle rolled into one) and both use Breath Weapon. Incidentally, his first on-screen fight was against the dragon-themed Ryuga. Kurenai/crimson is a shade of aka/red. He could also be a reference to Rook/Lion Fangire.
    • Stag Hard Smash to the Beetle Fangire, who was Alternate Wataru's father. The former's a stag beetle while the latter's a rhinoceros beetle though.
      • There's also the Dark Kabuto which served the Alternate Otoya.
    • As a Hard Smash, Owl's name doesn't seem to match with anything in the show but his other name, Kiba, is a Best Match!
      • An alternate Kamen Rider Orga also served AR Otoya. The original Orga's alter ego? It's Yuji Kiba.
    • They were all killed eventually. What do you call a group of crows? A murder.
  • References to Otoya Kurenai's enmity with the Fangire in the fight in Episode 22.
    • Build transformed into TigerUFO against Grease. It could be a reference to Taiga (which sounds like Tiger) Nobori who used the UFO-like Sagarc Belt. Both Otoya and Taiga wielded the power of Dark Kiva. Aside from a UFO, Sagarcs also have features of a Cobra (again, organic-inorganic motif) and relates to how it was given by the cobra-themed Blood Stalk.
    • The transformation into RoseCopter can be a reference to the Queen Thorn Fangire who is the AR version of Pearlshell Fangire II who succeeded the first one with whom Otoya had an affair. Also, every member of the Checkmate Four has a rose in their sigil.
    • You can form the word Fangire from FanGiraffe if you don't repeat any of the letters.
  • There was a theory that Build would be based around model kits and in some ways, aside from the runners during transformation, it still fits.
    • Best Match forms are like snap fit/straight assembly models where you assemble parts that are from a single kit and are meant to go together.
    • Trial Forms are like when models are kitbashed and parts are taken from different kits.
    • Sparkling could be a reference to custom painting and detailing or an official redesign of an old kit.
    • Sclash sounds like scratch and scratch building is when you build a model or parts of it from raw materials. The higher hazard level required and aggression caused by the Sclash Driver can be related to how scratch building can be trying to newbie modelers.
    • Hazard Trigger can be related to Choking Hazard that comes up as a warning in model kits due to small parts that make it Harmful to Minors. The forms from this being black might be a reference to Ecopla.
    • The crack motif with Rogue could be related to Crack is Cheaper, as some modelers buy bootleg instead of original kits. Additionally, it could represent a model with pieces that are broken and then repaired.
    • Night Rogue, Blood Stalk and the Kaisers could be seen as representing RC model car kits, judging by the exposed wires and gears on their bodies. The Kaisers also transform with the Engine and Remote Control gears, the two essential parts of an RC car.
    • With the debut of RabbitRabbit and TankTank, the Hazard forms are now basically figures stripped of their removable armor, also explaining why the Hazard forms seem incomplete and completely black: it’s basically one giant undersuit. And collectors get enraged should any piece goes missing, resulting in them removing the armor set and putting them away elsewhere.
    • The rider forms achieved through the Evoldriver, Evol and Mad Rogue can be seen as pre-made figures that you don't need to assemble at all and also can't disassemble or merge with other figures without destroying or damaging them.
  • Relating to the above, the model kit motifs may correspond to a certain grade of Gunpla.
    • The base forms of Build and Cross-Z are mostly Entry Grade (EG) or High Grade (HG)s. These kits are essentially the best starting point for beginners and is accessible regardless of skill, experience and has the most availability, but have the least amount of detail and adequate articulation, so it makes sense why they would have the least power due to the low Hazard Level requirement.
    • The Hazard, Rabbit-Rabbit and Tank-Tank forms for Build embody Master Grade (MG) or Real Grade (RG), kits that are a step up in detail, durability, articulation and complexity, but they require a bit more effort and time by needing to build an internal frame for it, and thus it has an increased Hazard Level requirement. What are both super forms' internal frame, then? Hazard Form.
    • The Final Forms for all Riders (Genius, Cross-Z Magma, Cross-Z Evil, Grease Blizzard, Grease Perfect, Prime Rogue) with the Build Driver are either Real Grade (RG), Master Grade Extreme (MGEX) or Perfect Grade (PG), as they are the best of the best when it comes to quality, detail and durability, so their power far exceeds that of a Master Grade-tier kit, but they also require a high skill level and dedication, not to mention the exorbitant cost of building one (Genius requires all 60 Fullbottles, while all the others require a special, Ace Custom gimmick and/or adapter for the Build Driver corresponding to them) and limited availability, because only a select few Kamen Riders can reach a Hazard Level which breaks their limits, like how Perfect Grade is mainly for those who can truly afford it.
  • In episode 21, it's fitting that the bottles Sento used to transform again after his Heroic BSoD due to killing Aoba is Phoenix and Vacuum. Phoenix represents rebirth, and vacuum represents cleansing.
  • In episode 21; Sento hesitates for a while mid-transformation, after the Build Driver says "Are You Ready?", and the transformation only proceeds once he says "Henshin". This shows that, in this case, the 'henshin' call isn't just a catchphrase and the belt phrases aren't just to be flashy- the Build Driver is actually asking the user to verbally confirm that they're ready to proceed with the transformation.
    • This also explains the ping that is heard after Sento sends "Henshin": it's the Driver registering Sento's confirmation to proceed.
  • Why are the Hazard forms more or less identical minus the eyes? Because it was likely never finished given Takumi Katsuragi considered it too dangerous to ever be used and unlike the Sclash Driver Sento didn't modify and finish it. It's pretty much an unfinished prototype, so it'd logically be rather bare bones.
    • It could also be in reference to how the Snap Ride Builder for the form is an injection mold template, since no matter what (Fullbottle) materials you use, it creates the same shape.
  • Why does the Hazard Trigger during transformation shout the words "Uncontrolled" and "Yabei" (Typically translated as "This is bad!")? Even Takumi thought it was too dangerous, this transformation call is a warning for everyone to get out of the way.
    • Adding onto this, it could be why the standby noises are so cacophonous: the suit, sans the eyes, is jet black and thus harder to see in low light conditions and the user is completely silent when berserk. Having such a loud standby noise will let anyone around know where Build is and where to avoid.
    • "Yabei" can also be used informally to mean something good or cool, similarly to how the word "bad" is a negative word that can be used positively, such as with the word "badass". This is why RabbitRabbit and TankTank keep the "Yabei" yell, but follow it with a compliment about the chosen form's strength.
  • Sento acting more gung-ho and energetic and even using the Hazard Trigger during the Raising the Hazard Level special may seem jarring considering it takes place after #21, but it makes more sense when you consider his opponents are specifically Hard Light Holograms and not people he runs the risk of killing on accident.
  • Why is it one of the trial forms we see using the Santa Claus Fullbottle is SantaTelevi? Christmas specials.
  • Fullbottles don't seen to follow the science theme of the series, being soda or water bottles, but they do. They also look like sample vials!
    • Not only that, the RabbitTank Sparkling Fullbottle resembles a jar for vitamins and the Full Full RabbitTank Bottle looks like a test tube.
    • Sclashjellies resemble bags for intravenous therapy.
    • The Genius Fullbottle resembles the shape of a factory, with the prongs being smoke stacks.
  • If Fullbottles are water bottles and RabbitTank Sparkling is a soda can, then it makes sense that Sclashjellies are juice pouches and the Full Full RabbitTank Bottle is an energy drink can.
    • The Genius Fullbottle has the essence of every Fullbottle, making it a soda fountain.
  • Misora can be a transliteration of the Japanese pronunciation of the syncretic god Mithra (think Asura's Wrath), who is a War God like Mars but also a god of the sun, light, goodness, courage, friendship, truth, order, and justice. It's also a root word for the term Mithridatism, from Mithridates (a name that means "given by the deity Mithra") VI of Pontus, which is the practice of protecting oneself against a poison by gradually self-administering non-lethal amounts and Mithridate, a semi-mythical medicine, referencing her healing powers.
    • The positive qualities mentioned of which Mithras is a god of can also be associated with hope, which is what remained in Pandora's Box.
  • Something about a Rose and escaping by helicopter are oft-reused aspects of the Phantom Thief. It's a lovely coincidence that RoseCopter debuts on the same week as Lupinranger VS Patoranger.
  • The entire storyline after Hokuto declares war with Touto is very definitely making a statement on the pressures and horrors of war that are put on its soldiers and its victims, but the most interesting addition to the equation is the Sclash Driver, which seems to be a take on soldiers who become desensitized to fighting the enemy or violence in general, as well as the pressure put on them to keep going. Fullbottles won't work with it normally; only Sclash Jellies will do, and the only two that are known to exist are Robot (Known for being emotionless performers of a given task) and Dragon (Known as being cool, powerful creatures of destruction.) Compared to the Build Driver, the Sclash Driver sounds far more aggressive and badass, and the jellies are smashed by two pneumatic presses in the driver itself. They also have a dangerous issue of causing an adrenaline rush in the brain that drives the user to get in constant fights no matter how dangerous it is to their body or their mind. The only Fullbottle known to work with the driver and induce a transformation is the Crocodile Fullbottle, which is heavily cracked, and is currently in the possession of a man who submitted himself to hellish training conditions and broke himself trying to fit into a mold he wasn't entirely prepared for: being a soldier. Or in this case, a Kamen Rider.
  • There might be a reason only the Crocodile Crack Fullbottle can be used in the Sclash Driver. The Sclashjellies themselves are gel-like substances contained in a flexible bag, so the Sclash Driver can just squeeze the gel out of it. The Fullbottles however are hard-plastic water bottles, the liquid cannot be forced out by the press mechanism. However, if the water bottle is cracked, the liquid inside will slowly ooze out of the container via the cracks.
  • In the fight in Touto Engineering Factory in Episode 25, Build transformed into the all-red Rose+Firetruck form and fought together with the bluish Cross-Z Charge and yellowish Grease. They're using the most used Ranger colors of Super Sentai, showing that they finally became a team after their earlier conflict. Not only that, but they've become their own Hokuto Crows.
    • Also, continuing the Sentai tradition, Gentoku/Rogue is a mostly purple rider - what's one color that's been recently used for the Sixth Ranger as of late?
  • Being called Kamen Rider is a serious business in Build, only reserved to selfless, heroic people and given to them by someone else.
    • Sento may have a bit of an ego at times, but he is overall a sweet, kind person. It was later revealed that Takumi Katsuragi, the original Build and Sento's true identity, who despite his heartless and emotionless attitude originally developed the Rider System in order to defeat and destroy Evolt and carry on his 'dead' father's goal.
    • Ryuga counts too, even though he can be a jerk about it and his ways often oppose Sento to explosive results. However, he does show more selflessness near the final third of the series, especially when he risks himself to rescue Sento who had been possessed by Evolt in #36, and to sacrifice himself to trap Evolt between the wormhole to ensure the two worlds collided in #48.
    • Kazumi has to be viewed from the point of the Three Crows as he indeed is selfless and heroic to them. It also then carries over to his actions after the rise of Evolt, and carries over to his sacrifice as Grease Blizzard.
    • So why Gentoku is a Kamen Rider? Simple, he thinks he is the hero of the story and he calls himself so. Then comes The Reveal that he IS one ever since his Hazard level nullified the Hate Plague as more of an Anti-Hero who wants to unite the country so his father can run it by playing the villain. And he plays the trope straight when he sacrifices himself to stall Evolt for Sento's plan.
    • Shinobu Katsuragi as the other Build may also be seen as evil at first, but it was later revealed that he was working with Evolt in order to end him after his first defeat, making him more of a Well-Intentioned Extremist who's willing to do anything to get the job done, but he is still one of the most morally ambiguous of the Riders that aren't evil, since he still let many atrocities happen for his plans to take place.
    • Utsumi as Mad Rogue also seemed villainous at first, working with Evolt and doing amoral tasks for him such as attacking civilians, but in the end it was revealed he worked with Evolt in order to kill him to avenge Namba's death. However, he is still one of the most morally ambiguous of the Riders, maybe even more than Shinobu, because he didn't truly justify his actions out of a sense of justice like the four heroic Riders or a well intentioned goal like Shinobu, but more out of vengeance.
    • After the reveal why the three Riders above weren't truly evil, but still morally ambiguous, it's clear the only rider that is truly evil is Evolt, because the Rider System the other riders are using are based on the Evol-Driver (the Build Driver being a knockoff of the Evol-Driver, the Sclash Driver being a creation Evolt spread to the other nations, and Utsumi using the Evol-Driver himself). This means they are truly fighting against the evil origins of their drivers and showcase the Phlebotinum Rebel trope which is repeatedly shown throughout the entire franchise.
  • The Hazard Trigger is the last piece of equipment that Katsuragi ever designed for Project Build before he attempted to quit Faust. Its effects are in many ways a mirror of his own stoic personality and the path of revenge that led him to create it: the device doesn't make the user into a frothing berserker, but rather makes them eerily calm and absolutely silent as they attempt to murder every living being in sight. The specific reason that Katsuragi tried to quit Faust is yet to be revealed, but it's not a stretch to imagine that he saw his reflection in the Trigger and recoiled at the sight of what he'd become.
  • All of the Riders each seem to resemble (sometimes inverted) parts of the Mad Scientist setup.
    • Build is the Mad Scientist himself, designing all of the weapons and gear that move the plot forward.
    • Cross-Z is The Igor, being the strong but dumb sidekick and right-hand man to Build.
    • Grease, using the Robot Jelly, represents the gizmos and machinery used to make the monsters, or even a Killer Robot on his own.
    • While he isn't this at first, by the time Rogue gets a Driver all his own, he fits the model of Frankenstein's Monster, an experiment gone 'rogue' that intends to kill the scientist responsible for its birth.
    • Evolt represents the General Ripper who would employ, fund, or otherwise direct the Mad Scientist to create monsters.
  • Looking back, one can observe that whenever Sento is under pressure, he shows a lot of Dissonant Serenity as a coping mechanism. Taking this into account, the fact that Takumi Katsuragi is almost always in this state could mean that his father's death had such a negative effect on his mental health he was stuck in this state for what appeared to be several years, until his own 'death'.
  • Of the 4 heroic Kamen Riders, Gentoku stands out for being the only one not to have a Kanji for a certain animal in his name - Sento, Ryuga, and Kazumi have the respective kanjis for To (Rabbit), Ryu (Dragon), and Sa (Monkey)note . He's also the only one to start off outright villainous, and the only one who uses a Sclash Driver but not a Sclash Jelly.
  • The initials of Cross-Z Magma sounds like "caesium", an alkali metal that violently combusts upon introduction to the air, even more so than it's brethren.
  • We see a constant running gag that Owner has no clue how to make coffee, even to the point of Sento questioning why he has a shop at all. It makes sense that an alien has no clue about human tastes and food.
  • In the early episodes, most of the battle setup had Sento vs Night Rogue and Ryuga vs Blood Stalk. Then it turned out the match between Ryuga and Stalk makes sense given they are both aliens.
  • Episode 35 bring us a new light about why Evolt-possessed Soichi Isurugi named memory-deleted Takumi Katsuragi with the face of Taro Satou as Sento Kiryu. Not only because manipulative nature of Evolt to renaming Takumi just like the last season's big bad does as Sento's name consisted of the first kanji of 戦車 / SENsha / tank and 兎 / TO / rabbit, which literally means "war rabbit" or "war hare", exactly what RabbitTank is, but also because Sento is a kana away from "Sentou" / 戦闘, which properly means "war" or "battle". In #35, Evolt keep ranting about Sento's belief of humanity and science, said that science only makes war in the end. The fact that Evolt-possessed Soichi before and after The Reveal always encouraging Sento to create more new equipment, and also his speech to Sento about the difference between Sento and Ryuga before he gave Sento the Hazard Trigger, concludes in two things: He made Sento a personification of War, and he personally nurtured the War itself!
    • "Kiryu" may have been a random name that Soichi/Evolt randomly chosen until you realise what pronouncing them sounds like. The "Ki" is similar to the word "Key" while "Ryu" basically means "Dragon", now which one of the Best Matches has both of them?
  • In #36, Sento's form when possessed by Evolt consists of his white hair and occasional red eye. It seems to stand out compared to when Evolt possesses Ryuga and Soichi, but there is a reason why. There are rabbits that are not only white in color, but said rabbits have red eyes!
  • With the exception of the Drill Crusher (as it can be used by any form), all of Build's weapons that were built by Sento are used by forms that either have a "weapon-based" fullbottle (the Hawk Gatlinger for Gattling and the Fullbottle Buster for the FullFull RabbitTank Bottle's TankTank mode) or a "human-based" fullbottle (the 4Koma Ninpoutou for Ninjya and the Kaizoku Hassyar for Pirate)
  • The Dragon Evolbottle was made from Ryuga with Evolt's power, so naturally he'd be even more synched with it than usual, and an Evolbottle is basically a Fullbottle+. No wonder he went up in Hazard Levels so fast.
  • Kazumi's family owns a potato farm in Hokuto. Why potatoes? They are easier to farm on poor soils than other crops (corn, wheat). Soils in Hokuto were contaminated by the Sky Wall Incident, causing agriculture to go down the tubes. It was only logical to resort to crops that could handle these conditions and still provide food for the populace.
  • The suit of Kamen Rider Mad Rogue didn't really have the proper colors for the bottles it used. It only had a little purple and was mostly white, contrasting how the Bat and Engine bottles are purple and red, respectively. Then you realize Utsumi previously used the Faust Bat bottle (purple) and the Gear Engine (white) before. Both of those carry the essences of the original Full Bottles, but still 'stained' his body enough so that when the Evol Driver gave him a form, it was altered based on the other versions rather than the originals.
    • Also, Katsuragi mentioned the Build System is to create whereas Evolt and his Driver represents destruction. Using a Best Match in Evol Driver doesn't create a half-to-half configuration like Build, instead, a symmetrical form was made because the Driver scrambles and mix them back into a single Rider. This is to indicate that something that was purposed for destruction cannot be used as an object of creation.
  • The opening got updated in #29 to include Sawa and Kazumi. It begins with the characters showing up in the screen molds being Ryuga, Misora, Kazumi, Sento and for some reason Gentoku, who is an enemy at the time, instead of Sawa who has cemented herself as part of their family. But after #36, it became clear that they represent the people who can fight and oppose Evolt directly. Four of them being Kamen Riders and Misora having the powers of the Queen of Mars, Vernage.
  • Takumi reappearing and possessing Sento's body again before Sento came back to achieve his final form was this season's way of doing the "kill the Rider and resurrect him before final form" gimmick.
  • The three people affected by the light of the Pandora's Box, Gentoku Himuro, Yoshiko Tajimi and Masakuni Mido later become what they developed for the war. Gentoku focused on developing the Rider System so he became a Kamen Rider. Yoshiko focused on developing more powerful Smash so she became a Smash. Masakuni developed nothing for the war so he literally became nothing.
  • Another possible reason Takumi cannot use the Genius Bottle? When we see inside the head of the man, we see that the gears in his mind have stopped and they only start moving again when he gives control back to Sento. Takumi was also too focused on his goal of defeating Evolt, to the point he was willing to kill Banjo on the off chance he turns back into Evolt, that he created dangerous inventions like the Hazard Trigger, inventions that could only be used as weapons. The Genius Bottle didn't recognize Takumi, who became a demon unable to think beyond his goal of defeating Evolt, as a true genius. The more heroic Sento, who truly thinks about others and uses his intelligence to better mankind, was the one who truly deserved the title of Genius.
  • The Hazard Trigger and the Genius Bottle could represent the two kinds of scientists. The Hazard Trigger represents scientists like Takumi or Utsumi who pursue science and do all kinds of experiments simply cause it interested them or stroked their ego, possible repercussions be damned, and one day, they'll find their experiments go out of control. The Genius Bottle, however, represents scientists who use their intelligence to better all of mankind and refuse to do less than moral experiments for science's sake. When they're used together to 'purify' a Lost Bottle, it can be seen as a compromise between the two types, a scientist that does questionable things for the betterment of mankind.
  • Of course Banjo has no brains, Evolt is the one who got all the brains when they became individual beings.
  • Most of the transformations, even the more higher tier ones, use only one or two Full Bottles at most. So what does that say about the strength of Build Genius, which has sixty Full Bottles directly attached to the suit?
  • Kamen Rider Rogue's "broken" motif, on one level, represents the harsh treatment that Gentoku had to undergo to raise his Hazard Level and become a Rider. On the other hand, it could also represent kintsugi, the Japanese technique of repairing broken pottery with gold, to embrace the imperfections and flaws. Referring to the fact that Gentoku's breakdown was necessary for him to throw off the influence of Pandora's Box and eventually become a hero.
    • Made even more evident with the reveal of his Prime Rogue form, which replaces the cracks in his suit with gold details.
  • After seeing Gentoku's choice of clothing after being freed of the influence of Pandora's Box. It makes sense why he used to sit on that incredibly tacky chair as Night Rogue.
  • With the revelation of the true nature of the Best Matches revealed in Episode 41, it suddenly makes a lot of sense why so many of the Best Matches seem like random combinations. It's because they mostly ARE completely random combinations!
  • With the information that Best Matches are really thirty things Misora liked being destroyed by thirty random weapons and objects, how do some of the more random combinations like Lock and Dragon or Unicorn and Eraser fit this new theme?
    • Dragon and Lock: Dragons are traditionally written to live in caves filled with their treasure. Locking up the entrance would mean the dragon would be stuck in the cave and starve to death.
    • Unicorn and Eraser: Unicorns are fictional creatures and so, they usually only exist as drawings drawn by a young girl like Misora used to be. An eraser would be used to cruelly erase a little child's drawing of a unicorn.
    • Phoenix and Robot: A beautiful and fantastical bird that is free to fly wherever it wants is killed by a completely non-magical and cold weapon that only does what it is told to do, and as robots don't die of age, no matter how many times the phoenix resurrects, the robot will always be there to kill it.
    • Rose and Helicopter: Imagine a beautiful field of blooming roses. Now imagine it being cut down by the blades of a helicopter.
    • Octopus and Light Bulb: Put an octopus under a heat lamp and sooner or later, it will dry up and die.
    • Pirate and Train: A pirate is utterly powerless to stop a land vehicle like a train and will be ran over by it; alternatively, with the birth of locomotion, ships as exportation means started being used less and less. Having no loot to plunder, traditional piracy itself eventually died.
    • Ghost and Magnet: A ghost's existence may be proven false by skeptics claiming magnets were used to simulate the effects of a haunting.
    • Ninja and Comic: A ninja could have their name publicized, leading to someone tracking them down and finding them.
    • Hedgehog and Firetruck: It's very possible the water pressure from a firetruck's hose could kill a hedgehog. Either that, or the firetruck can just run over the hedgehog.
    • Dog and Mic: Dogs have sensitive hearing, so shouting loudly into a working and plugged mic would be disastrous to them.
    • Turtle and Watch: As old as turtles can live, they can still die to old age.
    • Spider and Refrigerator: Spiders will freeze to death if you put them in a fridge.
    • Whale and Jet: A jumbo jet can lift up a whale out of water, slowly killing them like a beached whale.
    • Deer and Pyramid: Pyramids are found in deserts, and deers can't live in deserts.
    • Scorpion and Gold: A gold bar is very heavy. Drop one on a scorpion, and it goes splat.
    • Wasp and Submarine: Submarines are made for underwater exploration, while wasps aren't.
    • Panda and Rocket: Pandas would likely not be able to survive going into space on a rocket; alternatively, a panda would die if one fired a rocket launcher in it's direction.
    • Lion and Vacuum: A strong enough vacuum would be able to take away a lion's oxygen supply, and the lion would die from lack of breathing.
    • Giraffe and Fan: A sharp enough fan blade could decapitate a giraffe.
    • Dinosaur and F1: If the dinosaurs didn't die and become oil, Race cars wouldn't have fuel.
    • Santa and Cake: Feeding Santa with too much cake would cause him to become obese and eventually die from related health complications.
    • Bear and Television: Bears could have their habitat broadcast on television, leading to poachers tracking them down and killing them.
  • Early on, it's established the Trans Steam users have the ability to mask their voice. While that explains why Night Rogue's voice sounds garbly, it doesn't explain why Blood Stalk's voice is so different from its wearer that a completely different voice actor is used... It's the first clue that there's more to Stalk than meets the eye.
  • Cake should not have been inorganic as all the ingredients used to make it has to be organic (flour, sugar and even fruits). However, #41 reveals that Fullbottles are not really categorized that way; cakes are probably what Soichi thought off as a way to get rid of Santa Claus.
  • To some it might seem like the Bike Full Bottle giving a Halfbody based on the Ride Builder is coincidence, but it's actually not both in-universe and out of it. Takumi Katsuragi might have used SameBike or at least the Bike Bottle once, and Sento, being an amnesiac Katsuragi, had some bits and pieces of his previous life's memories floating around in his head. The Bike Halfbody isn't based on the Ride Builder, the Ride Builder is based on the Bike Halfbody.
    • This could also apply to the Smartphone Fullbottle, since the phone on the arm looks like the Buildphone. It also helps that it was shown that Takumi Katsuragi knew about the Smartphone Bottle and its Best Match SmaphoWolf during the video presentation about Build.
  • The fact Evolt seems to be the strongest member of his species (as the next strongest needs a mishmash of Build Driver related items to get a form rivaling him) and there seems to be only one Pandora's Box explains why they just left him on Mars: anything that could defeat Evolt one on one could slaughter the rest of them.
    • As of Build New World: Cross-Z, Evolt appeared to be still second to his older brother Killbus.
  • Sometime after gaining the Evol Driver and transforms into Mad Rogue, Utsumi was shown having his own doubts first before reaffirming that his path was right. At first it seemed as though that he rather side with the heroes than being a coward working for Evolt. Once #47 came in, everything resolves in full circle: Utsumi wanted to undermine Evolt from within and feared that his cover would be exposed until he discovers Shinobu working undercover as well, so this gives him the confidence to continue scheming until the right time comes.
  • While it is indeed true that the Best Matches were of sinister origins, ever since Sento took possession of them, they symbolized many of the noble traits he and his friends possessed.
    • Rabbit + Tank: What do you call a cute but weak animal (rabbit) given the durability and firepower of a tank? A Badass Adorable.
    • Gorilla + Diamond: What do you call the savage willpower of a primate (gorilla) with the hardness of a diamond? The Determinator.
    • Taka + Gatling: What do you call a noble bird (hawk) with the power to defend the weak (gatling gun)? A Guardian Angel.
    • Ninja + Comic: What do you call a man with secrets (ninja) with the book with endless imagination (comic)? Taking a Third Option.
    • Panda + Rocket: What do you call a peaceful creature (panda) with the knowledge to advance forward (rocket)? A Science Hero.
    • Harinezumi + Syoubousya: What do you call a fierce animal (hedgehog) with the power of a rescue vehicle (fire engine)? Hot-Blooded.
    • Lion + Soujiki: What do you call a majestic animal (lion) that has been properly tidied itself (vacuum cleaner)? A Knight in Shining Armor.
    • Dragon + Lock: What do you call a powerful mythical being (dragon) who will fight to protect something precious (lock)? You Shall Not Pass!!
    • Kaizoku + Densya: What do you call a dark fellow (pirate) who will honor their word to get your precious cargo to their destination (train)? An Anti-Hero.
    • Octopus + Light: What do you call the animal that lights (light bulb) you through the dark abyss (octopus)? Light Is Good.
    • Phoenix + Robot = What do you call an emotionless being that gain life of its own and feel love = Defrosting the Ice Queen.
    • Wolf + Smartphone = What do you call a lone wolf who now has some close network of friends = True Companions
    • Unicorn + Eraser = What do you call an inspiring being that even death will not stop hope = Inspirational Martyr
    • Rose + Helicopter = What do you call a beautiful thing returning to the Heavens = Love Redeems.
    • Turtle+Watch = What do you call some who matured more than others = Wise Beyond Their Years
    • Rhinoceros Beetle + Camera = What do you call a brave reporter with the camera to expose the truth = Intrepid Reporter
    • Bear + Televison = What do you a powerful being now a role model in children's television = Beary Friendly
    • Dog + Mic = What do you call an energetic person rallying the group = Rousing Speech
    • Santa Claus + Cake = What do you call an inspiring figure who has cake to honor him = Celebrating the Heroes
    • Spider + Refridgerator = What do you call a Spider that can be found in nomral appliances at your homes = Friendly Neighborhood Spider
    • Tiger + UFO = What do you call an animal that is more than meets the eye = Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
    • Whale + Jet = What do you call a very big animal that arrive on the nick of time like a jet = Big Damn Heroes
    • Deer + Pyramid = What do you call an unsuspecting animal with a massive shrine of its own = The Chosen One
    • Giraffe + Cyclone = What do you call a Giraffe that can leap with a Cyclone = In a Single Bound
    • Penguin + Skater = What do you call a silly animal that has some skill = Cloud Cuckoo Lander
    • Ghost + Magnet = What do you call something as fictional as ghost become real as magnet = Beyond the Impossible
    • Shark + Bike = What do you call a dangerous animal that will take the fight with a bike of its own = Badass Biker
    • Bat + Engine: What do you call a Bat upgraded with an engine to reach its full potential = Super Mode
    • Wasp + Submarine: What do you call a small insect has some power to hide and wait to strike back = La RĂ©sistance
    • Rhino + Dryer: What do you call a tough Rhino that has a soft spot like your Dryer = Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • As shown by Evol's theme his name is love spelled backwards which makes sense considering he's the antithesis to the rider's beliefs of fighting for LOVE and peace as he is a being who grows more powerful from destruction and chaos while ruining peoples lives for his own amusement.
  • Originally, when RabbitDragon debuted in episode 49 of Build people were confused as to why it played both the Trial Form sound and the Best Match sound. However, the official website and multiple people on Twitter have explained why the RabbitDragon jingle is a Best Match: it is naturally a Trial Form due to there being two Organic Fullbottles, but because of Sento's compatibility with Ryuga, it is forced into a Best Match!
    • Actually, it's more than meet the eyes. The place where Build and Evolt were fighting in was the bridge that connected the two worlds. It wouldn't be far-fetched to say that this place ALSO defied law of physics. Normally, the Build Driver couldn't use two Organic Bottles without outside adjustment. However, in a place where physics aren't applicable, the Build Driver was forced to defy physics and accept the two Fullbottles as Best Match. This was shown in evidence because the form only lasted for a good few seconds since the place was breaking apart.
      • This also explains why the Gold Rabbit and Silver Dragon Fullbottles are extraordinarily connected and powerful enough to injure Evolt. Those Bottles were defying the logic of physics and science. Such a thing that defies physics will be more powerful in place where physics isn't applicable.
    • Even in universe, RabbitDragon follows the rule of Evolt's meaning of Best Match and the above notes on Sento's meaning of Best Match.
      • Evolt: Rabbit + Dragon = Another hammy way to kill a rabbit
      • Sento: Rabbit + Dragon = True Companions. No wonder why Sento and Ryuga survived into the new world.
  • At first, it might confuse multiple people that Kamen Rider Rogue's new form in the Hyper Battle DVD, Prime Rogue, is based off the Build Driver, and not the Sclash Driver. However, it makes sense if given a deeper analysis from multiple aspects:
    • For one, in its current state, the original Gentoku, Kazumi and Utsumi technically non-existent at this point, and the new world Gentoku, Kazumi and Utsumi don't really have any memories of their original selves. Obviously, this means that Gentoku wouldn't have a Sclash Driver, since he never would have went to Utsumi to get his one.
    • Secondly, even if the Hyper Battle DVD takes place in the original world, from Sento's own analysis, the Sclash Driver carries with it its own risks (the aggressiveness, for example), and it has become obsolete due to the creations of the FullFull RabbitTank Bottle, and the Magma and Blizzard Knuckles.
    • To add to another part of Rogue's transformation, a reason why Sento just doesn't just use the CrocodiCon Best Match as Rogue's new form, is that he doesn't really have any exposure to the Remocon Fullbottle. Yes, sure, he might have seen Remocon Bros. and Kaiser fight, but he doesn't have any hands-on experience with the Gear. The only people to have their hands on the Gear, is the original Utsumi and Fu, and Evolt (all of which don't exist).
    • Another reason why Sento most likely bases the design of the Prime Rogue Fullbottle from the FullFull RabbitTank Bottle, and not make a new adapter for it, is because generally two Bottles are stronger than just one (compare Cross-Z Form to RabbitTank Sparkling Form, Great Cross-Z Form to RabbitRabbit and TankTank Forms, and Cross-Z Magma to Genius Form).
    • Try looking at other users of Sclash Drivers: they were all given new forms by discarding the original driver for Build Driver. Apart from that, their upgrades involves using a single Fullbottle with twin slots. "Two heads are better than one", nuff said.
  • While the Cross-Z Ridewatch ends up coming about in a different way in Kamen Rider Zi-O than it does in Build, its appearance at the end of Build actually fits well, considering that the Ridewatches in Zi-O come about as a result of history being changed to remove previous riders from the timeline- which is exactly what Sento did!
  • The Prime Rogue Hyper Battle DVD gives Rogue a new form with golden designs replacing the 'cracked' sections of his armor. This is a direct reference to Kintsugi, a Japanese technique used for repairing pottery by filling in the cracks with gold. The philosophy behind it is that one should embrace the damage and repair of the item, rather than cover it up, and this applies significantly to the Rider, seeing as Gentoku himself was once a broken, evil man, but with Sento's help he became a hero.
  • It is befitting the number of Fullbottles for Sentou and Banjo used to transformed matching their battle attitude. Sento using two Fullbottles representing him using both his intellect and physical strength to fight the enemy while Ryuga only used one Fullbottle to fight that only charged forward to fight and have to compensated with an additional Transformation Trinket to increase the power of one Fullbottle.
  • In the V-Cinema, an almost jarring thing that would take most viewers by surprise is Evolt suddenly joining the good guys so easily. However, when one considers how long he incubated within Banjo, it begins to make sense. During the time he regenerated within Banjo, he likely was a witness to everything that the Rider felt. And unlike when he viewed Soichi's memories and experiences, now he has the emotional capacity to understand those memories. Evolt is literally feeling empathy for the first time in his life. He's actually feeling a connection to these people, who he ruined and tormented. However, being the egomaniac he is, he can't just up and admit the connection to 'lesser beings', let alone admit that he's guilty about what he did. So instead he takes the opportunity to use Killbus as an excuse to make a promise to get away from them, likely to sort out his own conflicting emotional state.
  • Each Transformation Trinket that owned by Ryuga seems to correspond with his current situations/mental state:
    • The Cross-Z Dragon reacts to him only when he isn't fighting for his own sake and for the sake of others.
    • The Great Cross-Z Dragon responded to him for his desperation to save Sento from Evolt's possession.
    • The Magma Fullbottle was created and used together with Magma Knuckle symbolizing his extreme rage against Evolt for manipulating his entire life and unleashing those rage to him.
    • Like the Genius Fullbottle, the Muscle Galaxy Fullbottle only can be used when not using it for revenge and with the intention for protecting others, in this case Ryuga's desire to not lose someone he loves ever again.
      • Interestingly, his in-series final form (Cross-Z Magma), also corresponds to another thing: Kasumi, his first lover. What was Kasumi's Smash form? Burn Smash. And what is Cross-Z Magma? A burning form!
  • Just as Vernage stated before, Ryuga became the crucial factor in saving the universe from Killbus in the V-Cinema.
  • Metal Build being the counterpart to TankTank Form as a further development of Hazard Form as well as an inversion of Evolt, where as Evolt becomes a monster by absorbing the black panel, Metal Build fuses with a monster by absorbing the white panel; this form also reminiscence of TankTank's armors plating across the black Hazard Form.
  • How is Ryuga able to figure out what the Best Matches are in one guess? Simple - remember, he's part Evolt. While he may call it a sixth sense, it's possible that he may be unconsciously recalling the combinations that Souichi gave Evolt thanks to that part of Evolt inside him.

    Fridge Horror 
  • Observe the almost casual ease that Blood Stalk, Night Rogue, and Build are able to mow down soldiers, be they human or robot. Now, consider the fact Night Rogue's ultimate plan is an entire army of Dark Riders. We've seen armies of Riders mow down armies of monsters, but this series highlights just how utterly screwed humanity would be if that army was against them.
  • Since the opening of the Pandora Box made everyone present have their aggressiveness and other negative traits within them magnified you wonder if some of these people were once decent and nice people before the Sky Wall Disaster eventually turned them into worse people. Makes you wonder if people like Gentoku and Soichi were once decent people before the Pandora Box was involved, with even Soichi admitting that the Pandora Box did a number on his mind when he touched it.
    • Confirmed with Gentoku and Yoshiko. When they both got cured of the Hate Plague, they had a big My God, What Have I Done? moment and now have to live with what they did. While Soichi was possessed all the time by an evil alien that wants to destroy the planet.
  • Misora is needed to purify Full Bottles, and yet a large number of them would only form in the other two capitols. Does this mean there are at least two other people like her out there being subjected to similar horrible treatment and manipulation in the other two capitols to purify their Bottles?
    • Either that, or else Misora purified all the bottles, and Soichi..."dispersed" them while setting up the plan to make Touto's set.
  • Despite how much of a genius physicist Sento is, his amnesia actually makes him disturbingly similar to Misora; they're both children inside, despite their older bodies. Misora never got the chance to grow up, and Sento has to grow up from scratch. He's technically only one year old at best. They're both children who are thrown into a conspiracy and eventually they're in a war they wanted no part in, but directly blame themselves for and Sento ends up killing someone.
    • An amnesiac don't lose their maturity with their memory though. And Misora is pretty mature for a previous comatosed nine years old.
  • The fact that it was Soichi who named Sento takes on a new twist with his attitude that the Riders are simply weapons, after all he literally named him "Rabbit Tank".
  • Sento Kiryu would come back but that would mean Takumi Katsurugi would had to "disappear/die" again as all intents in purposes they are really more like separate people in the same body. While it would be great for the Nascita crew, friends and allies as Sento can handle the Build System better at its current state and they trust Sento more the fact that Takumi would had to technically speaking have to give up his existence so the person the crew want would be back is kind of sad. He didn't choose to lose his memory and his face be changed and lose his identity as Takumi. Maybe Takumi wasn't the greatest person in the world but he wasn't totally heartless either and being erased like that its kind of unfair to him.
    • It continues even more in the Build tribute in the second episode of Kamen Rider Zi-O. Because of the fact that this version of Katsuragi Takumi did not have to go through his fight with Evolt, the Skywalls, Faust, and his father's supposed 'suicide'. Thus, he doesn't have the tragic backstory his original self have, and as a result, his personality developed a lot differently.
  • If Evolt truly dug deeper into Soichi's mind to find thirty real weapons, what are the chances he would've found one of the worst and destructive weapons humanity made, the nuclear bomb, and made a Fullbottle out of that? Soichi specifically, and Earth as a whole, were lucky Evolt decided to accept the answers Soichi gave him or there might've been a Nuclear Bomb Fullbottle.
  • Killbus is strong enough that he doesn't need an Evol Driver to beat down Evolt, instead he goes with the 'knock-off' Build Driver, which is weaker than the Evol Driver. Aren't we all glad he didn't try the Evol Driver!? Because if did it would been much worse for everybody.
  • The ending of the V-Cinema: Evolt basically leaves the Earth but it leaves the implication he might be eating planets again... thankfully he's honored his promise to leave Earth but still leaves the implications...
  • Evolt himself sparks some in-universe horror with the first four Lost Bottles. The Cobra, Bat, Scissors and Zebra Lost Bottles were created by creating Lost Smash such as who the Scissors Lost Smash was. Who were used to create Cobra, Bat and Zebra though? And what happened to them?
    • New World: Grease answers who Zebra was. Keiji Uraga, aka Metal Build.
    • Imagine, there's still two people out there with their memories of being horrifically experimented on and murdered restored with no way of knowing what happened.
