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Fridge / Incredibles 2

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    Fridge Brilliance 
  • Both films borrow a strong 1960s aesthetic, so it's fitting Bob can't make sense of Dash's math homework: in the 60s, schools tried to implement "New Math" so American students could compete with the Soviets after the launch of Sputnik. Among other annoyances, it asked grade school children to ignore practical math like arithmetic or multiplication in favor of more complex practices like algebraic inequalities or bases other than 10. Tom Lehrer even had a whole song mocking it, and he'd have every right since he was a mathematician. Dash's textbook "New Math for Life" even serves as an inside joke, because New Math was quickly abandoned when teachers, parents, and students alike all found it too frustrating and impractical.
    • There's also some brilliance that has nothing to do with the 60s in that even in modern times, it's not uncommon for a parent to realize the method their child is being asked to use on a math assignment is not what they remember.
      • Specifically, anyone who has tried to help a child with math homework post-Common Core has had the same exact experience as Bob, quite possibly having preemptively quoted him even.
  • An In-Universe explanation for the minor differences in the physical appearance of the Incredibles in this film (e.g. Elastigirl being a bit buxomer and Violet having slightly curvier hips) as compared to the last one: Mr. and Mrs. Incredible were shown complaining about inaccuracies in the first movie's portrayal of their looks in promotional interviews for it, with Mr. Incredible, in particular, claiming "I was never that out-of-shape." This movie, apparently, is portraying the Incredibles' appearances more the way Bob and Helen believe they really are supposed to be portrayed.
  • The Bumbling Dad plot arc in this movie is a natural progression of one of the central themes of The Incredibles, that Bob needs to learn to be a better parent. In the first movie, he was shirking his parental responsibilities for the sake of reliving the glory days, and this ended with the realization (as Violet busted them out of Syndrome's prison) that his children were his greatest adventure, and he'd almost missed it. It makes perfect sense that the next movie would put that commitment to be a better father into the fullest possible practice.
  • It kind of would make sense that Elastigirl would be the face for the campaign to return the Supers instead of Mr. Incredible since he was the one who unintentionally started the Superhero Registration Act in the first place, all because he got sued for rescuing a suicidal man who didn't want to be saved and then was sued again five days later by victims of an L Train accident caused by Bomb Voyage and Buddy. Both of these incidents inspired people to sue Supers the world over until the world governments had them go into hiding after tremendous public pressure and the crushing financial burden of an ever-mounting series of lawsuits. Meanwhile, Elastigirl hasn't done anything to earn the public's ire, and the most public property damage we've seen her do was using a manhole cover as a projectile to disable the Omnidroid's laser.
    • It also makes sense in that her stretching powers are the least likely to cause collateral damage; unchecked super strength could level buildings and large-scale icing can be dangerous to civilians.
  • Bob's annoyance at his wife saving a train could be because the last time he did that it cost him everything.
  • Violet has trouble trying to destroy her super suit. Of course, Edna designed them to be practically indestructible.
    • It could also represent that Violet's resolve to renounce supers isn't as strong as she says it is, even foreshadowing that she would "renounce [her] renunciation!"
    • Violet's swift renunciation of her renunciation demonstrates she's inherited some of her mother's personality as well. As Helen originally put it, "I know what I said! Listen to what I'm saying now."
  • Speaking of Edna’s Nigh-Invulnerable super suits, Elastigirl's new suit gets torn in the climax of the story. The designer was never concerned about making a really good super suit.
    • When Bob and Helen meet with Winston, Lucius advises them to wear their old costumes, noting he's a fan of old-school. Given that the Parrs' house and the items inside would have been destroyed in an explosion in the last film, it makes sense that the old suits would have survived. If Edna designed those suits, she, more than likely, designed them to be indestructible as well.
    • Except for the fact that Bob's Glory Days supersuit has a tear on it from his first Omnidroid battle. Clearly they weren't nearly as indestructible back then, meaning that Elastigirl's Glory Days supersuit has the same flaws as Bob's old suit. No wonder Edna made the new suits the way they are.
  • As this post discusses, Brad Bird picked the family's powers based on their role in the family unit. The dad has to be strong and support his family so he has Super-Strength, the mom is pulled in all directions so she has Elasticity, kids are hyperactive so Dash has Super-Speed, and babies are full of potential so Jack-Jack has a Superpower Lottery. From what we've seen in the trailers, everyone seems to be sticking to these dynamics with Bob having to support the family while Helen is away, and Helen having to "help her family by leaving it and change the law by breaking it." Violet's powers were supposed to reflect that she is a moody and defensive teenager who puts up walls, but her character arc in the first film saw her grow out of that. So what do her force fields represent regarding her role in the family now? From clips we've seen in the trailers of her using her force fields to protect herself and her brothers, it looks like she now represents the archetype of the protective older sibling.
  • In a sense, Evelyn is not so different from her brother. Both were affected by the death of their father. Winston blames the people who banned superheroes because the way he sees it, his father would be alive if only superheroes were still around. But that's not true. Evelyn blames heroes for her father's unhealthy dependence on them to save him, but that's still untrue. Both are too blinded by grief to accept that it was their father's own fault for not joining his wife in the panic room.
    • Building on that, Evelyn's drinking habit does hint at how warped her views are on superheroes. The thing about alcoholic drinks is, they impair judgment. So naturally, while her drinking has not affected her prodigy inventing skills, it has lead to her becoming too cynical for her own good.
    • There was also a third option. Put the red phones (or extensions) in the panic room. In other words, don't rely entirely on supers.
      • The fact that he didn't put the phones in the panic room reveals that the phones weren't for his protection, but for his prestige. He was using the phones to show off his connections. He didn't worship superheroes because they were doing good; he worshiped the power and fame they represented.
  • Fridge-Heartwarming: It would appear to be serendipity that Bob still has the remote to the Incredibile when he sees it after all these years. Why does he still have it? Because he was told it was destroyed. It must've been heartbreaking for him to say good-bye to it, that car must've been like a sidekick to him. (The NSA profile of Mr. Incredible in the first movie's DVD bonus content did say that he was "very possessive" of the car.) So he kept the remote to remember all the good times they had together.
    • It also offers a reason why he works alone: the car is virtually his sidekick, and allowing Buddy to join would've brought home the old saying "Three's a crowd".
  • Elastigirl complains that her new suit has a darker color scheme. Seems like a mere jab at superhero reincarnations getting darker suits. It's not just a jab: it's Foreshadowing. It's all part of Screenslaver's plan to make it look like Supers have gone bad. It would've been In-Universe symbolic of how Elastigirl had become bitter from years of hiding.
    • Also, it's symbolic how she changes into her Incredibles uniform, showing that yes, although she's upped her game (the black in her suit), she's also much warmer and nobler than Screenslaver gives her credit (the red in her suit).
  • Helen successfully managing to save the train and getting massive praise for is played up as a massive sting to Bob's ego. Of course, it would sting — when Bob tried to do the same in the first movie, he caused enough collateral damage to give rise to the entire Anti-Super movement!
    • The reason why public opinion between the first and second rescues was reversed? Not only the public have to see the whole scene from Elastigirl's perspective thanks to Deavors, the train's passengers never suffered from any injuries while the train tracks were still in construction instead of being destroyed by a bomb from a supervillain. The main factors that pushed the majority of the blame on Bob were non-existent!!
  • When Elastigirl tries to break into Screenslaver's apartment and we see him standing just next to the door waiting for her we just assume it's because he's that Crazy-Prepared. It's actually because Evelyn is the real Screenslaver and she's sending Elastigirl there purposely.
  • Edna Mode's delight at the reveal of Jack-Jack's multiple superpowers, and her immediate U-turn on her willingness to babysit him, is even more understandable when you recall that she "used to design for gods", and now has the chance to design for a Franklin Richards-Expy i.e. someone very close to a literal god (she even ''calls' him a 'tiny god' in the Auntie Edna short).
  • A somewhat meta example (which could also fall under Fridge Horror): there is a growing concern that the strobe lights used in the Screenslaver fight scene may affect audiences with epilepsy. Well, Screenslaver's whole schtick is messing with screens to change people's behavior. Even the trailers have them interrupt the film logo. Their influence is so great, it is coming into the real world!
  • This film has a History Repeats theme. Back in the first movie, Mr. Incredible stopped a train and caused the start of the superhero relocation act. Elastigirl also stops a train and it starts the repealing of said act. Syndrome and Screenslaver both attempt to take down heroes with their super tech. And when faced with disaster, the Deavors split their opinion on how to handle it: either protecting themselves and dismissing the heroes, or putting their faith in the heroes to help protect them.
  • When Elastigirl meets the Ambassador, she says, "Bring... lasting peace!" Clearly, she's joked "Bring bacon!" to Bob so many times that it's gotten stuck in her head as her general-purpose good luck/"break a leg" affirmation. The habit is so ingrained that she actually got the first word out before stumbling when she realized it wasn't an appropriate sentiment for an Ambassador and had to hastily come up with a different way to finish it.
  • When Mr. Incredible was going to get the remote control to the Incredibile, he fell into the water feature—which Dash had previously opened with the remote control to the house.
  • The second movie ends the way the first movie began: with an innocuous vehicle transforming into pursuit mode to go after a car full of crooks. Symbolically, this bookend demonstrates they've come full circle: "the Glory Days" are here again, but this time it's for the whole family, not just Mr. Incredible.
    • It also likewise ends on yet another Sequel Hook focusing on a member of the family, in the first film it was Helen (with her holding Jack-Jack) foreshadowing their major roles in this film as they were about to face against the Underminer. Which family does the second film put the focus on? None other than Violet, who gets the screen focused on her as her family is about to engage in a car chase with bank robbers. Clearly hinting she's next in line.
  • Winston saying his father wouldn't have died if not for Supers being banned actually has more weight than first appears. Their father explicitly was proud of his hotline phones and friendship with Supers and showed it off. What thief in their right mind would break into the house owned by someone so close to Supers? Crooks who were no longer afraid because being a superhero was just outlawed. It is possible that the robbery never would have happened if Supers hadn't been forced into hiding out of fear of having Gazerbeam and Fironic suddenly coming down on their heads, and may not have killed him even if they did so as to not have two or more enraged Supers coming after them in a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  • When Elastigirl decides to save Evelyn's life despite everything she had done, it subtly proves a larger point: all of Evelyn's "ideas" are basically negatives; they claim to want to make the world a better place, but only by taking superheroes away from it, not by adding anything better to it. And her plan to do this is by crashing a ship into a city and potentially killing people, and framing superheroes for it. So the main difference between Elastigirl and Evelyn is that Elastigirl wants to make the world a better place by doing positive things, like saving people's lives. Meanwhile, Evelyn's plan to make the world a better place is just one long attack on what she hates, without really helping any innocent people in the process (and indeed putting them in danger).
  • Evelyn's motive in the Film is that they think people rely too much on Supers to fix all their problems. However, across the course of the film, we see many an occasion where people are shown to be able to help themselves, but the circumstances prevent them from doing so. Cases in point are; with the Hover Train, Elastigirl suggests trying to shut the train down using overrides or fail-safes, but she is told that they have already tried that and not only were they locked out of the system (by Screenslaver!), but there was also no time to do the fail-safes; when Elastigirl rescues the ambassador, she checks if everyone on the helicopter could swim, then pushes those who can safely into a river, and rescues the ambassador, who cannot swim; when the Ever-Just is out of control, Robert tries to get to the Engine Room, to shut it down from there, however, cause of Krushauer, under Screenslaver's control, the way to the engine room is blocked. Despite what Screenslaver claims, the film shows numerous examples of how normal people are able to help themselves, but as long as there are Villains like Screenslaver who prevent them from doing so, there shall be a need for Supers.
  • Thanks to the Sequel Gap between the two movies, we basically had to wait as long for supers to become legal again as the characters.
  • At first glance Elastigirl riding a motorcycle without a helmet seems really dangerous (albeit more photogenic). But then you remember that her whole body is...well, elastic. Blunt force impacts would be almost useless against her. Thus any impact a helmet would protect her from would be one she wouldn't have to worry about anyway, so she never bothered. Double fridge brilliance as many advocates for altering helmet laws point out that due to interference with hearing and peripheral vision, many kinds of helmets make it impossible to pass a driver's test; she regularly drives on rooftops and walls — sometimes at the same time — so she needs all the awareness she can get.
  • The plot arc involving private industry stepping up to take over a job (in this case, supporting and overseeing superheroes) once done exclusively by the government as the government slashes its own budget to extinction parallels what's going on in the real world right now in space exploration. Corporate magnates Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have both founded companies to launch satellites and eventually people into space and eventually to other planets, while the US government space program more or less languishes under budgetary restrictions. While probably not intentional, it does add spice that the fictitious government superhero program was called NSA, while the real-world government space agency is NASA.
  • A number of the new heroes Devtech introduces to Elastigirl or who escort their diplomats on the Ever-Just include capes as part of their outfits. But then, with superheroes being underground, Edna Mode's "No capes!" motto wouldn't have been widely disseminated, so they don't know any better.
  • Evelyn appears to be a Foil to Syndrome in certain ways. Winston shares the superhero fanboy-ism, but Evelyn is a talented engineer. However, she wants to destroy supers entirely, while Syndrome wanted to Kill and Replace. Ol' Buddy was theatrical and costumed and studied and wanted the spotlight, while Evelyn wears messy, casual clothing whenever they're not appearing on a screen and stays in the shadows. Syndrome played on Mr. Incredible's insecurities as a father and former hero to hire him, while Screenslaver tries to play up the "man's world" angle, which...doesn't really work so well, because Helen is more secure than Bob. Syndrome is a Psychopathic Manchild, while Screenslaver borders on The Sociopath. Syndrome's plan focused on creating a False Flag Operation with a hero-killer bot and saving the day, while Screenslaver wants to do the same with heroes in order to doom them out of simple revenge. Syndrome hires employees, while Screenslaver's mind controls enemies into being minions. Finally, Buddy's failure as Incredi-Boy led to events that started the Superhero Registration Act. Evelyn's failure as Screenslaver ended the Superhero Registration Act.
    • Also, Evelyn acts like she's the Good Counterpart of Mirage as the sidekick to the real frontman, except messier and less seductive, to the point where she fails to charm Helen. Also, Mirage was The Face Syndrome used to interact with the outside world, while Evelyn is The Man Behind the Man.
    • There's also a noticeable Foil between how Helen and Evelyn dealt with their respective tragedies. Losing the chance to be a superhero must've been a devastating blow to someone like Elastigirl, who never dreamed of trading in her super-heroics for a normal life. But if it's any indication, she learned to work through it, and even became a good mother and home maker. Evelyn lost her father to a pointless robbery (and then her mother died of heartbreak) and that's nothing to sneeze at. Her scheme to rid the world of superheroes speaks volumes of how she never moved on from her tragedy.
  • Winston in some manners, also works as a foil to Syndrome, too. Some people bring up how Syndrome can be seen as an example of toxic fandom. With Syndrome, he has a sense of entitlement, gets angry when heroes do not act to his expectations, and is willing to burn it all down for perceived slights. Winston Deavor, on the other hand, can be seen as an example of positive fandom! Whilst nostalgic, Winston understands the need to modernize and fix the things which caused issues before. He leads his life by the heroes’ example, shown when he puts his own safety at risk to rescue the ambassadors and other supers from Evelyn's hypnosis. So, while Syndrome shows an example of toxic fandom, by lashing out at the very thing he claims to be a fan of; Winston presents a positive example of fandom, who is inspired by what he loves and tries to make the world a better place because of this love.
  • With the way that the "Mr. Incredible" theme as featured in the end titles includes the "Glory Days" leitmotif in its instrumental section, it suddenly makes sense why Robert would be humming that tune as he returns from a night's illicit superhero work in The Incredibles. He's not actually humming the movie's theme song, he's humming his own superhero theme song.
  • How come Robert and Helen don't know about Jack-Jack's powers? Plot Hole? The only time he demonstrated them before was when he was out of their sight.
    • More than that, both in this movie and the last Jack-Jack only started manifesting his powers when Helen was away. As a stay-at-home mother she had always been there for him but when she left, first for the island and then for work, he started to act up.
  • Why does Evelyn actively refuse and even try to hinder Helen's efforts at saving her? Besides her hate towards Helen, there's also the fact that thanks to her plans being foiled, Supers would be reinstated and welcomed by the public. Being alive to see the antithesis of her values happen because of her could be a Fate Worse than Death in her eyes, even if she could easily get a lighter sentence thanks to her money/connections, and as such she could have been wanting to die rather than be alive to see it happen. This could also be a part of her ungratefulness towards Helen even after being saved. Likewise, Helen saving her could also be an act of Cruel Mercy in this case.
    • This wouldn't be the first time the Incredibles saved someone who didn't want to be saved.
    • Helen saving the villain burnishes her good image (and that of superheroes generally). Conversely, failing to do so (and perhaps being suspected of failing on purpose) would be a black mark that just might undercut the public sentiment for allowing superheroes to return, giving Screenslaver a last chance to win after all.
  • When Chad was remotely interviewing Helen, he talked about being mind-controlled on television, and the whole public heard him describe how even after seeing a recording of his Screenslaver-induced monologue, he had no recollection of it whatsoever. This is likely why there was no lasting impact from Frozone, Mr. Incredible, and Elastigirl's mind-controlled monologue on the Ever-Just - everyone already knew that mind-control existed and had seen it in action once before.
    • On top of this, While Evelyn's plan revolved around manipulating the public, Evelyn never was good at "selling" things to people. Hence, along with the incredibly stilted and mechanical way that mind-control victims speak, the lines that the three were given also made it all the more obvious that something was off with them during their speech.
    • The off-ness of the mind-controlled superheroes acting evil is even more obvious if the public expects villains to be bombastic and boastful like Syndrome and the Underminer.
  • The world seems rather blase about people with superpowers at this point, and while Edna casually rattles off some information about "young supers", for the most part, it looks like children with superpowers are a new phenomenon. It makes sense, however, once you realize the movies are at least in theory set in the 1960s - the first generation of superheroes likely came out of WWII attempts to create super-powers, so the Parr kids, Voyd, etc. may very well be the first generation of *born* supers.
    • It might also explain how they seem to have such highly developed tech despite being "only" in the 1960s. Much like Edna was able to create so much stuff just by studying Jack-Jack, most likely the last several decades of technology have benefited from having all these randomly super-powered people around to study for deeper or more creative understandings of physics.
    • This seems pretty unlikely considering the foreign superheroes in this film, and the fact that in the comics there is a villain called Xerek who has the power to always win has lived for 200 years. However...
  • It makes a lot of sense that many of the DEVTECH heroes look less human as he had picked them from people who simply couldn't adjust due to not being able to pass as non-super physically and had to be kept completely hidden by NSA (which was recently canceled).
  • Helen's change of heart to doing superhero work again seems confusing but then it made sense. The mission against Syndrome had reminded her of how much she really enjoyed being a superhero. She accepted her role as a normal wife and mother because she had to since superheroes were banned. So she suppressed it for so long and focused on her kids. It took her coming out of her shell after 15 years of retirement that let her remember how good she was at this. This troper doubts she wanted to retire anymore than Bob did, she just accepted it since she is "flexible" and had no choice but to do so. But in her heart, this was still something she loved and we can see how ecstatic she was to get back to it.
  • In the first movie,babysitter Kari tells Helen she is going to let Jack-Jack listen to Mozart. In this movie, Edna figures out that Mozart is triggering Jack-Jack's powers. Kari inadvertently made Jack-Jack use his powers for the first time, making her life a misery.

    Fridge Horror 
  • After the Under-Miner incident, Bob and Helen could have run like Frozone. It's not like the police could have stopped them. They surrendered not because the police had caught them - but because the police had caught their kids.
    Mr. Incredible: (Staring down the dozens of weapons aimed at his children) What have we done?
    • It's also likely that this added to the police being angry at the Incredibles. None of those officers expected to be pointing loaded guns at children that day, but with Supers involved they too had to make difficult decisions, and simply made the wrong one.
  • If Screenslaver's plan had worked, would the government have simply refused to bring back Superheroes? Or would they have taken it a step further and gone the way of Bolivar Trask?
  • It's mentioned that Winston actually worked under Rick Dicker in the past, and given how little background we have on Rick, we can only assume this partnership happened within the Super's Agency. What cases would Winston have been involved in? Could he have had a personal hand in the retirement/relocation of Fironic and Gazerbeam? Could his zealous belief in the necessity of superheroics be a reaction, not of denial and nostalgia like his sister dismisses, but of the devastating guilt he feels at personally helping suppress his father's superhero friends and indirectly setting him up to die?
  • How did Gazerbeam and Fironic react to hearing about Mr. Deavor's death and possibly thinking he died because he expected them to come save him?
  • If Jack-Jack manages to hang on to all those powers as he gets older, any fight he gets into against bad guys is all but guaranteed to be a Mook Horror Show of epic proportions.
    • Though to be fair the rest of the family is obviously going to train him to not be lethal with his abilities. Unless there's no other option.
  • Breaking eye-contact with the Screenslaver's screens is enough to knock a person out of their trance. Considering that, the Screenslaver's control could conceivably be undermined with something as simple as a blink. Considering that people in Screenslaver trances don't blink, it would imply that Screenslaver has thought of this and uses the hypnosis to also keep her victims from blinking. The problem is that blinking serves a very important biological function for the human eyes, keeping them moisturized. So Evelyn keeping her victims under control for extended periods of time could lead to some serious vision issues, depending how long they’re left under the mind-control.
    • Not necessarily - most victims who could be freed by looking away are only controlled for minutes at a time. The victims who are controlled for long amounts of time have the screen goggles put on. Blinking isn't going to make the control do anything other than flicker slightly, because it's an incredibly fast movement, and there's no possible way to not be looking at the screen when their eyes open.
  • During Elastigirl's battle with Screenslaver, he detonates the building as he escapes to destroy the evidence. One of the steps he took to stop Elastigirl from catching up was to alert all the brainwashed residents of the block of flats with a fire alarm so they would wonder out into her way. Connecting the dots? When the building blew up, a lot of innocent civilians probably died.
    • Actually, only the top layer of the building blew up. When Elastigirl collided with one of the residents, this appeared to snap the rest of them out of their trance. A later scene shows them all trying to evacuate. Perhaps they got to a lower part of the building before the timer depleted.
  • We learn there are other 'new' Supers such as Voyd and the others. This implies that the Parr kids aren't unique and other Supers likely had how many people did Syndrome orphan with his mass murder?
  • Similarly, with the defunding and subsequent shutdown of the Superhero Relocation Act, the Parrs were likely not alone in their newfound living situations. If any other supers blew their cover, they'd be just as helpless, or even moreso since the Parrs are immediately offered an opportunity to at least have a roof over their head. How many would have had to resort to using their powers to steal or threaten just to survive?
  • What will happen to Winston and his family's company now that his sister tainted their name?
    • Winston’s wheelhouse is public relations. It wouldn’t take much effort on his part to condemn and disavow his sister, if need be, and play up his own role in saving the ambassadors and Supers.
  • What if, before learning the Incredibile was restored and still responding to the remote control, Bob decided to push buttons to remember the glory days under the belief the button pushing wasn't doing anything?
  • Not necessarily new from the first movie, but more relevant now that we know there were more supers: Supers were outlawed for roughly 15-20 years. For the adults (Bob/Helen/Lucius), that just meant hiding who they were, and for the kids (Violet/Dash), that's the only world they knew. But what about for the supers who are now young adults, and were kids or young teens when supers were banned? They grew up living in the golden age of supers, and were probably optimistic for their latent future when they could completely be who they were. And then suddenly, almost overnight, supers become banned. The bright future they nearly had is now robbed from them and there's nothing they can do. For a real world example, imagine you're just about to come of age, and suddenly, being 'out' (whatever context that means to you) suddenly becomes illegal, with no signs of it changing for the rest of your life. How damaging could that be to a young super's self-esteem? No wonder why Voyd (who seems in her late teens to early twenties and thus would fall into this group of young supers) is both so insecure and holds Helen in such high regard for working to undo the ban.
  • As awesome and heartwarming as the termination of the Superhero Registration Act is, it could also lead to some dire consequences. Now that supers are back, supervillains are going to have a tougher time trying to carry out their crimes. This would either cause them to retreat or quit... or up their game considerably, potentially teaming up, causing more casualties, plotting even more diabolical plans, or finding ways to kill the now-more-proactive heroes...
  • Think about Frozone wanting to avoid the cops at the beginning at the movie for a second. The movie is confirmed to take place in the early 1960s. Would honestly trust your safety with the police when they arrest you for vigilantism during the Jim Crow era?
  • While creating the hypnotic screens, Evelyn probably needed someone to test them on. If she's trying to keep a low profile, how did she get a test subject?
  • That adorable little girl with the "Screenslaver is still out there" sign brings up so many questions. At best, it was her own cute way of telling Elastigirl there was still work to be done. At worst, the Screenslaver somehow got to her (which is confirmed as Helen actually looks at the girl's eyes are the same as the victims). The latter may not make too much sense, since the Screenslaver's only seen methods of hypnosis were... well, screens, and when connections on those screens were lost, so was the control they had on its victims. Unless Evelyn found another way to get into that little sweetheart's head. Consider the mountains of hypnosis-themed propaganda and research in the decoy Screenslaver's lair.
  • When Bob has a late night talk with Violet, he confesses that he's worried that he's letting them all down and that he's a bad father. This is heartbreaking on its own, but he sounds so utterly broken during the entire talk. Then you remember the first film and his reaction to losing his family. He flat out tells Helen that he isn't strong enough to lose his family a second time. And then you realize that part of the reason Bob is so broken is because he's worried that he's failing his family, that he might lose them again. Only this time it won't be because he wasn't a good enough hero. It's because he wasn't a good enough father, and that's even worse.
  • The suit Elastigirl wears that is designed by Galbaki proves to be much less durable than Edna's. It makes sense though why it would be this way when you consider it was probably Evelyn who commissioned it. When you consider how she wanted to discredit superheroes, she obviously wouldn't have cared for Elastigirl's safety and intentionally gave her a low-quality suit that wouldn't protect her from harm.
