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Fridge / Game of Thrones S7E6: "Beyond the Wall"

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Fridge Brilliance

  • As it turned out the Night King had a ranged weapon with him. So why was he content with merely standing there and watching Jon's party slowly freezing instead of throwing his javelins at them before Dany even arrived? Well, maybe he was deliberately using them as a bait to lure her in and hijack one or more of her dragons. He might've not even cared that these humans escaped, since he got an undead dragon on his side in return.
  • Potentially the reason why the Night King chooses to aim for Viserion first, instead of the seemingly obvious target Drogon, who is grounded. The Night King seemingly approaches Drogon first, then sees Viserion fly into view. Considering Viserion has pace, he'd be a much greater threat to the Wight army and the Night King himself, while Drogon is stationary. After nailing Viserion, the Night King then proceeds to prepare another javelin for Drogon, and likely knows such a huge dragon takes time to get back up flying and pick up speed. Probably confident he could just take out Drogon after nailing Viserion, he likely did not expect to miss, which leads to the following point.
  • Drogon dodging the Night King's javelin, despite still picking up speed may be a case of this. How was the Night King able to nail Viserion, who had pace, yet miss the still accelerating Drogon? Because Viserion has little to no experience of actually being attacked by something potentially lethal to a dragon, while Drogon recognises the weapon as something similar to the Scorpion ballista bolts and evades in time. It's been mentioned that dragons have human-like intelligence, and can thus learn from past experiences.
    • Also there was no real way for Viserion to know the javelin was that powerful, it could have been like any man thrown javelin and just bounce off his scales. Drogon didn't dodge the scorpion fire the first time either.
  • All but one Wight dies after Jon kills the White Walker, while convenient it also shows that the Night King tries preventing Keystone Army by having his scouts have one undead not under the pointman's thrall to report and warn the others.
  • A horse can carry two riders, so why didn't Benjen go with Jon? Maybe he figured that there's no point as he can't go through the Wall and would be forced to stay behind anyway. Maybe he wanted to finally die and viewed saving Jon as his one last job.
    • Jon never would have made it out of there if Benjen hadn't held the wights off for as long as he could.
  • Why was this episode the first to demonstrate the Keystone Army traits of the White Walkers? If we presume the Night's King knows about it, and it stretches disbelief that he wouldn't know, then it makes sense that when possible he sends White Walkers out with Wights they didn't turn, so as not to expose this key weakness in their army.
  • That lake froze overnight when it shouldn't have. BUT! The White Walkers have been known to chill their whole surroundings just by their presence. And since he was there, the Night King froze the lake when they were still asleep so they wouldn't have noticed it until it was too late.
