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Fridge / Fresh Pretty Cure!

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Fridge Brilliance

  • The "Fresh" part in the title is a reference to fruits.
  • While the other Labyrinth agents only wear one diamond symbol, Eas wears a lot of red diamonds, rather resembling the card suit. The diamonds suit is associated with the direction east. Futhermore, Cure Passion is officially associated with the clubs symbol and she uses hearts in her finisher. The only card suit she hasn't displayed at all is spades, which is associated with north. Which cardinal direction villain is the only one not to change sides again?
  • Cure Passion's name seems the Odd Name Out. Until it comes to mind that she's named after the passion fruit.

Fridge Horror

  • In episode 23, Eas is killed for outliving her usefulness. She's fourteen years old when this happens, and Westar and Soular act as if this is completely normal- indicating it IS completely normal to them. How many other people Setsuna's age (or possibly younger) were killed for failing in their missions?
  • In the third episode, Lucky recognizes Inori and is able to partially snap out of his monsterfied state before Eas orders him to attack, and later seems to remember it. Does this mean he was fully conscious and aware while being forced to attack his hometown?
