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Fridge / Forensic Files

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Fridge Horror

  • In the episode "A Voice From Beyond", a woman's body is found stuffed in a barrel in the crawlspace of a house. This happened in 1999. The police trace the house back through four owners, all of whom confirm that the barrel was there all the time, before they moved in, before finally finding the first owner, who bought the house in the 1960s (and who turned out to be the killer). Think of all the things that happen when you live in a house. All the happy memories, and happy events—holidays, birthdays, etc. And for 30 years, this guy and all subsequent homeowners were doing that over a corpse. Particularly sick in the first guy's case, seeing as how he murdered the poor woman, yet went back to playing "Devoted Family Man" with nary a blip.
  • The episode "Time Will Tell" focused on a fugitive who makes his daughter pose as his wife. As disturbing as this is by itself, it is mentioned in the episode that the woman had two children and she refused to identify the father for either of them. While it is not stated, it is implied that she was impregnated by her own father to keep up the married-couple charade.
  • "Frozen in Time" tells the story of a man who kills a young woman and keeps her body in a freezer for the next three years. It's said that he kept the body so he could be reminded of the crime, but who's to say that he didn't do even worse things with it?
