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Fridge Brilliance

General Classic Doctor Who Fridge Brilliance
  • A small but weird point... when one of his companions pointed out that Time Lords look human, he replied by saying that Time Lords came billions of years earlier, so really humans look Time Lord. But is there more to it than that? Before Rassilon, there were all kinds of uber-powerful non-anthropomorphic aliens running around. Then Rassilon shows up and there's all these wars against the Nimon, the Nestene Consciousness, the Great Vampires, etc. Over the course of the series, that's a lot of Sealed Evil in a Can that the Time Lords locked away. Now suddenly most aliens are human-looking, and the Time Lords are in charge but suddenly have a Prime Directive. But they're time travellers. So during their rise to power they fight all these time wars with their rivals. Then once they win, they re-arrange time to suit themselves, making themselves undisputed masters of reality, and making sure that most aliens are basically inferior Time Lord look-alikes. Even the Daleks started out human-looking. Then, once they have history the way they like it, they make it illegal for anyone to meddle in history so that they can keep themselves Number One for eternity. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero. This is canon in the Big Finish Expanded Universe.
  • The single most brilliant line ever uttered in DW as a throwaway joke has insane levels within it. When the Doctor explains the TARDIS being "bigger on the inside than the outside" as "dimensionally transcendental". From a canonical viewpoint, this is true, as the inner portions of the TARDIS exist in a different dimension (as he attempts to explain to Leela). Therefore she transcends (overlaps) dimensions. On another note, however... the word "transcendental" also refers to something being beyond its properties. Her internal size transcends that of her outer plasmic shell: literally "Bigger on the inside than the outside".
  • In "Genesis of the Daleks", the Doctor starts the Time War. He also travels to Skaro's past to do so via a "time ring" provided by the Time Lords rather than by using the TARDIS, which is brilliant because Sexy can see the consequences of the Doctor's actions and would not have willingly brought him there.
    • While it appears at the end of "Genesis" that the Doctor has only delayed the rise of the Daleks by a thousand years, which he says isn’t much on the cosmic scale, it is worth noting that their next few televised appearances placed particular focus on the Daleks’ lack of initiative and imagination; while the Daleks prior to this were aware that they lacked a proper understanding of humanity, they were still able to take the initiative, such as their attempts to manipulate the Doctor into helping them isolate the Dalek Factor (“The Evil of the Daleks”) or their efforts to master the power of invisibility (“Planet of the Daleks”). With this in mind, it is tempting to consider that the Doctor’s efforts here did have a deeper impact on Dalek development; since his presence indirectly provoked Davros into activating the Daleks before Davros had finished preparing them, the ‘new’ Daleks lacked the initiative they had possessed before, requiring them to resort to other measures to overcome their reliance on brute force and raw power as combat strategies, such as reviving Davros (“Destiny of the Daleks”) or ‘recruiting’ the creativity of a little girl to utilise human ingenuity for their battle strategies (“Remembrance of the Daleks”).
    • Additional Fridge Heartwarming: The Doctor's line about "out of the evil of the Daleks must come something good" may seem a little cheap, but given how Caan pulled a Heel–Face Turn in "Journey's End" and Rusty helps the Doctor in "Twice Upon A Time," not to mention the other good Dalek in "The Power of the Doctor," it looks like the Doctor was actually right.
  • THE ENTIRE SERIES, every adventure, every single incident, the universe, time itself, and the freaking MULTIVERSE being saved. All because Ian and Barbara were suspicious of Susan. If they didn't follow her to the TARDIS, in turn accidentally triggering the Doctor's series of adventures, the Doctor and Susan would probably "still" be in that junkyard having done nothing for the last 50 years. Since the Time War would have likely never happened since the Daleks first discovered the Time Lords through the Doctor.
  • Fans have been poking fun at the ungainly frill-and-shoulderpad collars used as formal dress by Time Lord officials ever since they were introduced. Word of God asserts that these costume parts were originally designed to make Tom Baker look ridiculous when he wore one. However, if this style of dress is especially ancient by even Gallifreyan standards, there could be a logical reason for it: those ornate collars would, if trimmed back a bit and hardened, provide a great deal of protection for someone's neck. So it's plausible that they're an elaboration of neck-armor that was worn by Ancient Gallifreyans during their war with the Great Vampires and their throat-chomping minions.
  • Most rank-and-file Ice Warriors were awfully clumsy and plodding in the Classic era, owing to the bulky costumes' ungainliness and lack of flexibility, as well as how they impaired the wearers' eyesight. Although that's the out-of-Verse explanation, there's an in-Verse one that actually justifies their awkward, cautious way of moving: as natives of Mars, they're adapted to conditions of much lower gravity than Earth's! So any time we see one of them cautiously shuffling along on Earth, Peladon, or any human-occupied facility with artificial Earth-level gravity, they're just trying to cope with (to them) a Heavyworlder environment.
  • The Master's Khalid disguise is ridiculous and over the top, and people have complained that there's no real reason for him to keep it up while alone. That being said, it is very in character for him; look at the fun he has with being Rev. Magister, Professor Thascales, Harold Saxon, Razer...
    • Also, while the "Arabian magician" disguise is rather racist, again, this is the Master we're talking about. He probably enjoys being politically incorrect.
  • Practically confirmed by Word of God, but why is the Master constantly coming up with these ridiculous plans that backfire and force him to work with the Doctor? Because it's the closest he can get to working with his best and oldest friend again.

First Doctor Era

  • At first it seems bizarre that the Doctor would say something as breathtakingly racist as his "Red Indian" rant in "An Unearthly Child". But given how Time Lord society is later portrayed — corrupt, conceited, dismissive of lesser races — it's perhaps understandable that he latched onto the equivalent attitudes of the planet he'd been marooned on, despite the fact that he'd abandoned Gallifrey for those very reasons. Part of his development as a character (in addition to getting rid of the impulse to commit self-serving murder) was recognizing that he was not as different from the other Time Lords as he'd have liked to believe, and striving to be better.
    • Perhaps the Doctor was merely adopting the views and manners of speaking that he believed to be the norm in 1960s Britain in order to more easily explain the idea to the locals. Given how many different cultures he encounters on his travels he must have experienced many different Zeitgeists to which he has to adapt in order to fit in.
    • Which also explains his sexist comments in "Twice Upon a Time"!
  • Why would a middle-aged schoolteacher like Ian Chesterton handle fights so well? Given his age, there's a good chance he served in World War II! (If he's the same age as his actor, he turned 18 in 1942). According to the wiki, he was a private in the British Army in 1950, and spent his service in Malaysia. So there's a good chance that he picked up some very useful skills there.
  • It seems hard to imagine that the Doctor and the Master were ever friends, right? But look at the First Doctor — originally the kind of person who'd kill an injured person for slowing him down. That sounds more like a friend of the Master, now doesn't it? Big Finish runs with this idea in the story "Master", a kind of "Human Nature" for the Master. It's the Doctor, not the Master, who commits the first murder. And then Death herself gets involved.
  • The very first episode of which the Daleks appeared, "The Daleks", had some nice irony: despite the Daleks being Nazi parallels, the peaceful race they'd been going to war against since their creation were blond-haired, blue eyed Aryans. Not to mention that the actual Dalek is physically the farthest thing from what the actual Nazis desired...
  • The change in delegates in "The Daleks' Master Plan" seems odd, with Zephon turning up late despite apparently having convinced Beaus to join. Considering Mavic Chen claims there have recently been attempts to displace him it makes sense he couldn't leave the Fifth Galaxy for the first meeting.
  • Steven and the Doctor are both eager to take Dodo with them in "The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve", the Doctor remarking that she reminds him of Susan and Steven remarking that she has the same last name as the girl he befriended in Renaissance France — Anne Chaplet — and could possibly be a descendent of her. Surnames at that time were exclusively passed down patrilinearly, meaning that if Anne had descendants, they would take her husband's name... unless Anne had mothered children out of wedlock. This is something that would be very, very rare, unless Steven had some reason to believe it had happened...
    • Alternately, she could have wound up marrying a second or third cousin from another branch of the Chaplet family, which wasn't all that unusual if an extended family wanted to keep its property to itself.
  • A one-off joke in "The War Machines" becomes a bit of Fridge Brilliance thanks to modern Doctor Who. At the start of that serial, the TARDIS arrives in the sixties and the Doctor places an Out of Order sign on the TARDIS to, as he explains to Dodo, prevent anyone from trying to use it as an actual police box. Indeed, exactly that happens as a Funny Background Event as the Doctor is saying this. What turns this into Fridge Brilliance is modern Who's introduction of the Perception Filter, which makes people not notice an object's presence. They've consistently been shown to stop working once someone is aware of it, and to rely on the fact that no one is actively looking for the filtered object in the first place. Obviously, it doesn't come up here because this is decades before the idea ever came about, but at the same time, would a perception filter have even worked in this instance? Police boxes were a fact of life in 1960's London. Were they needed, people such as that policeman would be actively looking for it, possibly allowing them to spot the TARDIS, filter or not. The Out of Order sign suddenly becomes more than just a simple gag.
  • If you assume Time Lords have two hearts in their first incarnation, rather than growing a second one upon regeneration, a line in "The Tenth Planet" becomes fridge brilliance. When the Doctor is passed out, Ben checks on him and says his pulse is normal. If the Doctor's pulse is normal for a human, one of his hearts must have stopped. No wonder he is so weak for the rest of the serial and dies at the end.
    • Alternately, his pulse is normal because half his arteries receive blood from one heart, and half from the other. Each artery's pulse would therefore only reflect the contraction rate of one of his two hearts, not both.
  • The First Doctor's character was originally intended to be a grumpy old man, stubborn and set-in his-ways, but very wise. However, in hindsight, it makes more sense to view him a young man who acts impulsively without thinking, but is very clever. In this light, many of his actions (stealing an antiquated TARDIS that he didn't know how to operate, running away from Gallifrey with his granddaughter, abducting two humans, nearly killing an innocent man with a rock to save himself, nearly getting himself, his granddaughter, and his companions killed from radiation poisoning because he wanted to go exploring, drugging his companions and accusing them of sabotage, threatening to abandon his companions during the French Revolution, and leaving his granddaughter on post-Dalek invasion Earth, to name a few) make more sense: He wasn't a foolish old man; he was acting without thinking. Similarly, he's not wise, but very clever: In both of his multi-Doctor stories, he constantly insults his future incarnations without thinking that he would someday be receiving those insults. Yet in both cases he comes up with the plan to save the day, showing his cleverness.

Second Doctor Era

Third Doctor Era

  • The Third Doctor. When he's trapped on Earth he comes across as far more of an aristocrat than the grumpy, conniving old man or the genial hobo who preceded him. When the freedom of "Time" is taken away from him, what's left is the "Lord". He even fits the mould of the cash-poor, eccentric British aristocrat forced to work for a living.
  • In the famous 7-part epic "Inferno", the Doctor travels to an alternate world which he sees consumed by fire, returning to his own world just in time to prevent it from suffering the same terrible fate. This story works well enough on its own, but it got a little nod in the subsequent story "The Mind of Evil", where a computer can project your worst fear in front of you. For the Doctor, it's fire. At first it seems like a nice little reference, that the story "Inferno" was so traumatising for the Doctor he isn't able to forget about what happened... until you realise that being afraid of fire is a little too simple for someone like the Doctor, isn't it? By this point he had already encountered Autons, Daleks, Cybermen, Ice Warriors, Silurians, robot Yeti, and even THREE rogue Time Lords in the Monk, Master, and the War Chief and yet, out of all of those, the thing that scares him the most is FIRE. And why would that be? Because everything else is sentient to some degree. The Doctor is most famous for talking his way out of danger, no matter how difficult it may seem to do. In "Midnight", we saw what happened when this ability was removed from the Doctor entirely, and turned against him as a weapon. In "The Mind of Evil", we see that's what he's most afraid of, facing an enemy he can't talk to, can't reason with, can't argue with, can't manipulate. Fire is an unrelenting force of total destruction and chaos, it doesn't pick enemies, it just destroys everything. That's why the Doctor is afraid of fire, because it's more dangerous and unpredictable than any of his other foes.
    • It's also not improbable that Time Lords, being as time-sensitive as they are, may have some kind of foresight/future sight, even if not conscious (In "The Fires of Pompeii," he tells Donna that he can see "everything that was, everything that could be, everything that must never be"). Maybe it's subconscious foreshadowing of Gallifrey burning?
  • Grun, in "The Curse of Peladon," does an awful lot of Flynning during his duel with the Doctor. The Doylist explanation is that the actor probably doesn't have a lot of staff training. However, the Watsonian reason may be that Peladon, being a technologically advanced society, probably doesn't have a lot of staff training for its warriors either! Most likely, the post of King's Champion is an old-fashioned one, and there aren't a lot of duels to the death nowadays, with him being kept on out of tradition. Indeed, it's implied that the trial by combat is an archaic practice.
  • Omega being a Large Ham actually makes a kind of sense when you realize the guy has had no one to talk to for millions of years. He's probably used to being melodramatic just as a way of keeping himself company.
  • The Third Doctor's distaste for his prior incarnation, especially in "The Three Doctors," makes a lot of sense when one realizes that due to the actions of his predecessor, he's been imprisoned on Earth and watched Jamie and Zoe lose almost all their memories of him. No wonder he's bitter! Notably, when they meet again in "The Five Doctors," their relationship has improved somewhat (they're still Vitriolic Best Buds, but without quite so much sting), since (as he recognizes Sarah Jane) this is a Third Doctor who's now free of his exile.
  • In "The Time Warrior", the Third Doctor states that he has met Sontarans before. Given that this was the first time we viewers saw a Sontaran onscreen, we might naturally wonder when the Doctor met them. But watch "The Two Doctors", and you may have your answer — if you believe in the 'Season 6B theory', then the Second Doctor may have been the one who first encountered Sontarans. If not, it's easy to believe there's some other kind of Noodle Incident.
  • The Daleks from "Death to the Daleks" seem bound and determined to live out Contrived Stupidity Tropes, gliding obliviously into traps and falling prey to some really obvious trickery. In the wake of "Into the Dalek", where it's confirmed that Daleks' brains are interlinked with computers programmed to edit their memories and thoughts, it seems more plausible: while the City couldn't drain all of a Dalek's power, it may have drained enough to inhibit that linkage and cut the Daleks off from the computers they'd usually depend upon to make tactically-advantageous decisions. Not used to thinking without such enhancements, they started making mistakes they normally wouldn't have.

Fourth Doctor Era

  • Physiognomy is the belief that you can determine someone's personality by looking at their facial features. The Fourth Doctor in "Robot", when he looked in the mirror just after regenerating and said, "As for the physiognomy..." At first you think, "He used the wrong word! He should have said physiology!" But he didn't make a mistake. He said exactly what he meant to say. He was looking at his new facial features to try to figure out who he was.
    • Or, perhaps, what other people who adhere to such a belief might think of him at first glance. Even if the Doctor doesn't judge by appearances, he knows that plenty of others do.
  • In "Pyramids of Mars", when Sarah sees the vision of Sutekh in the TARDIS it is assumed that this is of the imprisoned Sutekh. But consider that Sutekh is supposed to have lost his powers to influence the outside world while imprisoned. Then consider that in the vision, Sutekh is not wearing his mask, and the TARDIS is going back through time when it occurs: perhaps the vision is of Sutekh *after* he escaped.
  • The end of "The Hand of Fear", where the Fourth Doctor leaves Sarah back on Earth rather than taking her to Gallifrey, makes a lot more sense when you remember that the last time the Doctor introduced humans to his fellow Time Lords (albeit unwillingly), their response was to wipe their minds of all the adventures they'd had together after their first and dump them back home. Upon having to return to Gallifrey, the Doctor didn't want Sarah to suffer the same fate as Jamie and Zoë, and so decided to leave her behind. Which adds increased poignancy to their final conversation:
    Sarah: Don't forget me.
    The Doctor: Oh, Sarah. Don't you forget me.
  • In "The Deadly Assassin", we learn that the emaciated Master was found by Chancellor Goth on the planet Terserus, and then brought back to Gallifrey. In the parody episode 'The Curse of Fatal Death', the alternate Ninth Doctor (Rowan Atkinson) explains that the Terserans were a flatulent race who were wiped out when they discovered fire. Given his record for causing as much trouble as he can in the cosmos, it would be completely in character for the Master to have been the one who introduced the Terserans to fire, whereupon he was also engulfed in flames, leading him to the freakish burnt zombie state in which Goth found him.
  • "State of Decay" seems silly at first, with the vampires that look so much like something out of a Hammer Horror film. However, it makes perfect sense - they were originally astronauts from Earth, and had deliberately modeled themselves (and the whole set-up of the village and the tower) on their own perception of vampires.
  • The presence of the Watcher in "Logopolis" makes a lot more sense if you consider how, in "Planet of the Spiders", Cho-Je turned out to be a mental projection from the Doctor's onetime guru, the Time Lord hermit who'd inspired him as a boy. When the Hermit regenerated in the Third Doctor's final episode, his projected self Cho-Je merged with him to assist the process; by the time the next Doctor died, Four had advanced in his own mental skills to the point where he could use the same technique to facilitate a difficult regeneration, albeit with a lot less artistry (hence, the Watcher not looking much like Peter Davison).

Fifth Doctor Era

  • It's quite easy to notice that the Fifth Doctor's celery isn't a real piece of celery. But here's the interesting thing - it was never real! He got it in Castrovalva, which turned out to be entirely artificial. The stick of celery is the last little trace of the imaginary city of Castrovalva. And later he replaces it in "Enlightenment", in another place that's not quite real, or at least on his level of reality.

Sixth Doctor Era

  • It took me a while to understand why Trial of a Time Lord was initiated from a Watsonian point of view. While the Sixth Doctor was held on trial for the crime of genocide against the Vervoids even though the Sixth Doctor didn't commit said genocide at the moment of said trial. However, the Sixth Doctor did run into his past self as the Second Doctor during the events of The Two Doctors. The past two on-screen multi-Doctor stories "The Three Doctors" and "The Five Doctors" were exceptions to the first law of time, given that the Doctor was given explicit permission to cross into his own time stream. However, "The Two Doctors" was not a multi-Doctor event authorized by the Time Lords. So the Sixth Doctor is summoned to be on trial because he unofficially crossed over into his own time stream. But given that sentence alone wouldn't be good television drama, the charge was changed to genocide of the Vervoids. And given that the Time Lords are self-serving bastards, it would not be out of character for them to fix the trial against the Doctor.
    • There's also the fact that the Sixth crossed his own timestream to rescue his younger self from the Sontarans (and if you go by the Season 6b theory, the latter was on an unofficial mission from the Time Lords, so it was to benefit them as well). Even the Time Lords would have a hard time arguing against that one. However, the genocide is much easier to blame him for.
    • With that said, it would make sense why The Second Doctor was executed during the War Games, when one considers the events of Twice Upon a Time. The First Doctor crossed time-streams with the Twelfth Doctor. While the Twelfth Doctor was not bound by the laws of Gallifrey from his point of view, the First Doctor was. And as such, the Doctor was put on a brief trial and found guilty of interference and so was sentenced to exile on Earth throughout the 70s. If the First Doctor had not regenerated during the Tenth Planet, then there would have been a good chance he would have been forced to regenerate as an aftermath to The War Games.
    • Supplementary material ("The Eight Doctors" by Terrance Dicks) shows that the Time Lords actually set up the whole charade to distract the Doctor from looking into what happened with Ravalox and the massive amounts of corruption going on amongst the Time Lord elite. As noted above, having an excuse to pick on the Doctor just makes it easier.

Seventh Doctor Era

  • In "Delta and the Bannermen", Goronwy is implied to have knowledge a normal human shouldn't, such as giving a smile and a wink when the TARDIS disappears right in front of his eyes, and in general his Dissonant Serenity throughout the story. But then "The Stolen Earth" has the Doctor reveal that some bees are actually alien, and very intelligent at that. Presumably, the bees have told Goronwy everything he needs to know! Indeed, he indicates this himself:
    Goronwy: I shall ask my bees. They know everything, you see.
  • In "Battlefield", the Brigadier surviving what's set up as a Heroic Sacrifice is actually quite a clever subversion of the trope. The whole serial has been about a conflict between Warriors, but the Brig's not a Warrior, he's an Old Soldier. At the end of the serial, it's the Soldier who sets things right. The Brig doesn't want to be a capital-H Hero who makes a Heroic Sacrifice, he just wants to do the best he can, and go home to his flowerbeds. And he does.
  • "Remembrance of the Daleks":
    • There are a crapload of blatant Internal Homage elements in the serial — the presence of the Coal Hill School and Foreman junkyard, Ace finding Susan's book on the French Revolution, and so forth — but there's a marvelously subtle one when Ace, talking to a new friend, expresses confusion over the monetary system because she's in 1963 so it's pre-decimalisation. Susan, in "An Unearthly Child", gives a wrong answer in class because she's forgotten decimalisation hasn't happened yet.
    • At one point Mike Smith is right in the sights of a Dalek that has a direct shot aimed at him — and it misses. Obviously, we can chalk this up to simply a moment of extreme good luck on Mike's part or the Dalek being a very poor shot — except the story later reveals that Mike is a traitor informing on the military's actions to the neo-Nazi group affiliated with one of the Dalek factions. It's possible that the Dalek was under orders to 'make it look convincing' but that Mike, being a valuable source of intelligence, wasn't to be harmed — at least, not until he had outlived his usefulness.
    • According to supplementary materials and Word of God, "Remembrance of the Daleks" is considered the first official shot in the Time War. Why, when the Time Lords and Daleks have been engaged in taking shots at each other as early as "Genesis of the Daleks"? Well, in this story, the Doctor identifies himself as "President-Elect of the High Council of Time Lords"note  before manipulating Davros into unleashing the Hand, and as such, this isn't just shadowy warfare any more: It's an official action by the leader of the Time Lords!
    • Sylvester McCoy's Doctor playing an active role in the Time War explains his actions in other stories as well. Why is this Doctor, more than any other, taking an active role in defeating ancients enemies like Fenric and the Gods of Ragnarok? Because he's frantically trying to deal with any powerful enemies that could conceivably ally with The Daleks against Gallifrey. He's also responsible for sending the Hand of Omega and the Nemesis statue back to Gallifrey—defeating potential enemies and stocking their own armories at the same time.
  • In "The Happiness Patrol", the Doctor defeats a Cold Sniper by talking to him. At first, this seems like he used some kind of psychic powers. However, it was not, it was reverse psychology. The gunman was used to killing from a distance; to picking off abstract forms through his scope without ever thinking of them as people. He'd never had to look someone in the eye while he was killing them, and the Doctor knew it and used that against him. When he was confronted with the fact that he was killing people, he could no longer bring himself to do it, and thus stood down.
  • "Ghost Light". Really, the entire serial is a commentary upon evolution in general, as well as a massive tribute to the era that brought up the theory - the Victorian Era. And if this wasn't enough, the entire story is disguised as a freaking alien invasion told with the tropes of a Victorian-era horror story... and finally, we have a story that also has the companion Ace dealing with her past and moving on with her life, as the entire theme of the story is also about change in general! It's just such a shame that this serial almost doesn't make sense without multiple viewings or seeing the documentary and commentary attached to the DVD release...
  • It most definitely was coincidence, but the final serial "Survival" does have a solid Bookend for the Doctor and his journey since the beginning of the show. In his very first story, he was willing to bash a caveman's head in to survive, but was shamed by Ian into showing mercy. Here, he's about to bash the Master's head in the same way, but this time he stops himself and comes to his senses. If we fight like animals, we die like animals. One way or another, humans helped the Doctor find... well, his humanity, or rather his compassion for living things.
    • Ace's arc also ties into the Doctor's as well. She felt such a thrill from the animal planet all she wanted to do is run, just like the Doctor did from Gallifrey. At the end, he tells her the best of the animal planet will never leave her. Thanks to his fondness for humans, the best of the Earth is always carried with the Doctor even when the planet is no more (see "The End of the World"). And in the end, they carry on as only they could: going back to the TARDIS for more adventure, just like we hoped.
    • Additionally, Survival has some subtle themes with An Unearthly Child. Throughout the serial, there's this emphasis on survival of the fittest. In the first serial, the First Doctor was very much the character to kill another if they got in their way. And the entire planet is set on a dead and decaying planet, whose inhabitants are these Cheetah-Humans implied to be humans mutated by the planet's environment of hostility. And these Cheetah-Humans live about in rather vicious tribal like groups, with carcasses of the dead and skulls of their victims scattered about the environment. The very first serial was an adventure to the year 10,000 BC featuring tribal cavemen. The very first serial dealt with the nature of survival of the entire group. Both the very first serial and the very last serial of the classic series dealt with the basic human argument between people being more inclined to dominate another person when given the choice and freedom of choice and people are shaped by their experiences and are inclined to make decisions based on said expereinces, with many leaning towards the notion of good. The Master and the Cheetah-Humans follow the ideology of Hobbes, either killing others for the thrill of the chase or controlling others for the sake of holding dominant power. The many humans trapped on the planet of the Cheetah-Humans are found susceptible to the planet's influence but the majority who stayed with the Doctor were able to return safely. Ace was nearly turned into a Cheetah-Human, but her experiences with her Professor kept her human. And the Doctor himself, as mentioned, nearly fell to the planet's influence but his experiences prevented him from turning.

The TV Movie

  • In the TV movie, the Seventh Doctor is forced to land when the escaped Master sabotages his TARDIS. When he steps out of the TARDIS, he ends up in the middle of a gang war and is gunned down on the spot. Remember what was wrong with the TARDIS? The screen said "critical timing malfunction". In other words, bad timing. The reason the Doctor isn't killed every time he first sets his foot on a new planet is because his ship is programmed to have good timing.
  • Also from the McGann movie, when Grace and the Doctor walk into the TARDIS, within moments she understands the concept of the interior and the exterior being in separate dimensions. The Doctor seems surprised by this. But, just before Grace says this, she's rubbing her wrist where she was burned by the Master's... discharge. Conclusion: this was the first sign that the Master was controlling her. And, about a minute later, she's got black eyes and is bashing the Doctor with the neutron ram.

Fridge Horror

General Classic Doctor Who Fridge Horror

First Doctor Era

  • Here's one from the very first story, "An Unearthly Child". The junkyard the Doctor and Susan are staying at is owned by I.M. Foreman, which is presumably why Susan goes by the name Foreman. Here's where the horror starts — Susan doesn't seem to have realised that she is posing as I.M. Foreman's granddaughter and has dragged this poor junkyard merchant into her life. But this is the reason why it's so awful: one night Susan, along with two of her teachers, disappear from their lives, having last been seen at the junkyard. Which means I.M. Foreman has the disappearance of these three people, one of whom claims to be his granddaughter, placed at his doorstep. It can't have ended well for I.M. Foreman — every time the Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara have fun on their travels, spare a thought for this man that they all threw under a bus when they left.
    • Not necessarily; just because some weird kid committed indirect identity-theft by posing as I.M. Foreman's granddaughter doesn't mean the person (who might not even be male!) who has that name will be blamed for murdering her or whatever. The only thing Foreman could be considered "guilty" of would be of posting his/her name on a sign where said weird kid could see it.
  • Barbara's lucky she never faced the Megara. If they were to learn about the incident in Tenochtitlán, where Barbara impersonated Yetaxa...
  • Leaving Susan:
    • The Doctor dropped his teenage granddaughter in a war zone with the first man she fell for and never came back for her. Think about that for a moment. The question of would've happened if things didn't work out with David is only the tip of the iceberg for how horrible this seems if you really stop and think about it for more than two seconds.
    • That's not even close to the worst part of that scenario. Susan is a Time Lady, who as we all know have thirteen lives. The eleventh doctor lived for about 1200 years before that incarnation died of old age, so using basic mathematics (13 x 1200) a Time Lord life-span could last up to 15 THOUSAND YEARS or more. What is Susan going to do when David dies? She'll probably still be in her first body. If the doctor wanted her to live a stable life, leaving her on Earth, where the local intelligent life can't live far past 100 years is quite possibly the worst thing he could have done.
    • That's assuming 1200 years is normal for an incarnation. That seems to be on the high side, especially considering none of his other incarnations (with the possible exception of the first) probably lived for more than a few hundred years.
    • He's the only one who dies of old age. And if you're going to bring up one and war, one had a huge energy drain, and we don't know how long the Time War lasted. And it's pretty obvious that he doesn't know how old he is in new who. The rest were killed.
    • There's also nothing saying she has to stay on Earth after David dies. Assuming he dies of old age, by the late 22nd/early 23rd century, humanity will have begun spreading out to the stars. She could easily head off Earth and start wandering like her grandfather. Or stay and look after her descendants.
  • "The Rescue": Just why did Bennett keep Vicki alive and go through his over-complicated masquerade as Koquillion? Fanon has some Squicky answers.
  • The Meddling Monk's plan to alter English history would have created HUGE ripples. It is even doubtful that Vicki would have existed — and she's Cressida. Furthermore, genetic analysis has revealed that the Anglo-Saxons actually assimilated the Celts and Romans of Britain into their culture, so some of these villagers might be descended from Vicki. Ware Reapers.
    • From the same story, we learn that the Monk did a Compound-Interest Time Travel Gambit that goes right through the time of the Second Dalek Conquest of Earth, implying that a later change to the timeline brought it about!
      • Or that the banking system infrastructure survived the invasion—if it was all electronic by that point, possibly they could just reboot some old computers after the Daleks are gone.
  • In "The Tenth Planet", the Cybermen state that the reason they started replacing their body parts with machinery was that their lifespans were getting shorter with each generation. They also said that they were "exactly like [us]" once. That could mean that, at some time in the future, human beings' lifespans will start getting shorter as well, from whatever caused the phenomenon in the Cybermen, and we could go down the same path as them!
    • Wibbly wobbly timey wimey - it was actually the rise in bionic limbs and first theoretical explorations into artificial replacement organs at inspired Kit Pedler - how much could you replace before the human was lost?

Second Doctor Era

  • In "The End of Time", the Tenth Doctor sums up regeneration as the old incarnation "dying" and a new one being born. Meaning that when the Second Doctor was forced to regenerate by the Time Lords back in "The War Games", it was basically them executing that particular incarnation.

Third Doctor Era

  • In "Terror of the Autons", the Master plans to use living plastic to take over the Earth. Although plastic bottles weren't common yet in that era, plastic cups were common, esp. as sippy cups and baby bottles! Crosses with Fridge Brilliance when you realize that attacking Earth by killing children was his plan all along, as he did take over a ''toy factory"! (And Nightmare Fuel for any kids watching the episode!) Crosses over into Nightmare Fuel sort when you remember the Master talking about "450,000 people" dying as a result of his plans.
  • In "The Time Monster", Stu retains his 25 year-old consciousness when he gets superaged into an Octogenerian. Which means that Sgt. Benton also retains his adult consciousness when he gets de-aged into a baby! No wonder he won't eat the marmalade sandwiches mashed up in cold tea.

Fourth Doctor Era

  • It has been stated many times that the Doctor's interference in "Genesis of the Daleks" started the Time War. But when you think about it, the Doctor is not only to blame for the Time War itself, but also for every other appearance of Daleks not set on Skaro. Remember, before meeting him, the Kaleds believed Skaro to be the only inhabited planet in the universe.
  • "Pyramids of Mars":
    • Throughout the episode, the Doctor makes it absolutely clear that Sutekh is dangerous and must be destroyed at all costs. We only get to see glimpses of what he has done from the ravaged 1980s Earth, the things he makes people do and what the Doctor says, along with the things he makes Scarman do, and the only thing that could defeat him was the might of 740 Osirians, including Horus. Which begs the question: How dangerous is Sutekh at his full power? According to the Doctor, he can't defeat him and the Time Lords cannot defeat him either — which is coming from the race who later waged centuries of warfare against the Daleks! Furthermore, Sutekh would happily kill everything on the planet without a second thought — from reptiles to fish to humans — and he wouldn't stop there. He would wipe out every single existing thing in the universe — stars, planets, etc. He could annihilate the Daleks, crush the Ice Warriors, destroy the Sontarans, wipe out the Cybermen, burn the Autons, kill the Master, destroy Gallifrey, make the Silurians extinct and even take on the Great Intelligence (and very likely win.) And if he ever got his hands on a TARDIS, he could make companions or the Doctor himself no longer exist! Worst of all, he would not stop until the universe was completely empty.
    • Worse: given how his own people managed to stop him, Sutekh's powers aren't out of the ordinary for the Osirans, or at the very least they have a sizable fraction of his power. The Osirans, individually, have the power to give incredibly powerful races like the Daleks and Time Lords a hard time... at least. It's a damn mercy that Sutekh is the exception rather than the rule, since united the Osirians would kerb-stomp EVERYONE.
    • Which begs the question: If Horus and his fellow non-evil Osirans successfully locked Sutekh away and left him there, and Sutekh is the "Last Osirian" when the Fourth Doctor encounters him, then what was powerful enough to kill all the others...?
    • Maybe they all just died out naturally?
    • According to Tardis Wiki, they moved to another dimension.
  • The Zygons' plan to alter the Earth would have caused the Krynoid pods to germinate with Thete not knowing about it until far too late. And it's the same author — and director — for both stories.

Fifth Doctor Era

  • At the end of "The Visitation", the Doctor and his companions stop to toss all the boxes on the Terileptils' wagon into the Pudding Lane fire, to get rid of their dangerous contents. Said contents are live rats: animals which, while they had to be eliminated to avert the Terileptils' unstoppable plague, had never asked to be used as vectors and hardly deserved to be burned alive as a method of disposal.
  • In "The Caves of Androzani", the Spectrox Toxemia knocks out Peri when she enters the 'slow paralysis of of the nerves' stage. It doesn't knock out the Doctor at all. Ok, he's weak and on the floor when he 'dies' but he's awake. Now, we could logically extend this to a lot of other diseases/poisons. Spectrox toxemia weakens and kills you, but it's never actually stated that it causes you a great deal of pain (other than cramps.) What does the Doctor experience with all the poisons which causes you more pain than just cramps? Is he awake for the whole time?

Seventh Doctor Era

  • "Remembrance of the Daleks":
    • The little girl who was hooked up to the Dalek battle computer. There is no way that was good for her sanity. There's also the concerns of your child either going missing entirely for a matter of days or weeks, or else returning home every day and suddenly acting in an incredibly cold, robotic manner. That's assuming the Daleks didn't just murder her family outright, that is...
    • Even more Fridge Horror from that same serial — both factions of Daleks have been in the area for quite some time — how many people were made slaves to the Daleks, like the little girl and the teacher from the school? How many people were simply killed outright because they were unlucky enough to cross paths with a Dalek? Also? The area wasn't evacuated until AFTER the first skirmish in the serial, and there are people standing around looking at the commotion when the dead soldiers are discovered. How many civilians got killed when the Daleks started throwing around energy beams? One of the onlookers is a woman with a baby!
      • Although in the example of the first skirmish where the Dalek is revealed, most of these onlookers are moved well out of the way of danger by police and soldiers before the shooting starts, so chances are they're okay at least.
    • Even worse still — if the Dalek factions had been in the area for some time, waging war on each other, then they were there when the First Doctor left with Susan, Ian, and Barbara in tow way back in "An Unearthly Child". Perhaps the First Doctor was watching their civil war and about to intervene, but got sidetracked by the two teachers intruding into his TARDIS, and completely forgot to go back and take care of the situation... for 6 regenerations. Of course, when he first left the junkyard he hadn't learned to become a hero yet either, so maybe the First Doctor wasn't bothered by the Dalek civil war, just... curious.
      • It's pretty clear that "The Daleks" was the first time the Doctor encountered the Daleks. He certainly started off callous, but not to the point of standing by while a Dalek civil war took place on his adopted planet of residence. It is his fault that the Daleks came to Earth to get the Hand, however. Notably, he mentions more than once that the civil war caught him offguard—he seemed to have been expecting one faction of Daleks to simply come in, grab the Hand, and go.

The TV Movie

  • Here's one from the Doctor Who movie ("The Enemy Within"): remember how the Seventh Doctor was begging Grace not to operate? Remember how he "woke up" during surgery? Well, because they have two hearts, Time Lords also have a respiratory bypass system; in other words, any anaesthetic you give them isn't going to last very long — and neither are any painkillers...
    • Even under the best of circumstances, heart surgery after being shot is going to require massive amounts of transfused blood. Transfused human blood. Which would explain the very delayed and glitchy regeneration into Eight, but also why he was at peace with dying entirely at the end of that life, and why major intervention was required to regenerate him into War.
    • The above leads to possible Fridge Brilliance. Why does the Doctor claim he's half-human? Why does the TARDIS seem to confirm this? Because he's still got human DNA swimming around in his system due to blood transfusions and his regeneration — and link to the TARDIS — is still glitching up in an attempt to cope with it.
      • Except that he didn't just claim to be half-human, but half-human on his mother's side. That can't be explained away by a botched blood transfusion. His human heritage is only admitted surreptitiously to someone who wouldn't believe him, and while in the throes of a new body with a much more open personality than the previous one- he was revelling in telling people about his past, a past that he must have suddenly realized wasn't really secret for any good reason. He still knew not to tell anyone who'd actually believe him about his human mother though. In light of "Hell Bent", his secrecy makes a lot more sense — the Doctor is a Half-Human Hybrid, but it's his ultimate secret. Fewer people know he's half human than know his real name! Presumably, the reason why he's kept it so secret all this time has something to do with all those prophecies.
      • Or he was just giving a distraction to Prof. Webber.
