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Fridge / Disney Emoji Blitz

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Fridge Brilliance

For a match-three game with Disney coating, these emojis are deeper characters than you think.

  • A Hercules-themed Survival Event uses Hydras as the item you must clear. You know, the monster whose heads grow back when you chop one off.
  • Why is Merryweather a Diamond emoji while Flora and Fauna are normal Gold? Because it was her magic that saved Aurora's life.
  • When a round is finished with the emoji's power bar full, the emoji creates two lightning clouds—the same thing Level 1 Mickey has as his power. This means every Emoji—new and old, good and evil—has a bit of Mickey in them.
  • Pacha may be a surprise character, considering he isn't exactly the most remembered, but notice his power: he swings from a vine to rescue Kuzco. Now, what vine swinging hero conspicuously isn't in the game?
  • Nick Wilde's power: instant matching. Frustrating sometimes (like when it messes up a power-up combo you're going for), but helpful at others (like when it sets your plan up for you.) Much like the fox himself, don't you think?
