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Fridge Brilliance

  • Even though there is no real killer... outside of Greg (and Max, who was never a realistic culprit), everyone accused of being 'the' murderer actually does end up killing someone over the course of the night. David kills himself, Bee kills Greg and Jordan, Jordan kills Alice, and Sophie is responsible for Emma's death (though how directly is debatable).
  • Greg’s early line, “there’s no defense like offense”, seems innocuous at first, especially since Greg seems to have just said it to sound smarter than he is, but its a rather succinct description of virtually every character’s method for “defending” themselves; rather than take accountability, they opt to blame and dog pile on different people to absolve themselves of any wrongdoing. This is also the same reasoning Bee uses to justify her murders. She “defends” Sophie by being “offensive” in her approaches to Greg and Jordan. “There’s no defense like offense”, indeed.

Fridge Horror

  • The film ends in a huge mess for the survivors to clean up. Not only is Sophie freshly back into drugs after rehab, but she and Bee will have to explain the absolutely stupid and convoluted story behind why everyone is dead, which will involve the two being implicated in murder in some way (Emma’s death for Sophie, and Greg and Jordan’s deaths for Bee), and that’s even if the police actually believe that the two didn’t just kill everybody there. This party not only got five people killed, but actually ruined the lives of the two people who were (debatably) the least dysfunctional.
  • Any further romance between the girls is basically dead in the water. Sophie is implied to have cheated on Bee with Jordan, and Bee's Unreliable Narrator status in telling Sophie about her life has killed basically any trust either girl had in the other. And they'll likely be forced to endure each other until the entire situation gets dealt with legally, which could take a long time.
  • Max walks in on the aftermath of the party he ditched and finds nearly all of his friends dead. When Sophie and Bee explain what happened to him, how guilty will he feel about his (albeit, unintentional) part in the dysfunction that led to everyone killing each other?
