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Fridge / A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!

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  • Fridge Horror: Magnate wishes up a bottomless ball pit to throw people into. Meaning that Crocker and that random Mook would've been falling forever until they died if the wish hadn't been canceled.
    • Magnate's remark about people like Tootie moving when he tries to tear what they're protecting down...most of the time, implies he's actually gone through with it when they haven't moved...
      • While it's still Fridge Horror, this troper saw it a slightly different way. The way he said the line made it seem like he was surprised that Tootie was refusing to move. However, it still seemed like he would've had no problem going through with it...
    • Vicky's babysitting service has become a full-blown daycare center and she forces the little kids in her care to wear prison jumpsuits. Given what Vicky is like, one can only imagine how much torture she puts those poor kids through...
    • As mentioned on the YMMV section, Timmy's school might have actually been ok with him, as a growing teenager and then as an adult, sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with prepubescent boys unless there were measures put in place.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Why did Vicky stay home while her sister and presumably her parents were travelling the world? Because they were going around helping people and Vicky would sooner jump head first into a bucket of nails before she does that.
    • Also it's likely she would've been legally an adult by then and must've either moved, was in college, or both. She could've also emancipated herself and her parents would've been happy to oblige.
    • Another particularly good example, as cited by Laser-Guided Karma: Besides wanting to keep his faries, Timmy staying at his parents' house even long after growing into an adult could very well be his form of payback for his parents being not only rather infamously being completely unattentive and non-caring through the show's run/his childhood (except only when it was convenient for them- such as, say, after being embarrased by the Bad Parent Hunter in "Nega Timmy"); it's to the point that his parents outright admitted they considered him a burden rather than a son. They were undoubtedly waiting for the day he'd move out- but by this point, Timmy made sure they focused on him more than they ever had.
