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Film / The Jurassic Dead

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The Jurassic Dead (Original Title: Z/Rex: The Jurassic Dead) is an Undead Dinosaur Horror Movie by Milko Davis and co-director Matthew Martwick.

Dr. Wojick Borge (Cooper Elliot) is a scientist working on a chemical that's capable of resurrecting the dead, the intent being to allow humanity to be able to live free of the fear of the inevitable. However, when he actually demonstrates his chemical to a class of students, it gets him fired from the college he worked at. He leaves in a rage, and is hit by a car... which he survives.

Some time later, a team of commandos and a van full of teenagers are driving through the desert, when a meteor strike releases an EMP blast that causes all their electronics to die. The two groups then proceed on foot and find a bunker located in the middle of the desert. The commandos were headed for the bunker, because it's where Dr. Borge is working on a sinister plan. The teenagers head there to find shelter from the desert. Now, all of them need to work together to survive against Dr. Wojick's undead Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The film was released on June 26th, 2017.

The Jurassic Dead contains examples of:

  • Bald of Evil: Dr. Borge, especially after his transformation.
  • Dark Lord on Life Support: Dr. Borge started needing an oxygen tank sometime between being hit by a car, and having his bunker invaded by teenagers and commandos.
  • Downer Ending: North American society has been heavily crippled by the EMP blast generated by the asteroid strike, and the surviving members of the main cast are all intelligent zombies. Plus, Dr. Borge mentioned part of his plan is to release more zombie dinosaurs in other cities.
  • Dwindling Party: The main cast gets killed and zombified over the course of the movie until only three survivors remain. And even then, the remaining three become intelligent zombies anyway.
  • EMP: One caused by an asteroid impact knocks out all power in North America, including the cars that the teenagers and the commandos were in. Dr. Borge states that all power in North America will be out for months as a result of the pulse.
  • Evil Cripple: Dr. Wojick is revealed to have become one, likely as a result of being hit by a car.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Dr. Borge's voice sounds much deeper in the bunker than his normal voice does.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: One of the signs of zombification is glowing green eyes.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Dr. Wojick Borge is killed by the undead dinosaur he created.
  • In the Hood: Dr. Borge starts wearing a hoodie when in the bunker.
  • Monochromatic Eyes: The undead T-Rex has solid white eyes.
  • Raising the Steaks: The zombie dinosaur, obviously. However, at the beginning, Dr. Borge demonstrates his resurrection formula by resurrecting a cat.
  • Undeathly Pallor: Gunnar's skin turns a noticeable shade of green when he turns, while most of the rest of the cast gain grey skin upon zombifying.
  • Zombie Infectee: Duque gets scratched on his arm by the dinosaur somehow, and hides it from his team. He eventually turns, naturally.
