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Film / It's All Good

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It's All Good is a metacomedic project by the online sketch comedians of FND Films. The project was originally put up on Kickstarter as the team's first feature-length film, and earned roughly $75,000 USD. However, the team became oddly silent once the campaign closed, and did not reach out to their backers with news of project cancellation and absolutely no refunds until the community had time to build up its ire.

...But then, to everyone's surprise, they released a feature-length movie soon after. And it was about a bunch of comedians who earned roughly $75,000 USD through a crowdfunding scam and then had to deal with an irate community. Parts of the film were even clips of reactions their actual backers had.

Released in October 2016, the movie currently scores generally well, with a 7.1 on the Internet Movie Database.


  • As Himself: The main trio of FND Films (Vince DeGaetano, Cooper Johnson, and Aaron Fronk) play main characters Vinny, Cooper, and Aaron.
  • Con Man: The protagonists of the film spend the money they raise on luxuries instead of providing the material they promised.
  • Meta Fiction: The FND team set up a fake scam in order to get material for their in-story scam.
  • Work Off the Debt: What Vinny and the others are forced to do by their scammed investors.
