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Film / Horror In The High Desert

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Horror in the High Desert is a 2021 American Mockumentary/Found Footage movie directed by Dutch Marich.

The movie plays as a documentary work in which the disappearance of a hiker named Gary Hinge in the High Desert region of Nevada is investigated, leading to discoveries about his life and culminating in a mystery to be solved about the isolated cabin he tried to reach.

The movie later received various sequels:

  • Horror in the High Desert 2: Minerva: Following the investigation of Gary's disappearance, this new documentary investigates the disappearance of a woman and the death of another in the same stretch of a remote road, and how it could be connected to Gary's disappearance.
  • Horror in the High Desert 3: Firewatch: After the first documentary grows popular, people start trying to look for the mysterious cabin presented at the end and where Gary presumably died.


  • Found Footage: While most of the movies play as a mockumentary, it includes scenes played out as found footage horror, especially in regards to whatever is on the desert.
