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Film / Going Greek

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A 2001 American comedy directed by Justin Zackham that has a loner student (Dylan Bruno) being forced to join a wild fraternity on campus.

The movie also stars Laura Harris, Simon Rex, Dublin James, Chris Owen, Steve Monroe, Oliver Hudson, and Corey Pearson.

Tropes for the film:

  • Alliterative Title: Going Greek.
  • Girlfriend in Canada: Gil claims not only a foreign traveling girlfriend but that she travels because she is a model. He is not believed, even by his cousin and all his frat buddies assume that he simply is an Armored Closet Gay. The final frat party reveals that he is not only telling the truth but that she is so devoted she got a "Property of Gil" tattoo on her neck.
  • Tagline: "Sometimes the best memories can be hard to remember".
