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Film / Frankenstein The College Years

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A 1991 Made-for-TV Movie Sci-Fi Comedy directed by Tom Shadyac has a student (William Ragsdale) inheriting a key from his late professor (Robert V Barron), which leads him and his friend (Christopher Daniel Barnes) to find the body of Frankenstein (Vincent Hammond).

The movie also stars Larry Miller, Andrea Elson, Devoreaux White, Patrick Richwood, Macon McCalma, and Beau Dremann.

It aired on October 28, 1991.

Tropes for the film:

  • Accidental Athlete: The recently revived Frank is wandering near the football field when the ball lands near him. The throw he makes while trying to return it is so awesome that the football coach immediately recruits him.
  • Fate of the Frankensteins: College Professor Dr. Lipzigger has somehow got his hands on both the baron's experiment and book documenting it. He dies before he can do much with it, bequeathing his research to his two best students who promptly reanimate the subject and attempt to pass him off as a normal student, "Frank N. Stein".
  • Only the Knowledgable May Pass: Dr. Lipzigger's computer security demands, in addition to a keycard he bequeathed to Mark and Jay, the answers to the two questions: One about chemistry, the other about Star Trek. It was meant so that only the protagonists may unlock it, together.
  • Unexpected Inheritance: The movie begins with Lipzigger dying, and his two best students learning he left something for them.
