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Film / Battle Beneath The Earth

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A 1967 British Sci-Fi Thriller directed by Montgomery Tully that has a rogue faction of the Chinese army lead by a fanatical General (Martin Benson) digging a tunnel to the US.

The movie also stars Kerwin Mathews, Robert Ayres, Peter Arne, Al Mulock, Earl Cameron, John Brandon, and Ed Bishop.

It was released in October 1967.

Tropes for the film:

  • Digging to China: The Chinese tunnel to America to plant nuclear bombs. It's not intentionally funny.
  • Drill Tank: Important to the plot is the usage of laser drill vehicles by both the rogue Chinese general and his army and the Americans to burrow underground and plant nuclear weapons on strategic locations that will destroy the United States (and the fight to stop said placing). While the Americans' laser drill is a prototype that craps out real quick, the Chinese drill is a perfect example of this trope, heavily armored and capable of using said lasers to insta-kill people.
  • Majored in Western Hypocrisy: Dr. Kengh Lee of the Chinese insurgents studied in Western universities, and is kind enough to compliment them. Then he returns to work on destroying the United States with atom bombs.
  • Tagline: "The greatest adventure on under it!".
  • Yellow Peril: The Chinese military is tunneling under the Pacific so they can plant atomic bombs under US cities. A slight amount of subtelty was added to this by making the Big Bad a renegade general who'd already set up nukes under Beijing.
