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Film / Another Me

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Another Me is a 2013 film by Isabel Coixet, based off a novel by Catherine MacPhail.

It stars Sophie Turner as Fay, a teenage girl whose life is suddenly turned upside down as her father (Rhys Ifans) is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and she discovers that her mother is having an affair. When classmates tell her that she has been in place where she has not, Fay becomes convinced she is being stalked by an identical twin.

Tropes that appear in this film:

  • Alpha Bitch: Monica starts as the school queen bee and is replaced by Lila in Fay's body.
  • Always Identical Twins: Fay's twin Lila looks exactly like her, enough so that everyone mistakes them for each other. However, here it's a bit different as Lila is a ghost.
  • And I Must Scream: Fay's fate. Her soul is trapped inside a mirror while her dead twin takes over her body.
  • Cassandra Truth: No one will believe Fay that she's got a twin who's impersonating her, since everybody believed (including her) that she was an only child before. Her dad is the only exception.
  • Casting Gag: Like Fay, Sophie Turner had a twin who died in utero.
  • Distinctive Appearances: Fay is noted for her long and beautiful red hair.
  • Downer Ending: Lila takes over Fay's body, and Fay's soul is stuck in a mirror.
  • Driven by Envy: Monica is jealous of Fay's beauty and her getting the lead role in the play.
  • Evil Twin: Lila, Fay's dead twin, who wants revenge for their dad letting her die and has come back intent on seizing control over Fay's life.
  • Extreme Doormat: Fay is a shy doormat for much of the film, but gradually becomes more outspoken.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Fay loses her body to Lila and her soul is trapped.
  • Grand Theft Me: The ending, as Lila takes Fay's body, leaving Fay's soul trapped in a mirror.
  • I Just Want to Be You:
    • Lila with Fay, quite literally. Her desire is to assume Fay's life and identity, plus take over her body.
    • Monica dyes her hair to look like Fay.
  • Important Haircut: Fay cuts her hair short to make herself different from the twin.
  • I See Dead People: Fay and her dad turn out to be seeing Fay's dead twin Lila, who's come back intent upon revenge against them.
  • Killed Offscreen: Fay's father falls to his death offscreen in an elevator.
  • Modesty Bedsheet: Averted. After having sex with Drew, Fay and he both lie with the cover up over their chests.
  • Obliviously Beautiful: Fay is afraid to talk to Drew even though she is the most beautiful girl in the school.
  • Red Right Hand: Fay cuts one of her hands to differentiate herself from the twin. When Lila takes over Fay's body at the end of the film, the scar is gone.
  • Sexy Discretion Shot: Fay and Drew are seen kissing, undressing, then moving onto the bed. Then the scene cuts to them in bed together later.
  • Twin Switch: In a creepy example, Fay's twin Lila starts taking her place, with no one except her aware of it until later (they don't believe this either, as she's not known to have an identical sister).
