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Film / A Madea Homecoming

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Madea returns to Netflix!
A Madea Homecoming is a 2022 American comedy film written, directed, and produced by Tyler Perry.


  • Tyler Perry
    • Madea Simmons: the titular matriarch of the franchise
    • Joe Simmons: Madea's ornery older brother
  • Gabrielle Dennis as Laura
  • Brandon Black as Tim: the expectant graduate, Laura's son, Cora's grandson, and Madea's great-grandson
  • Isha Blaaker as Davi: Tim's best friend and classmate
  • Tamela Mann as Cora Simmons: Madea's daughter, Laura's mother, and Tim's grandmother
  • David Mann as Mr. Brown
  • Brendan O'Carroll as Agnes Brown: Davi's great-aunt

Tropes seen in A Madea Homecoming:

  • Cop Hater: Joe is the most prominent one although Madea, fitting given her history, displays shades of this as well.
  • Disappeared Dad / Missing Mom: Davi's parents died when he was a little boy.
  • Everybody Knew Already: Tim gets hit with this after he comes out to his family. Apparently, everyone had known since he was a little boy.
  • Incest-ant Admirer: Joe makes Laura is quite understandably squicked.
  • Likes Older Women: Davi does.
  • Minority Police Officer: Ellie. This causes a small conflict between her and Uncle Joe.
  • The Reveal: During Tim's graduation celebration, Davi reveals that he and Laura have been seeing each other.
  • Ruder and Cruder: Being the first R-rated (or TV-MA) entry in the series, this installment has more profanity and vulgarity than any of the past films. Madea even drops the F-bomb in the opening scene.
  • Separated by a Common Language: Madea's family have issues understanding Davi's aunts' Irish accents and dialect.
  • Shout-Out: Madea can be channeling BeyoncĂ© and her 2019 concert film, Homecoming.
