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Ecruteak City


Ecruteak has a long history, being one of, if not the oldest city in Johto. Started over 500 years ago, this city was both the religious focal point and the capital of the Johto region in the past. It was the capital until almost 200 years ago. Even after the capital moved, this town was the cultural center of the region, holding the Brass and Bell Towers, which were places of Worship for Lugia and Ho-oh and their respective servants. Since then, the center of the city has stayed with its traditional look, while the urbanization has spread mostly northward, requiring people to commute past the towers from home to work.


Ecruteak is located in the far north of Johto, creating a line of routes and cities that include Mahogany and Blackthorn, where the only further north point of interest commonly listed on maps is the Lake of Rage. As with Violet City, Ecruteak is a major transport hub, due to it being the city that connects the southern half of Johto to the northern half. Many trainers remember this town due to this, as it not only has a gym itself, but must be passed through multiple times to go to every gym in the region.

Although thinned to allow for expansion, the city is surrounded by forests, with the forests around Bellchime Trail orange-leafed as though perpetually in autumn. Father north and to the east of the city is the Johto Mountain Range, which includes Mt. Mortar and Mt. Silver.


Ecruteak is mostly tourism-based, with only one company being headquartered in its borders, while other companies have area branches in the northern areas. Ecruteak, due to its traditional slant, is popular with tourists who want to see ‘untouched’ culture. Popular tourist spots are Burned Tower (No Entry without Trainer’s License), Bell Tower (No Entry without several requirements unless local), the Kimono Dance Theater, and the Ecruteak Gym.

Points of Interest

Burned Tower

Formerly known as the Brass Tower, this tower was believed to be a favored Roost for the Legendary Lugia. Evidence of this is hazy, but it was believed that not only would Lugia appear, but also the Kanto Bird Trio, which are often believed to be under Lugia. All of this was stored in the tower, but the tower burnt down 150 years ago. A bolt of lightning struck the tower, igniting it and killing the monks on the upper floors, and destroying most of the scripture within. Nowadays, it is too unsafe to enter without proper training or Pokémon to assist. Pokémon are also recommended, as wild Pokémon are inhabiting the tower now.

Bellchime Trail/Bell Tower

A path surrounded by orange-leafed trees that leads to the Bell Tower. It is opened to locals on the first two levels to do worship and prayer. The rest of the floors are restricted to only the monks and few others. For non-locals to enter, they must gain the Fog Badge from Morty, customary battles with the Kimono Girls (please do not challenge during shows), and finally, trials worked by the head monks, Ken Gaku, Shuu Masa, and Raoh Suji. Only one trainer was allowed to go up onto the higher floors with other monks without becoming one, as they had the Clear Bell. Upper floors have scripture storage and monk living quarters, and, according to the previously mentioned trainer, an altar at the top. This tower was connected to the Legendary Bird Ho-oh, as well as the Legendary Beasts. Ho-oh is known to roost here, although it wasn’t seen for 150 years since the Brass Tower burned. It returned to the altar on the top when a Clear Bell was brought by the trainer. Some say they saw Suicune there fighting a trainer before the capture of Ho-oh.

Kimono Dance Theater

A great tourist attraction. Though called a theater, it also contains a restaurant and bar for people to eat as they watch the show. The shows happens 4 times a day starting at noon. The show takes about 30 minutes and has an hour and a half between each show. During this time, you may challenge them for the Bell Tower requirements.

Ecruteak Gym

The twelfth official Gym of the Kanto-Johto League. It is run by Morty ***, who focuses on Ghost-type Pokémon. His gym has a pitch black floor, with all but a certain path enchanted to send them back to the wooden floor at the front. This and the Ghost Pokémon are reasons why the gym is necessary to enter Bell Tower, as it helps hone the mind and raise their resistance to the Ghastly that live in the upper levels of Bell Tower.

Hanafuda Gaming

A place for non-trainers, this is the biggest gaming company in Johto and Kanto. It started as a card game company and is now in video games – It makes the simulators used to teach young trainers proper Pokémon rules. Its lower floors are able to be toured, with a gift shop and a small museum. It’s a popular stop for tourists with young children.

Ecruteak Lake

A somewhat small lake that lies in the northeast of the town, just south of Bell Tower. There is a natural fountain in the center that pumps out mineral water. It has Magikarp and Poliwag inside, and is known to be a nice relaxation area.

Tips for Trainers

Other than the gym, the only place specifically for trainers is the Burned Tower. Many trainers gather there to battle, train, or capture Pokémon. There is little to do outside of that, although some monks are willing to do Pokémon battles outside Bell Tower.

It is good to scope out inns or get to know innkeepers in Ecruteak, as a trainer challenging gyms will need to pass through multiple times. This way, you can save some money.

Native Pokémon

In Burned Tower

In Bell Tower

In Ecruteak Lake

In Trees

In Popular Culture

Ecruteak is not often seen in modern-set media, as its traditional look clashes with most towns. A story about a former assassin samurai took partially took place in Ecruteak, but other than that, it only appeared the training simulators set in Johto.

Connecting Routes

Route 37

The route to the direct south of Ecruteak. It is a grassy path surrounded by the forest, and as such, holds a variety of forest Pokémon. There are three Apricorn trees in the east of the route, and multiple trainers. Occasionally, the Kimono Girls will walk through the route.


Route 38

An almost labyrinthine route due to its tree growth. There is an Apricorn tree in the center of the route, and three paths – the lower path goes down and up into tall grass, the middle path goes up through some grass and then merges with the lower path, and the higher path circumvents grass, but some trainers like to hang out there. This route ends right at the Miltank farm north of Olivine. Coming from Olivine, you can cut down a ledge and circumvent most grass and trainers.


Route 42

The route directly connecting Ecruteak and Mahogany. This route is interrupted by two lakes and Mt. Mortar. If you cannot ride on a Pokemon through the water due to lack of Fog Badge, then you will have to traverse through Mt. Mortar. This is simple, as the path to the other side is relatively unobstructed. Between the two lakes are three Apricorn trees, as well as a third entrance into Mt. Mortar. There are no trainers that spend time on the Ecruteak side, but the Mahogany side has fishers who claim the lake is great for fish.


In Grass

In Water

-This article was written by Sam Leonhart. Grammar fixes are welcome, but notify me with ideas on content changes.-
