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Fanfic Recs / Dawn of War

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''The Kauravan Stalemate'' by Clammoth

  • Recommended by Arcsquad12
  • Status: Dead
  • Synopsis: During the battle for Kaurava, Vance Stubbs comes across a copy of Dawn of War: Soulstorm, a game that is an exact replica of the surrounding warzone. The faction leaders agree to a stalemate while they work out their differences through the game.
  • Review: A very funny read, with lots of meta humor. Arguments about tactics and strategies mix in well with the light-hearted nature of the story.
    • Thragg Lootrippa: And it hasn't been updated since 2011, so enjoy the small slice of clever humor that's available.

''Indrick Boreale destroys Kaurava'' by Rarend the Black

Nothing But a List of Names to Mark His Ascension by darkeldar

  • Recommended by piattish
  • Status: Dead; last updated July 2019
  • Synopsis: An epic retelling of the entire Dawn of War 2 series, clocking in at nearly 500k words, told from a dozen separate viewpoints - Eliphas, Force Commander Aramus, Kryras, Captain Gabriel, the Eldar, Sargent Merrik, and various other Blood Ravens, primarily a pair of initiates in the first chapter, Lyon and Augustine, whom the fic follows throughout their careers and the course of the games.
  • Review: Not just a great Dawn of War fanfiction, but one of the best 40K stories out there. Excellent fight scenes. And if you liked the look into how a company of space marines fights and lives together that Do W gives you, List of Names will scratch that itch.

Eliphas, Araghast, Carron and Crull play Slender by Eliphas
