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Fanfic / The Saga of the Last Two Saiyans

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The Saga of the Last Two Saiyans is a Dragon Ball fanfiction written by Baby_Buu. It can be read on Archive of Our Own here.

In this Flash Forward Fic, set some decades after Dragon Ball Super, Goku finds out that a misunderstanding from many years earlier has caused him to be accidentally soul-bonded to Vegeta. As a result, the two are forced to become Destroyer Gods together, while also having to fake a relationship to prevent their own destruction.

According to the author, this fic was inspired by Judgement Day (Dragon Ball).

The Saga Of The Last Two Saiyans provides examples of:

  • Accidental Marriage: Goku misunderstands the Grand Minister when asked if he and Vegeta "are bonded as one". He answers yes, as he thinks the Grand Minister is talking about fusion, which he and Vegeta had done before. Goku was actually being asked if he and Vegeta were soul-bonded, which causes the gods to believe the two are more-or-less married. They can't back out of this since the gods would likely destroy them for what they would see as an intentional lie.
  • The Ageless: When Goku and Vegeta become gods, they become immortal and stop aging. However, there are some ways that they can still be killed, such as being destroyed by another god.
  • Bigger on the Inside: Inside Whis' staff is a dimension where Goku goes to train for one hundred years, trying to get over his feelings for Vegeta.
  • Can't Live Without You: After Goku and Vegeta become soul-bonded, their lives become tied together. If one of them is killed, the other will be too.
  • De-aged in Death: Chi-Chi and Bulma, who both died of old age, are young again when Goku and Vegeta visit them in Heaven.
  • Drunken Glow: Vegeta's face becomes red as a result of drinking very strong alcohol given to him by Whis.
  • Everyone Can See It:
    • When Goku confesses to Whis about being in love with Vegeta, Whis tells him everyone (except Vegeta) already knows.
    • When Vegeta visits Bulma in Heaven, she tells him she always thought he had feelings for Goku and is unsurprised by his confession.
  • Flash Forward Fic: The fic is set several decades after the end of Dragon Ball Super. At the start of the story, both Chi-Chi and Bulma have recently passed away in old age. Goku and Vegeta are set to leave Earth to begin their training as immortal Destroyer Gods.
  • Kissing Under the Influence: Vegeta gets drunk on strong alcohol given to him by Whis to get him to relax. In his drunken state, he ends up kissing Goku, saying people already thought they kissed because of their fake marriage.
  • Hangover Sensitivity: Vegeta experiences this the morning after drinking very strong alcohol given to him by Whis. He feels nauseous when Goku talks about food and mentions never feeling this bad when hungover in the past.
  • Love Hurts:
    • Goku develops romantic feelings for Vegeta after Vegeta kisses him while drunk. He believes his feelings will never be returned and tries to bury them. Whis tries to help Goku get over Vegeta with mental training, but it doesn't work.
    • When Goku visits Chi-Chi in Heaven, she tells him it's sad that he and Vegeta will never get to find love again due to the soul-bond. This causes Goku to believe he's caused Vegeta eternal suffering.
    • Eventually Goku believes it would be better for him to permanently fuse with Vegeta. He thinks this would make Vegeta happy and make it so he wouldn't have to live with his unrequited feelings.
  • Romantic Fake–Real Turn: Goku and Vegeta start off pretending to be married to prevent themselves from being destroyed by the gods. Over time, the two start to realize they do have romantic feelings for each other.
  • Romantic Fusion: Shin suggests this to Goku as a possible way of releasing Vegeta from his and Goku's soul-bond without the gods finding out their relationship was fake. Goku could be absorbed by Vegeta and they would tell the gods they were so in love that they didn't want to be separate beings anymore.
  • Suicide for Others' Happiness: Goku believes Vegeta is miserable due to their accidental soul-bonding. He devises a plan to free Vegeta without the gods finding out their marriage is fake. Goku could be absorbed by Vegeta under the pretense that the two were so in love they didn't want to remain separate beings. When Vegeta is told this plan, he immediately refuses.
  • Teleportation: Like in canon, Goku has his Instant Transmission technique, which he often uses to quickly travel between the planet he lives on and Whis and Beerus' planet.
  • There Is Only One Bed: The palace Goku and Vegeta share on their personal planet only has one bed. The two are required to share it to keep up the ruse of being married.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: The morning after Vegeta got drunk and kissed Goku, he questions Goku on what happened the night before. He thinks he did something stupid, but Goku doesn't answer his questions in much detail and leaves out the fact that Vegeta kissed him.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: Time moves much faster in the dimension inside Whis' staff. One day outside is one hundred years inside.
