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Fanfic / Paperwork Drama And Shipgirls

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Many years have passed since the Siren War started; And along the way, Azur Lane has amassed the best Kansen to help them in their fight against these enigmatic beings.

So far, there was nothing; not even a mass produced drone. To make use of this spare time, the Commander chooses to finish his paperwork and juggle his Kansen with most of them all too happy to get into his pants.

Can be read here.

The original seems to be discontinued with a new revised version taken its place.

This fanfic contains the following tropes:

  • Arranged Marriage: The Commanders are put in political marriages in hopes to unify all the factions.
  • Flashback: Commander recounts to Gasgone about the time in Thanksgiving where Queen Elizabeth and Yuudachi attempted to take a bite out of the turkeys.
  • Happily Married: At the start, he was already in union with Prinz Eugen.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • The Commander immediately bolts it once Takao and Z23 discover about his affair with Tirpitz.
    • To his horror, he learns from Martin that he might have impregnated one of two Kansen.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Said by the Commander when he hears that they have to do an idol event once more.
